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Messages - kula

Pages: [1]
Archives / Re: KOF XIII Evo Discussion
« on: August 04, 2011, 12:45:08 AM »
cuando vaya al evo tratare de ganarles a todos,  a partir del 29 de octubre entrenare la kof xiii para consola para ps3

Archives / Re: KOF XIII Evo Discussion
« on: August 04, 2011, 12:24:44 AM »
es hora de que toda la gente que es negativa se ponga  a jugar, estoy seguro que si en estados unidos jugaran mas la kof serian un gran rival a vencer espero ir el proximo año  al evo.
al torneo de  kofXIII  para consola

Archives / Re: KOF XIII Evo Discussion
« on: August 04, 2011, 12:09:39 AM »
hello kula puebla

the reason for this post is to clarify many things which people in other countries are not reported many people think that we Mexicans are egocentric ...... but this is not true that we have a bad reputation is because Mexicans of little people of Mexico is dedicated to posting negative comments and rude, it is sometimes see the halls where the videos do think they are offensive, in my part lobbies do is to warm the minds of that end is a little show of video games, not about attacking people just like me to do exciting to be clear this.
bullet is an excellent player but not without knowing jusguen to kofers de mexico
if you come and talk with us notice that we are simple people, quiet and humble as you all, thank you.
darkgesse thank you for all your support for the Mexican kofers
KULA carefully

Pages: [1]