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Thanks to some prodding by Nikolai VolKOF, I revisited the idea of bridging account information between the forum and the homepage. Since I last looked into this, some new software is available that allows the databases to interact. Your forum and homepage credentials are the same. Hopefully, this will encourage members to have some discussion on homepage stories.
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Nightmare Geese
December 27, 2010, 11:06:23 PM
Tora Ayame - (close) ;bk / ;fd + ;c

Shinkuunage - (close) ;bk / ;fd + ;d

Command Moves
Raikou Mawashi - ;fd + ;b

Hienshitsu Kyaku - ;fd + ;a

Special Moves
Reppuuken - ;qcf + ;a

Double Reppuuken - ;qcf + ;c

Shippuuken - ;qcb + ;a in air (up to 2 times)

Double Shippuuken - ;qcb + ;c in the air (up to 2 times)

Jaeiken -  ;hcb + ;a / ;c

Joudan Atemi Nage - ;hcb + ;b

Chuudan Atemi Nage - ;hcb + ;d

Gedan Atemi Uchi - ;hcf + ;b

Gou Raimei HAZAK Swimming - (on knocked down opponent): ;df + ;c

In Ura Kumo - ;hcb, ;fd + ;a / ;c

Desperation Moves
Raging Storm - ;db, ;hcb + ;a / ;c

Super Desperation Moves
Asura Shippuuken - ;qcf x 2 + ;a ;c

Raging Storm - ;hcb, ;fd + ;b ;d, ;dn + ;d;d, ;qcb, ;fd + ;b ;d

Raging Dead End - ;fd, ;hcf + ;b ;d
> Kokuu Reppuuzan - (after Raging Dead End) ;hcf + ;b or ;hcb + ;b / ;d
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Igniz
December 27, 2010, 10:58:43 PM
Blue Noah - (close) ;bk / ;fd + ;c

Red Noah - (close) ;bk / ;fd + ;d

Special Moves
Chain Blade Slice Transaxle - ;qcf + ;a / ;c

Chain Edge Blade Sagittal Slice - ;dp + ;a / ;c

Divine Arrow Air - ;qcb + ;a

Grand Divine Arrow - ;qcb + ;c

Nega Genesis - ;qcf + ;b / ;d

Void Genocide - ;qcb + ;b / ;d

Desperation Moves
Edain Blade - qcf x 2 + ;a / ;c

Chaos Tide - ;dp + ;b / ;d

Super Desperation Move
Brutal God Project - ;qcf, ;hcb + ;a ;c

Disintegrational Universe -  ;dn ;dn + ;a ;c
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Zero
December 27, 2010, 10:53:46 PM
Yokoshima Karatabe Satsu - (close) ;bk / ;fd + ;c / ;d

Command Move
Genma Kizashou - ;fd + ;a

Special Moves
ST Kryzalid - ;qcb + ;a

ST Glugan - ;qcb + ;b

Ron T - ;qcb + ;c

Zankaze Tsubame HAZAK - Hikawa - ;qcf + ;a

Zankaze Tsubame HAZAK - Satsuma - ;qcf + ;c

Zankaze Tsubame HAZAK - Or Kiba - ;dp + ;a / ;c

Desperation Moves
Dake Kusari Danjin - ;qcf x 2 + ;a / ;c

Shera Metsusei - ;qcf x 2 + ;b / ;d

Super Desperation Move
Shera Metsusei - ;qcf x 2 + ;b ;d

Kyou Hoshi Meikaijin - ;hcb x 2 + ;a ;c
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Omega Rugal
December 27, 2010, 10:47:01 PM
Scorpion Death Lock - (close) ;bk / ;fd + ;c

Scorpion Blow Scorpion Blow - (close) ;bk / ;fd + ;d

Command Moves
Double Tomahawk - ;fd + ;b

Special Moves
Reppuuken - ;qcf + ;a / ;c

Dark Barrier - ;qcf + ;b / ;d

Genocide Cutter - ;dp + ;b / ;d

God Press - ;hcb + ;a / ;c

Beast Destruction - ;hcb + ;b / ;d

Kaiser Wave - ;fd, ;hcf + ;a / ;c (hold to charge)

