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Nakoruru / Re: Anti-Nakoruru Tech
September 01, 2016, 10:21:14 AM
In doing my notes for each character I've been looking at slide punishes (apart from GC-rolls) since I know some people will love to try the lazy pressure. Lots of these are known but it might be good to compile a text list once they're all known. These only include ones I didn't see in the other vids here.

After slide + followup, even at max range:

Terry gets either version of Buster Wolf.
Andy gets a free climax; if slightly short of maximum range, he gets C Zaneiken.
Maxima gets a free climax. EX Laser also works.
K' gets either version of Heat Drive. If in MAX, EX minute spike > narrow spike.
Mui Mui gets Climax or EX punch super. Regular kick super hits but gives bad damage and bad knockdown.
Ralf gets Galactica Phantom, EX misses a hit :(
Kensou gets EX fireball super or climax.
Clark gets either version of running grab super or climax.
Robert and Ryo both as you'd expect, only EX ranbu and fireball supers.

Love Heart and King definitely win so far, free damage and knockdown!

Characters who I've checked and I'm pretty sure have nothing midscreen except GC-rolls:
Athena Asamiya / Re: Athena Asamiya
September 01, 2016, 06:09:01 AM
I don't know if this was already posted somewhere else but her cl.C links *very* easily from std.A or cr.A, making it really simple to confirm damage from those lights.
Andy Bogard / Re: Andy Bogard
August 30, 2016, 04:17:44 AM
From vids I've seen posted some people are having trouble getting good midscreen MAX combos with him, so I'll just post here that whiffing A elbow after EX elbow usually gives the best options imo. DPs will connect after, but the best damage seems to be a second A elbow which can be SC'ed into punch super or climax for between 500 to a top of about 650 damage for 2-3 meter. All 1000 MAX.
King of Dinosaurs / Re: King of Dinosaurs
July 26, 2016, 07:47:19 AM
1 Bar (halfscreen): cl.D, fwd.A, MAX, cl.D, qcf.AC, qcf.AC, *finisher*.

qcf.C - hard knockdown on a now cornered opponent, 399 damage.
qcf.C (break), st.C - reset with potential grab shenanigans, 408 damage.
qcb.D - Throws opponent away and return to neutral - 417 damage.

2 Bar: (spacing specific) cl.D, fwd.A, MAX, cl.D, qcf.AC, qcf.C xx qcfx2.B(EX) = 492 damage.
This works as long as you have about 70% of screenspace to work with, or if your opponent is cornered so he will wire over you. If not, opponent may fall out of EX Dinner.
Sylvie Paula Paula / Re: Sylvie Paula Paula
July 23, 2016, 01:49:45 AM
Quote from: AirLancer on July 22, 2016, 09:59:17 AM
qcfx2+AC isn't an anywhere juggle. It's an OTG.

Right, I was confused because you still get all hits, but either the startup is deceptive or they're not 100% discrete hits.
Sylvie Paula Paula / Re: Sylvie Paula Paula
July 19, 2016, 07:05:47 PM
I'm really drawn to flawed characters for some reason so here's more notes.

-CD xx qcf.B(whiff) qcfx2.K works unless you're cornered. 246/362 damage.

-sylvie runs so fast she can get a close C(!) after a CD midscreen. I wasn't fast enough to get anything else, but the cl.C can be cancelled into qcf.C which will hit the opponent's wakeup meaty for huge frame advantage on block.

-Backdash is amazing, 3 in a row takes you fullscreen in about 1 second.

-EX Punch super is an anywhere juggle so it will combo from j.CDs and sweeps (wtf?).
Sylvie Paula Paula / Re: Sylvie Paula Paula
July 19, 2016, 11:31:35 AM
Some odd notes in no particular order:

-Useful low strings:
c.B x 2 std.B qcf.B does 168.
c.B std.B fwd.A qcf.B was the best meterless string I could find for 195 damage. Light qcf.K actually seems neutral on block so if you misconfirm this you're not in too much trouble.

-Qcf.C combos from heavy normals and can be followed up with rdp.B in the corner for 260 meterless with a jump in.

-Qcb.C is quite positive on block, if the opponent jumps you can catch them grounded with a std.C, but this will lose to invincible dps. Also doesn't seem be part of any true blockstrings. On opponent's wakeup can be timed meaty like Beni's 13 lightning for crazy advantage.

King of Dinosaurs / Re: King of Dinosaurs
July 19, 2016, 10:42:45 AM
Big slow son of a gun. Lots of OTG weirdness going on. Some notes:

-Forward throw has some combo options if the opponent doesn't techroll, qcf C xx qcfx2 KK super works for 432 damage midscreen.

-Qcf A combos from lights, first hit SCs into grab supers but obviously it's pretty tight. 2nd hit may cancel into DinoDinner super if it OTGs?

-EX qcf P wires the opponent and guarantees an OTG qcf C which can then be SCed into DinoDinner midscreen or climax. This was roughly the best option I found for a 1st char max combo.

-Better be sure what you want when jumping in. Aerial heavy normals seem to have pretty pathetic hitstun and it's easy to mistime heavy normal followups.

-Close D has a RIDICULOUSLY small activation range, you can be right on top of your opponent and still get far D which is incredibly slow. Be very careful pressing this button.