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Messages - Fidoskin

I will start travel pretty soon and i need to optimize my team. Can you guys help me please?
I use Raiden as point and Takuma as second character and ... I have no idea what character should i use as third ... i was played EX Iori and point and Raiden as anchor but i feel it`s not really good idea cuz Raiden can kill with 3 bars easy and have some bad matchups :\
Can you recomend me some chars? I was tryed to play Shen and Benimaru but i stop cuz Shen is dumb as fk and Beni is so hard for me :\ Im practice with Kim right now but may be you can recomend some options?
Raiden and Takuma dont need rly a lot of mether you know. 
Sorry if i chose a wrong thread :o
Meet & Greet / Hi!
March 07, 2013, 10:24:22 AM
Hi. I`m Russian KoF13 player. Im not new player, but plays pretty bad. I love Raiden :D
If you are from Eastern Europe and have no opponent - please add me in XBL  (Fidoskin) or PSN(ZhiEst05REGION).
I hope to learn a lot of new stuff with that webcite helps!
Thank you!