Desperation Moves
Gigantic Pressure - ;qcf, ;hcb + ;a / ;c

Destruction Omega - ;qcf x 2 + ;b / ;d
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Clone Zero
December 27, 2010, 10:41:06 PM
Yokoshima Karakui Satsu - close, ;bk / ;fd + ;c / ;d

Command Moves
Genma Kizashou - ;fd + ;a

Special Moves
Zankaze Tsubame HAZAK - Hikawa Kagami - ;qcf + ;a

Zankaze Tsubame HAZAK - Satsuma - ;qcf + ;c

Zankaze Tsubame HAZAK - Or Kiba - ;dp + ;a

Zankaze Tsubame HAZAK - Shou Suburu - ;dp + ;c

Tsugio Hikoujin - ;dp + ;b / ;d

My Maikosou - (close) ;qcb + ;b / ;d

Desperation Moves
Dakekusari Zanjin - ;qcf x 2 + ;a / ;c

Shera Metsusei - ;qcf x 2 + ;b / ;d

Super Desperation Moves
Shera Metsusei - ;qcf x 2 + ;b ;d

Anryuuten HAZAK - ;hcb x 2 + ;a ;c
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Krizalid
December 27, 2010, 10:35:38 PM
Dead Fall - ;bk / ;fd + ;c / ;d

Command Moves
Cut Spin - ;fd + ;a
Special Moves
Typhon Rage - ;qcf + ;b / ;d

Lethal Impact - ;qcf + ;b / ;d
* Super cancellable

Rising Dark Moon - ;dp + ;a / ;c

Desperate Moment - ;hcb + ;a / ;c
> Moment Penetration - during Desperate Moment, ;bk or ;fd + ;a / ;c
Desperation Moves
End of Heaven - ;qcb, ;hcf + ;a / ;c

Desperate Overdrive - ;qcf, ;hcb + ;a / ;c
Super Desperation Moves
End of Eden - ;qcb, ;hcf + ;a ;c

Desperate Overdrive - ;qcf, ;hcb + ;a ;c
Lightning Disaster - ;hcf x 2 + ;a ;c
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Geese
December 27, 2010, 10:30:58 PM
Tiger Throw - ;bk / ;fd + ;c

Vacuum Toss - ;bk / ;fd + ;d
Command Moves
Thunderburst Reverse Kick - ;fd + ;b
Special Moves
Wind Slice - ;qcf + ;a

Double Wind Slice - ;qcf + ;c

Whirlwind Slam - ;qcb + ;a / ;c in air

Flying Sawblade Slicer - ;dp + ;a / ;c

Evil Shadow Smasher - ;hcf + ;b / ;d
* ;d version is super cancellable

Upper Body Blow - ;hcb + ;b

Middle Body Blow - ;hcb + ;d

Lower Body Blow - ;hcb + ;a

Heaven's Peel Slamdown - on downed opponent, ;df + ;c
Desperation Moves
Raging Storm -  ;db, ;fd, ;df ;dn ;db ;bk ;df + ;a / ;c
* Can be held down
Super Desperation Moves
Ra Sho Mon - close, ;hcb x 2 + ;a ;c

Deadly Rave - ;hcb, ;fd + ;b ;c ;d
> ;a x 2, ;b x 2, ;c x 2, ;d x 2, ;qcb + ;c ;d
Thunder Break - ;db, ;fd, ;df, ;dn, ;db, ;bk, ;df + ;a ;c
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Goenitz
December 27, 2010, 10:25:30 PM
Meifu no Mon - ;bk / ;fd + ;c

Soukatsusatsu - ;bk / ;fd + ;d
Command Moves
Uranagi - ;fd + ;a
Special Moves
Yonokaze - ;hcf + ;a / ;b / ;c / ;d

Shin Aoi Hana Seiran - ;qcb + ;a / ;c (up to 3 times)

