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Messages - MarshDTeach

King of Dinosaurs / Re: King of Dinosaurs
September 07, 2016, 08:24:42 PM
So far, I've found far B to be his best button by far, as you can not only use it to combo into command grab from afar, but you can also cancel it into A anklo hammer for pressure/confirms. Its very safe as long as both hits are blocked, and if you're unsure if the second one will land, breaking makes it even safer.

far b xxx a anklo can be confirmed into Dino Dinner
Vice / Re: Vice
September 04, 2016, 08:21:12 AM
How are you guys going about with pressure using her? I don't quite know how to keep going after the opponent has blocked a string (cr.b,cr.a or cr.b x2, cr.a). I'm close enough that if I try to hop again I'll get hit by whatever the opponent is pressing yet