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Messages - uncleaner

Pages: [1]
Okay to be more exact, how many times do you specifically remember seeing things like the black screen, and changed sound effects?  That's the sort of thing I'm talking about. I'm guessing you had a dream about playing a strange version of sf2 a few times and those memories were completely mixed in with real over time. Your sister having different memories from you also points to this.

Also trying to remember dreams, or what might be dreams doesn't mean much since those are things your brain already knows are false. Dream memories are almost completely indistinguishable from reality, which is why thew screw with you so hard.

Anyway the alternative is that capcom and the nwo are putting chloride in the water supply to make everyone forget the real Street Fighter 2. I'd go with the memory thing.

I'm going with dreams mixing into reality too, it happened to me a lot when I was younger and having multiple vivid yet false memories is crazy to deal with, especially when they fade and your brains has to start filling in the gaps. One of mine was even about a 1991 arcade game that I remembered in complete detail and went nuts trying to find because it was so cool (I eventually played through most of MAME ffs) before realizing it most likely didn't exist. It's crazy because even when you know and tell yourself things don't exist, you never really believe it, you know?

Just wondering, how many times did you actually play these weird game versions?

Goro Daimon / Re: Goro Daimon Wiki Building Thread
« on: March 12, 2014, 06:36:57 AM »
Could someone add the qcb+B, dp+K = hcb+B, f+K shortcut under tips? Only thing I could see missing.

General Discussion / Re: Daigo grip and hop execution
« on: March 09, 2014, 01:37:27 AM »
Hey, didn't see your edit.

Around the first joint. Don't worry about it too much though, as long as you can flick to jump just do whatever's comfortable.

General Discussion / Re: Daigo grip and hop execution
« on: March 06, 2014, 02:29:36 AM »
If you're using the Daigo grip, try holding the stick more with your fingers instead of your palm, and then to hop or hyper hop just flick the stick between your fingers and thumb. With practice it'll feel really natural.

In other words bad:


SNK Games / Re: Metal Slug 3 on Steam
« on: February 05, 2014, 06:25:46 AM »
gimme code

e: thank you!

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