Wanhyou Tokobuse - ;dp + ;a
* Super cancellable

Wanhyou Mametsu - ;dp + ;c
* Super cancellable

Hyouga - ;qcb + ;b / ;d
Desperation Moves
Yamidoukoku - ;hcb x 2 + ;a / ;c

Fuujin Ibuki - ;qcf x 2 + ;a / ;c
Super Desperation Moves
Shinyaotome Jissouko - ;qcb, ;hcf + ;a ;c
Ibuki Nagayo - ;hcb x 2 + ;b ;d
> Additional attack - During Ibuki Nagayo, ;qcf + ;a ;b ;c ;d
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - EX Takuma
December 27, 2010, 10:21:58 PM
Wide Slicer - close ;bk / ;fd + ;c
Single Heave-ho - close ;bk / ;fd + ;d
Command Moves:
Demon's Vehicle - ;fd + ;a
Vehicle Drop - ;bk + ;a
Bottle Breaker - ;fd + ;b
Horse Strike - ;df + ;b
Special Moves:
Tiger Flame Punch - ;qcf + ;a / ;c
Tiger Boulder Blast - ;qcb + ;a / ;c
Zan Retsu Ken - ;fd, ;bk, ;fd + ;a / ;c
Shouran Kyaku - ;hcb + ;b / ;d
Lightning Legs Knockout Kick - charge ;db ~ ;fd + ;b / ;d
Desperation Moves:
Haoh Shi Koh Ken - ;fd, ;hcf + ;a / ;c
Ryuko Ranbu - ;qcf, ;hcb + ;a / ;c
Neo Demon-God Attack - close, ;qcf ;qcf + ;a / ;c
Super Desperation Moves:
Ryuko Ranbu - ;qcf, ;hcb + ;a + ;c
Lion Killer - ;fd, ;hcf + ;a + ;c
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - EX Kensou
December 27, 2010, 10:16:26 PM
Inch Blast - close ;bk / ;fd + ;c
Psychic Slam - close ;bk / ;fd + ;d
Command Moves:
Tiger Takedown Punch - ;fd + ;a
Reverse Mass Kick - ;fd + ;b
Special Moves:
Arrow Dash Blast - ;qcb + ;a / ;c
Dragon Drubbing - ;dp + ;a / ;c ( ;c rapidly)
Dragon Scale Tackle - ;rdp + ;a / ;c
Earth Dragon Fang Nibble - ;hcf + ;a
Heaven Dragon Fang Nibble - ;hcf + ;c
Arrow Kick - ;qcf + ;b / ;d
Dragon Uppercut - ;rdp + ;b / ;d
Dragon Talon Tear - ;qcb + ;a / ;c in air

Desperation Moves:
Dragon God Kick - ;qcf, ;hcb + ;b
Dragon God Drubbing - ;qcf, ;hcb + ;d
Super Dragon Fist - ;qcf ;qcf + ;a / ;c
Super Desperation Moves:
Dragon God Drubbing - ;qcf, ;hcb + ;b + ;d

Arrow Dash Dragon Crunch - ;qcf, ;bk, ;fd + ;a + ;c
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Kyo-2
December 27, 2010, 10:11:37 PM
Anvil Slam - ;bk / ;fd + ;c

Swift SHoulder Throw - ;bk / ;fd + ;d
Command Moves
Drop to Naraku - in air, ;dn + ;c

Thundering Axe Burst - ;fd + ;b
Special Moves
Fireball - ;dp + ;a / ;c

Crescent Slash -  ;hcb + ;b / ;d

R.E.D. Kick - ;rdp + ;b / ;d

Poison Gnaw Fest - ;qcf + ;c
> Recitation of Sins - During Poison Gnaw Fest, ;hcb + ;a / ;c
>> Verdict - During Recitation of Sins, ;fd + ;a / ;c

Wicked Chew - ;qcf + ;a
> Masticate - During Wicked Chew, ;qcf + ;a / ;c
>> Oxidation 1 - During Masticate, ;a / ;c
* Super cancellable
>> Rapids of Rage - During Masticate, ;b / ;d

