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Messages - ApocryphicV

Podcast / Re: Drive Cancel Radio Episode 7
May 10, 2012, 10:37:23 PM
Ahh the origin of Tokido's name comes to light. LMFAO I guess my name should be SAB because that's all I do with Clark.
Podcast / Re: Drive Cancel Radio Episode 7
May 09, 2012, 01:40:28 AM
Had a fun time contributing to this podcast. Thanks for having me on David Kong & Desmond.

Oh and to clarify, Actionhank from Cincy/Dayton got 5th at PowerUp. Dandy J got 4th.
Results / Re: PowerUp 2012 Results Thread
April 26, 2012, 01:33:18 AM
Thanks Desmond for posting up the link.

Hopefully Spooky with archive the top 5 from Power Up soon. There was some good matches, especially a nail bitter between BananaKen and Chris G.
Sibarraz: Power Up 2012 had a good turn out with 40 plus people. We ran two separate pools and the top 8 of both pools played in a top 16 bracket. Spooky only wanted to stream the top 5 for some reason but we were cool with that and it was still a good showing from everyone.

The videos that Desmond uploaded was from the 6 on 6 exhibition not from the actually tournament.

Desmond: Nice job posting it up man, I get to watch BALA's Joe combo all over again.
Results / Re: PowerUp 2012 Results Thread
April 19, 2012, 12:17:31 AM
I would like to add, thanks to everyone that made it out, especially all the KOF players. The competition was fierce and everyone brought their A game.

Due to a couple issues, we changed the 5 on 5 Power Up vs Dream Cancel exhibition to a 6 on 6 exhibition.
Representing Power Up was Dandy J, Avi, Sonicspear64, A-Visions (me), Actionhank and B.A.LA.
Representing Dream Cancel was Desmond, Banana Ken, Zerp, Greats, Mr. Two and Humbag.

It was very close but Power Up ended up winning 6-5. This exhibition was recorded by Lord Hollow and when he uploads the footage I'll edit this post with the link.

Big props to Desmond from DreamCancel, our match to determine the top 16 was one of my personal highlights of the whole weekend.

Shout outs to Shin Blanka whose Terry and Kyo was doing serious work. Great match man.

Shout outs to B.A.LA. who came through and wrecked shop on everyone he played. Probably the best Joe I have ever seen ever and the scariest Leona as well. Congrats on taking it man, you deserve it.

Had a good time and look forward to playing everyone at another upcoming tournament.

Results / PowerUp 2012 Results Thread
April 19, 2012, 12:06:07 AM
Copied and pasted from SRK thanks to Nathan Shields (organizer of PowerUp)

I would like to thank the following people for making PowerUp 2012 an overall success:

All of our guests
Art's Hobbies
Autumn Games
BossFight TV
Evan Mau
Jason of Modjunkiez
Jesse Baker
Kyle Wattula
Lion's Eye
Michelle from the Hampton Inn
neon geon
Pope Temmy
Ryan Otto
Sinow Beat
Sirlin Games
Sparklelord Jr.
The Relic
Tim Static

I'm sure I missed someone, but know that I truly appreciate everyone who volunteered time to making PowerUp 2012 successful!

Moving on to results, there was a misprint on the semi-finals brackets that showed Top 16 receiving EVO seed points when in actuality only Top 12 receive points. I apologize for any confusion and the Top 12 results listed below show who received EVO seed points.

EVO 2012 Seeding Points


1st) FC | NYChrisG
2nd) BT | Dieminion
3rd) OMG itz Andre
4th) Frankie G.
5th) TS | NerdJosh
5th) UVG | Noel Brown
7th) CORN alucarD
7th) DMG | MCZ Blacktastic
9th) Double A
9th) CORN Footwurk
9th) neon geon
9th) EMP | Santhrax


1st) EMP | Santhrax
2nd) MCZ | MRN Wolfkrone
3rd) BT | Dieminion
4th) TFA | RZR Banana Ken
5th) CORN alucarD
5th) FC | NYChrisG
7th) CoCo | PLAYING TO W1N
7th) EMP | KDZ
9th) CoCo | Brennan Karaba
9th) Wizzlecroff
9th) TFA | RZR Hornett
9th) TS | Sabin


1st) TFA | RZR Banana Ken
2nd) BT | Dieminion
3rd) FC | NYChrisG
4th) CoCo | Brennan Karaba
5th) IGL | BALA
5th) CORN alucarD
7th) Tyler J.
7th) TS | Sabin
9th) Mike Infinite
9th) TS | NerdJosh
9th) TS | MIN
9th) CORN Sethlolol


