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Messages - Chlorophylle

K' got buffed ?! What ? I d'ont understand. Wat ?
Quote from: sibarraz on July 28, 2011, 09:43:55 PMThe most funny thing of all this, is that looking those new stages, the guy from the random french forum was 100% right with all his predictions (billy and saiki, the alley, sky noah, esaka, etc)

Hehe, indeed.
I could have asked him some questions but i lost my password on this forum. And i was ( still am ) too lazy to create another account.
Well, it is nice to be surprised by unexpected news like that too.
I didn't want to put the link because it might cause problems for that guy but whatever :

It's not an underground forum. It's just that video games, and especially fighting games, aren't a big part of it, like every " normal " forum.

I don't like false/dumb rumors. It doesn't look like one.

There has been a very interesting post on a famous french forum about movies ( ... )

Sa race...
Mais ça va juste être une PUTAIN DE TUERIE la version console !!

Je ressors de 2h intensives de la version X360 debug et c'est juste m-o-r-t-e-l.

Alors debug oblige, y'a des stages pas encore finis (genre fond vert au second round), certaines musiques pas encore implémentées, les couleurs des persos qui manquent, le roster encore incomplet (y'a tout les mecs de l'arcade et même plus, mais on sent qu'il y a encore de la place pour d'autres), mais déjà rien que l'esquisse du truc, ça laisse présager du bonheur en barre de titane.\o/

Y'a pas à s’inquiéter pour la crainte plus haut des gros pixels, c'est juste que mon pote l'avais essayé avant sur une TV pas full HD (), et donc sur une TV qui va bien, c'est aussi beau que l'arcade (voir plus, vu que l'écran est plus grand).

A prendre avec des pincettes vu que la version finale sera peut-être différente, mais pour l'instant en selectionnables dès le début, en plus du roster de l'arcade, y'a:

- Billy Kane (bon, de tout les persos qu'ils pouvaient ajouter, j'en aurais bien vu d'autres, genre Saishû Kusanagi () ou Vanessa, mais c'est cool quand même)
- Saiki (mais dans une version ni torse poil musclé, ni en ombre. Là, c'est un genre d'Ash avec des cheveux longs, mais avec une movelist trèèès intéressante =p)

Pas vu de boss vu qu'on s'est acharnés sur le VS, mais on n'est pas à l'abri d'une bonne surprise.

J'ai compté 4 ou 5 nouveaux stages en plus de ceux de la version arcade, dont certains pas finalisés, mais tous sont plus magnifiques les uns que les autres. Le tableau steampunk de Billy Kane est juste terrible, celui du temple éclairé uniquement par des torches rouges est superbe et renvoi bien à l'ambiance de certains stages des anciens KOF, les deux pas finalisés en plan fixe (une allée désaffectée et un autre avec des ruines dans la nature) vont claquer, celui dans l’espèce d'avion est sympa, d'autres que j'oublie mais surtout, ils ont remis le stage du Ponj du 96 mais version 2011 (avec les passants dans la rue au loin et tout), et avec en prime en fond sonore: Esaka ! (et là j'étais comme un ouf)

Sinon le jeu est aussi nerveux et rapide qu'en arcade, avec la maniabilité toujours au poil de cul (même si les pads xbox, c'est la pire invention ever pour des jeux de stomb 2D, faute de sticks =/)

Pas essayé les galeries et autre conneries de mode mission, online, ect, mais dans les 4 mecs qui l'ont essayé avec moi, même ceux qui sont pas forcément férus de jeux de stomb, le verdict était unanime: ÇA. BUTE.

For those of you who don't speak french :
- It was a debug version of the game so there was a lot of unfinished tings like missing colors, musics, or unmoving stages...
- Billy was playable. Saiki was playable but NOT the muscular boss version of the arcade... It's the Saiki we see in the cut scenes, with a interesting movelist.
- 4 or 5 new stages. A temple with red torches, the Billy Big ben one, Betie's garden, one who takes place in a plane, a deserted alley... and the famous japan stage from KOF 96 totally redrawn in HD.
- This was posted on june 25 of this year ( before we knew anything about Billy, or/and the new stages... )
I prefer to see KOF die than being bought by Capcom.
I never forgave them for the way they shat on their freaking glorious past with the decision to go 3D.

If they buy SNKP games  rights it's going to be 3D all over again ( + shitty super casual controls ). I do not want to see that happen.

Arcsys could buy them... they're still doing 2D games. Well, the backgrounds on BlazBlue are in 3D, and i don't think they're gonna stand on their 2D position for too long now but...


I'm still waiting for KOF13 on consoles.
Le stream n'a toujours pas commencé Youssef, c'est bien aujourd'hui, ou il y a un problème ?

>> Still no stream Youssef, is it really today or is there a problem ?
Why would even begin to believe such crap ? -_-
And Maho ( the host of the stream ) never said that. The sound was messed up because they were trying to put on a mic for live comments.

There will be another stream newt week, and they said they'll be more prepared. Especially for the live comments.
Netcode isn't good... i played 7 ranked matches from 42ms ping to 90 and lag here everywhere...

I'm so sick and tired of your shit SNKP that i 'm not even mad.
SNKP need to let KOF breathe a little bit. 90% of what they do is KOF related, the KOF dependance is killing them ( see the catasthrophe only one game brought on them ) and killing the IP ( people are getting sick of seeing KOF everywhere ).

Nobody care about Samsho anymore. Metal Slug is dead.

MOTW is their ONLY IP besides KOF that is more or less famous. Yes, even though the first episode didn't sell much. It's like Third Strike, people shit on the game at the beiginning and then, by... " miracle " everyone love it because it's the best game ever blahblahblah...

They should make another MOTW game. They must release another game that isn't KOF. Get the chance to not let the compagny depend on only one game. Again.
General Discussion / Re: Dune's KOFXIII
September 26, 2010, 10:43:05 PM
Some clarification from the Professor from MMcafé.

QuoteAn interview between Dune and KOFUnion is being reposted all over the place. I kind of wonder how much of his original wordings have been lost in double translation, but just to clarify a few points,

1.It's well known, but there are lags in the current arcade setups due to the TypeX family interface and LCD latency in Viewlix cabinets. The upcoming hardware update in December is supposed to improve things, but as of up until now, it's present in all games.

It's usually not that big of an issue since the games are developed with the latency in mind. KOF98UM however, wasn't a game created for the system, so people were complaining from Day 1 that there was some lag. On the other hand, KOFXIII was developed with the latency in mind, but because of that, the game feels a bit different compared to previous KOFs. Nevertheless, the game's jump system remains the same as previous KOFs, which is where the problem arises. Many players are saying that the latency makes it hard to guard K's jumps in a nick of time, and that it also makes it hard to defend by hitting jump-ins with pokes compared to previous KOFs. (IMO, it's something that can be easily fixed.)

2. SNKP very obviously put a lot of effort into KOFXIII, but they're a small company with limited resources and limited connections. With the president switching seats, it's too early to tell what roadmap the company will be taking in the future.

3. Dune and his comrades are seasoned KOF players, so it's natural that they'd go back to play their old favorite games now that Tougeki is over. The real issue however, is that KOFXIII thus far has not achieved new young audiences. In comparison, Arksys has been working with an effective marketing strategy for the Blazblue franchise, spending money on top voice actors and running promotion campaigns through nicovideo.
Oh by the way Kane, is it true that you can change the music when pressing start button before the fight begins ?
Game41 matches :

( i can't find their youtube channel, don't know why, i'm sure they have one )