> Oxidation 2 - During Wicked Chew, ;hcb + ;a / ;c
>> Intensetaneous Smash - During Oxidation 2, ;a / ;c
>> Phantom Mauler - During Oxidation 2, ;b / ;d
* Super cancellable
Desperation Moves
Final Showdown - ;qcf x 2 + ;a / ;c

Futsu no Mitama - ;qcf x 2 + ;b / ;d
> Additional attack - ;dp + ;b / ;d
Super Desperation Moves
Final Showdown  - ;qcf x 2 + ;a ;c
Hi no Kaguzuchi - ;hcb x 2 + ;b ;d
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Kusanagi
December 27, 2010, 10:06:35 PM
Hatsugane - ;bk / ;fd + ;c
* Can be broken
* Regular knockdown

Issetsu Seoi Nage - ;bk / ;fd + ;d
* Can be broken
* Reverse knockdown

Command Moves
Geshiki: Naraku Otoshi - ;fd + ;c in air
* Does above avarage amount of hitstun
* Does hard knockdown if it hits an airborne opponent

Geshiki: Goufu You - ;fd + ;b
* Hits high on second hit if not cancelled into
* Cancellable on second hit if cancelled into

88 Shiki - ;df + ;d
* Can be cancelled on first hit
* Hits low

Special Moves
108 Shiki: Yami Barai - ;qcf + ;a / ;c

100 Shiki: Oniyaki - ;dp + ;a / ;c
* ;c version can be super cancelled
* Both version have autoguard
* Can be Free Cancelled into
* Can be Free Cancelled out of on first hit

75 Shiki: Kai - ;qcf + ;b, ;b or ;d, ;d
* Can be Free Cancelled into

910 Shiki: Nue Tsumi - ;qcb + ;a / ;c
* Does a punch upward, if an enemy attack connects before this move becomes active, a counter move is activated

101 Shiki: Oboro Guruma - ;rdp + ;b / ;d
* Can be Free Cancelled into
* ;d version does hard knockdown on third hit

212 Shiki: Kototsuki You - ;hcb + ;b / ;d
* Can be free cancelled into
* Can be free cancelled out of
* Can be super cancelled

Desperation Moves
Ura 108 Shiki: Orochinagi - ;qcb ;hcf + ;a / ;c

1999 Shiki: Kiri Honoo - ;qcf x 2 + ;b / ;d

Super Desperation Moves
Ura 108 Shiki: Orochinagi - ;qcb ;hcf + ;a ;c

Saishuu Kessen Ougi Reishiki - ;qcf x 2 + ;a ;c

* cr.BA d/f+D (1 hit) hcb+K
* cr.BA d/f+D (1 hit) 2xqcf+K
* cl.C f+B hcb+D/rdp+D
* cl.C f+B qcb,hcf+P
* [jump attack] cl.C (d/f+D (1 hit)) hcb+K
* cl.C (d/f+D (1 hit)) qcf+D,D hcb+D
* cl.C (d/f+D (1 hit)) qcf+D,D qcb,hcf+P
* cl.C (d/f+D (1 hit)) qcf+D,D rdp+B dp+C (corner only)
* [jump attack] cl.C d/f+D (1 hit) BC run-in cl.C d/f+D (1 hit) hcb+K xx dp+C xx 2xqcf+K
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - May Lee
December 27, 2010, 09:59:01 PM


== Normal Moves ==
*cl. A/B/C/D are cancel-able
*cl.A/B are chain-able
*Close C has poor reach so it must be used close
*Close D is only cancel-able on the second hit
*However Henshin (ABC) does combo into Close D on the first hit

*Far A/B are whiff/cancel-able
*Far D is fast and goes high, anti-air poke

*cr.A/C/D are whiff/cancel-able
*Crouch A/B are chain-able
*Crouch C extends very high into the air, anti-air poke
*Crouch D sweeps the opponent

*Jump C/D cross up
*Jump D is a meaty jump-in
*Jump A/B is an instant overhead

'''Blowback Attack'''
*CD comes out slow but goes a good distance, whiff/cancel-able
*Jump CD is a good air-to-air if used early

Crow's Wing - ;bk / ;fd + ;c
*May Lee grabs the opponent then kicks off their face, suprisingly it has a hard knockdown.
*Can be broken
*Hard Knockdown