1st) IGL | BALA
2nd) FC | NYChrisG
3rd) TFA | RZR Banana Ken
4th) AL | Dandy J
5th) Actionhank
5th) James Jr.
7th) Shinblade
7th) NCV
9th) Greats
9th) GenesisDC
9th) AkumaZX
9th) Avi


1st) IKizzLE
2nd) FC | NYChrisG
3rd) Osu 16 Bit
4th) EMP | Tom Brady
5th) GGA | Dizzy
9th) GGA | Jeremiah
9th) GGA | soonk
9th) GGA | Wafflez


1st) Mick
2nd) EMP | KDZ
3rd) Mystic Bill
4th) CORN Devil Chipp
5th) Akazukinchacha
5th) CORN Adonis Tha God
7th) Rikuto
9th) Micah
9th) RyuJin
9th) Valei

Skullgirls, Vampire Savior, Super Turbo, Tekken 6


1st) Jetm
2nd) Zinac
3rd) TS | NerdJosh
4th) Thulius
5th) OMG itz Andre
5th) NCV
7th) Brandino
7th) Kajoq
9th) neon geon
9th) Steel
9th) skisonic
9th) Jayford


1st) VMP | Kyle Wattula
2nd) Kajoq
3rd) VMP | ailerus
4th) Mighty Mar
5th) VMP | Fleshpounder
5th) VMP | YetiGhettoSlang
7th) VMP | MiniMaww
7th) VMP | Actionhank
9th) VMP | Matthias
9th) VMP | Slayer
9th) RainbowDash
9th) VMP | Sluch


1st) cheezface immortal (now a Tournament of Legends seeded player)
2nd) RoyBisel

I would like to apologize for the following: power issues on Friday keeping us from streaming The King and Mortal Kombat: Survival, pool scheduling problems and schedule issues in general, the long wait as we waded through walk-in registration Saturday morning, and any bracket issues that occurred over the weekend. I do hope that the vast majority of our guests enjoyed themselves.
B.A.L.A will be at Power Up 2012. I think that's more then enough reason for people to attend or catch the stream.

I can testify from seeing him in action at our most recent ranbats, he lives up to his reputation and more.
Quote from: marchefelix on March 15, 2012, 09:20:12 PM

Want some good news? You don't need to know how to embed.

Just copypaste the Youtube link to your post and it will automatically embed :D

Dude, really? LOL. Now I know. Thanks.
Thanks Marchefelix. I was actually going to post it up here today but you beat me to it, also you know how to embed properly which is awesome.

Appreciate the props, I am gradually stepping up my combo video game.
1. LOL at the Shen death combo.

2. I'm so stealing that Raiden/Frieza custom.

3. That was one mighty impressive Ash combo video, I especially love the use of Thermidor (qcfx2 Punch DM) backwards carry.
Sup Dream cancel folks. I have been posting on here on and off since KOF XIII came out. Most people know me as Drago or Phil (DR4GO on SRK, ApocryphicV here and on Youtube).

I'll be one of the tournament organizers for KOF at Power Up 2012 and also team captain for Team: Power Up in the 5 on 5.

I'm just checking in to see what type of set-up would you guys at Dream cancel like for our 5 on 5 exhibition match.

I was talking it over with Dandy J and I was thinking of doing a 'character' showcase. Each member of each team chooses one character and is character locked for the exhibition. Player A of Power Up then plays Player A of Dream cancel and whoever loses will vacate the spot to Player B of their respective team and so on and so on till the other team is defeated.

All matches will be a best 2 out of 3.

If you guys are cool with this let me and Osirun know, unless you have another idea then I am open to suggestions.
Mr. Bakaboy: Yeah looks like it was first day jitters because I did go back on yesterday and it felt a lot better, not fantastic but a lot more playable. I'll keep at it at least till I get all the online achievements.
Downloaded the patch yesterday for Xbox and created a room where I'll only get 3 bars latency and up. Waited a bit for my first match, first match came up... 3 bars. Got really excited, started match and game felt like 1 bar. Half in the middle we lost connection. Shook head in dismay and exited online and went back to offline training mode.

I'm wired too. I do hope this wasn't the start of a trend.
I love how comprehensive SNK is. I for one was very surprised to see how you can throw during the early frames of a crumple stun and that Kula combo at the end was :-0
Thanks Saitsuofleaves. This was not really a practical combo video (I abuse too much meter and HD). I just wanted to showcase Ash's combo possibilities. I have only seen a couple combos videos for him and Saiki so I wanted to fill a void. I actually wrote a blog going over the in's and out's of this video if anyone is interested. It explains my choices in costumes all the way to the actual theme of the video.


Thanks for viewing the video and the feedback.