Swan Circle - ;bk / ;fd + ;d
*May Lee grabs the opponent then climbs over their shoulders to kick them in the back of their head.
*Can be broken.
*Reverse Knockdown

Command Moves
Henshin - ;a ;b ;c ;d
*May Lee switches poses (Hero Pose) causing her idle animation and entire playstyle to switch up in the process, this command is not only unique to May Lee but it is also detrimental to playing an effective May Lee in general, changing to this pose allows the player access to different normals, command normals, special attacks, super canceling options, and even her HSDM. There are a variety of ways to get May Lee to change to "Hero Mode", one way to do is to just input ABC then she'll react accordingly. Another more effecient way is to combo into as the options are limitless. Press ABC after a normal or even during it's whiff animation will make her immediately transform regardless if the normal isn't cancel-able or not. This encompasses her stand CD and even most of her rekkas can be used to combo into it as well, as mentioned before this is move is needed to play her effectively but that will be explained later on as you learn and master her moves. Pressing ABC while in "Hero Mode" will make her revert her back to standard mode, getting hit will also make her revert back to normal so beware, also attacks marked "Henshin OK" in the description are moves than can be used to immediately switch to "Hero Mode" so keep that in mind.
*Switches to "Hero Mode"
*Combos from: Stand/Crouch Normals, CD, and Tatsuo Kyaku/rekkas

Special Moves
*Henshin OK = Can be used to combo directly into her "Hero Mode"

Waga Utan Kasane - ;hcb +  ;b / ;d
*May Lee lifts her right leg up and bends toward her left, if she attacked (mid) she parry the attack then automatically cr.C then follow-up with two kicks knocking the oppponent into the air and into a juggled state, the follow-ups are very restricted because the recovery is too long and transforming into Hero Mode normally after the two hits would be a waste, however after the second you can transformbut you have to time it right. Follow-up attacks can also be used to reset the opponents body which is when you can take the time to use that to switch in to Hero Mode then use a normal that is fast enough to hit them as soon as they touch the ground if not before that. Afterward the comboing oppurtunities should open up, comboing into it is unsafe but if you want to use it use the rekka variant instead. And like most counters she is still vulnerable to projetiles, throws, and even low hitting attacks so stay wary.
*Henshin OK
*Counter Stance
*Juggles Opponent
*Vulnerable to: Throws, Projectiles, Low hiting attacks

Tatsuo Kyaku - ;qcf + ;b / ;d
*May Lee does a two kicks, one hits mid while the other hits high, this is (standard) May Lee's main and perhaps only attack plan, this move is also the start of a multi-part rekka chain that can lead to low/mid/high hitting attacks to super canceling options, and even Henshin set-ups. It is important that you learn the in's and out's of the branches of the rekka chains because it will help you link really strong combos together with ease and make you a better May Lee player overall. Combos into to everything listed below after this point in the special attack section.
*Henshin OK
*Combos from: Stand/Crouch Normals
*Combos into: Everything listed below

┗ Kazeguruma Kyaku - ;b / ;d
*After May Lee does the first two hits she will then swing her left leg forward to hit the opponent in the face, the first and one of best rekka follow-ups, although it isn't smart to stop on this rekka during a combo because of the poor recovery. It's great for super canceling into her Gauze Tail Tinkerbell DM (qcbx2+B/D) whenever you have the extra stocks on hand but it has to be buffered and done on hit otherwise you'll get her second kick rekka instead of the DM, take note that if you input the strong Tatsuo Kyaku (qcf+D) then continue to her strong Kazeguruma Kyaku (D) she will knock them into the air instead of keeping them in hit-stun.
*Henshin OK
*Super Cancel-able
*Combos from: Tatsuo Kyaku (qcf+B/D)
*Combos into: Everything listed below

>┗ Kokoro Totsu Kyaku - ;b / ;d
*After May Lee does the first three kicks she will then step forward to do a thrust kick with her left leg aimed at the mid section knocking them away on contact, her last neutral kick rekka turns out to be not all that great compared to the former. The main issue is that the kick just takes too long to come out and because of that the opponent will always have a chance to safely guard it after the Kazeguruma Kyaku. They will also have enough time to counter attack in retaliation so there's no real point in using it normally. The only efficient way to use this move is to use it as feint to quickly cancel it into "Hero Mode" otherwise it's too unsafe and your bound to get hurt using it frivolously. As mentioned before if you combo from her strong Kazeguruma Kyaku (D) instead of the weak it will knock them into the air which actually gives you enough time to continue with either version of Kokoro Totsu Kyaku.
*Henshin OK
*Combos from: strong Kazeguruma Kyaku (qcf+D, D)

┗ Torao Kyaku - ;dn +  ;b / ;d
*Continuing after the first two or three kicks, May Lee will then use her left leg to kick the opponent in the shens, another good rekka follow-up with many uses. The main focus for this rekka chain is to break the opponents defense while they are being attacked, it's a quick change-up move to attack the opponent low while they're too busy blocking high to throw them off their game, the kick also puts them in a juggled state which is great because it gives you options for canceling the kick on hit into "Hero Mode" and follow-up with a reset combo.  
*Henshin OK
*Hits Low
*Juggles Opponent
*Combos from: Tatsuo Kyaku (qcf+K), and Kazaguruma Kyaku (qcf+K, K)

┗ Toukotsu Kyaku -  ;df + ;b / ;d
*Continuing after the first two or three kicks, May Lee will then swing her left leg down to hit the opponent in their mid-section, yet another break their defense rekka chain. Much like the former (Torao Kyaku) this chain is used to break their defense while they're too busy guarding attacks, the special options with this move is that it's an overhead attack on crouch opponents so if they block low thinking a Torao Kyaku is coming they will be SOL. Just like before this move can be used to transform into "Hero Mode" but the timing is strict because of the pushback after the Toukotsu Kyaku.
*Henshin OK
*Overhead Attack
*Combos from: Tatsuo Kyaku (qcf+K), and Kazaguruma Kyaku (qcf+K, K)

┗ Sousei Kyaku - ;up + ;b / ;d
*Continuing after the first two or three kicks, May Lee will lift both of her legs in succession to hit the opponent in the face twice, a very meh rekka chain with some very limited uses. It suffers from the same issues as her Kokoro Totsu Kyaku rekka chain (qcf+K, K, K), it's just too slow. Not only that but it's also very unsafe on guard which can set-up you to eat a nasty counter attack like a dp or a projectile DM. As far as it goes for comboing this move should be limited to transforming into "Hero Mode" and reset combos. But despite being unsafe on guard if you transform on the second hit it will push May Lee back about half-screen to prevent taking damage from the forth coming counter-attack and possibly following up with a punish of your own. It can be used a make-shift anti-air but most of the time it just isn't worth it, works after strong Kazeguruma Kyaku (D) juggle.
*Henshin OK
*Anti-Air Poke
*Juggles Opponent
*Combos from: Tatsuo Kyaku (qcf+K), and strong Kazaguruma Kyaku (qcf+D, D)

┗ Waga Utan Kasane - ;bk + ;b / ;d
*May Lee lifts her right leg up and bends toward her left, it's the same as before except done during her rekkas, this is more of a quick feint to lure your opponent into getting countered as soon as they try to counter attack and destroy whatever other rekkas you may would have thrown out, it simply punishes the opponent for trying to finish for counter attacks. And just like it's regular variant you can use this to transform into Hero Mode after a successful counter.
*Henshin OK
*Counter Stance
*Sweeps/Juggles Opponent
*Combos from: Tatsuo Kyaku (qcf+K), and Kazaguruma Kyaku (qcf+K, K)

┗ Taiyou Kyaku - ;uf + ;b / ;d
*Following after the first couple hits (two or three), May Lee will jump into the air and do a kick that mimics her jump D. An okay rekka chain but with limited options, it's more of a chain of it's own compared to the proceeding one's. This is May Lee's airborne rekka attack which can be used as a anti-air alone but that's not really prefered. In terms of combos it's just another vanilla rekka chain in her offensive arsenal, take note if you use this chain while the opponent is crouching she will jump over them instead of hitting them.
*Airborne Attack
*Combos from: Tatsuo Kyaku (qcf+K), and Kazaguruma Kyaku (qcf+K, K)
*Combos into: Rakuyou Kyaku (qcf+K/K, uf+K, d+K)

>┗ Rakuyou Kyaku - ;dn + ;b / ;d
*Following after the first couple hits (two or three), and after her Taiyou Kyaku (qcf+K/K, uf+K) May Lee will then do a frontflip in the air thrusting her legs downward to sending the opponent flying toward the ground. This May Lee's last rekka chain and it ends up being a finisher to boot. This is rekka is used to finish up the Taiyou Kyaku branch, Rakuyou Kyaku is both and overhead (airborne attack) and does a hard knockdown to opponents as well. When facing a crouching opponent you can use this ender to whiff cancel the Taiyou Kyaku (because it will miss) and immediately go for the overhead/hard knockdown just to make you'll actually hit so you won't be left wide open.
*Airborne Attack
*Hard Knockdown
*Combos from: Taiyou Kyaku (qcf+K/K, uf+K)

Desperation Move
Gauze Tail Tinkerbell - ;qcb x 2+ ;b ;d
*May Lee flips forward and puts her left leg on the opponents head then with much speed twirls clock-wise swinging her left leg around to knock the opponent away and bounce off the opposite wall, a great DM that has tons of options. Upon activation she flips forward and if she makes contact she'll do the rest of the DM, the beginning is kinda like a grab so don't expect it hitting any opponents already in the air, it's also an overhead meaning it has to be blocked whilst standing. It can be combo'd into from strong normals or if you have the stocks, super canceled from her Kazeguruma Kyaku rekka chain (qcf+K, K). Another cool thing is if you use it normally without any folow-up the recovery is rather poor, however as soon the second hit is delivered you can cancel it into "Hero Mode" for a much quicker recovery and to possibly follow-up with a normal/special attack ,etc.
*Henshin OK
*Auto Counter-Wire
*Puts opponent into a Juggled State
*Overhead Attack
*Combos from: Stand/Crouch C/D, and (SC) Kazeguruma Kyaku rekka chain (qcf+K, K)

Super Desperation Move
Disposition Frog - ;qcf x 2 + ;b ;d
*May Lee does a kick that mimics her crouch C, after that she hops into the air and does another kick then her Rakuyou Kyaku to send them flying toward the ground, then she quickly flies toward them in Hero Mode hitting the opponent with her crouch C, after that she then jumps into the air forming energy within her palms then proceeds to destroy the opponent by throwing a flurry of energy spheres into their back '''FIFTY''' times, after that she then poses for second then a gigantic explosion occurs making the opponent veer off in the other direction, during that May Lee spins around then stops in "Hero Mode" as soon as the opponent hits the ground. To be honest despite it's flashy "Disoposition" heh... it's not really worth using because not only is it hard to set-up, the overall damage it does could be better to justify the amount of meter you spend to do it. With that said it does have some pretty unique ways to link together, the easiest way to set it up would be super canceling it from Kazeguruma Kyaku (qcf+K, K) but it's still pretty costly. Another way to do takes timing but it looks pretty cool is pulled off successfully, it requires you to use Gauze Tail Tinkerbell (qcbx2+B/D) mid-screen with the opponents back to the corner. After the DM they'll bouce off the wall, during that time you have to transform in and out of "Hero Mode" (one to quicken the recovery, the other to revert back to normal) then input the qcfx2+BD and hit them while they're still in a juggled state and on their way down from the counter-wire. The most cost effective way to use this SDM is in Max mode [example: st.D (1), (BC) st.D (2), qcf+K~K, (SC) qcfx2+BD] otherwise I would probably save the meter for other things. This SDM can be used as an anti-air but the timing is all to strict and the kick is to vertical so the odds of you catching someone with it is slim to none.
*Auto Henshin
*Combos from: (SC) Kazeguruma Kyaku (qcf+K, K), (Mid-screen) Gauze Tail Tinkerbell (qcbx2+K) Henshin/Revert
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Hinako Shijou
December 27, 2010, 09:42:18 PM
Tasuki Nage - close, ;bk / ;fd + ;c
Uwate Swimming - close, ;bk / ;fd + ;d

Command Moves:
Harite Sendai - ;fd + ;a , ;a
Harite Nishiki - ;fd + ;a , ;c
Tsuppari - ;fd + ;b,  ;b
Nodowa - ;df + ;c , ;d
Maemitsu Tataki - ;df + ;a
Kakeguri - ;df + ;d

Special Moves:
Tsukidashi - ;qcf + ;a / ;c
Tsuki Otoshi - ;qcb + ;a / ;c
Kote Nage - close, ;hcf + ;b / ;d
Kake Nage - close, ;hcb, ;fd + ;b / ;d
Yorigiri - close, ;dp + ;b / ;d
Shiko Toumi - ;dn ;dn + ;b / ;d
Gorin Tsuki - ;qcb + ;b / ;d

Desperation Move:
Gasshou Hiner - ;hcf x 2 + ;b / ;d

Super Desperation Move:
Gasshou Hiner - ;hcf x 2 + ;b + ;d

Daisharin Nodowa Otoshi - ;hcb x 2 + ;a + ;c
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Chin Gentsai
December 27, 2010, 09:37:19 PM
Sake Slammer - ;bk / ;fd + ;c
Reverse Leg Launcher - ;bk / ;fd + ;d

Command Moves
Staggering Sake Gourd Attack - ;fd + ;a

Special Moves
Gourd Attack - ;qcb + ;a / ;c
Eight Hermit Blast - ;qcb + ;b / ;d

Mochizuki Intoxicator - ;dn ;dn + ;b / ;d
    Serpent Adversary - ;up + ;b
    Carp Can Can - ;up + ;d
    Rolling Punch 1 - ;fd + ;b / ;d (requires 1 stock Gulp Sake)
    Back Warp Kick - ;a ;b ;c ;d

Gulp Sake - ;rdp + ;a / ;c
    Rolling Punch 2 - ;hcf + ;b / ;d (requires 1 stock Gulp Sake)
    Burning Sake Belch - ;dp + ;a / ;c (requires 1 stock Gulp Sake)
    Sake Fire Breath - ;qcf + ;a / ;c (requires 1 stock Gulp Sake)
    Customized Invitation to the Furnace - ;dp + ;b / ;d (requires 3 stocks Gulp Sake)

Desperation Moves
Sake Hermit Gulping - ;qcb x 2 + ;b / ;d
Thunder Blast - ;qcf x 2 + ;a / ;c
Invitation to the Furnace - ;qcf, ;hcb + ;a / ;c

Super Desperation Moves
Thunder Blast - ;qcf x 2 + ;a ;c

Manipulate Flame Dance - ;qcf x 2 + ;b ;d
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Takuma Sakazaki
December 27, 2010, 09:31:17 PM
Oosotogari - close, ;bk / ;fd + ;c
Nage Ippon seoi - close, ;bk / ;fd + ;d

Command Moves:
Kawara Wari - ;fd + ;b

Special Moves:
Or Ken Ko - ;qcf + ;a / ;c
Hien Shippukyaku - ;hcb + ;b / ;d
Mouko Shikouken - ;qcb + ;a / ;c
Haohshoukoken - ;fd, ;hcf + ;a / ;c
San Ikusa No Kate -  ;dn ;dn + ;a / ;c

Desperation Moves:
Ryuuko Ranbu - ;qcf, ;hcb + ;a / ;c
Shin Kishin Geki - close, ;qcf x 2 + ;a / ;c

Super Desperation Moves:
Ryuuko Ranbu - ;qcf, ;hcb + ;a + ;c

Kosatsu Jin - ;bk, ;fd, ;dn, ;df + ;a + ;c
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Jhun Hoon
December 27, 2010, 09:24:59 PM
Handougeki - close, ;bk / ;fd + ;c
Kai Senpuu - close, ;bk / ;fd + ;d

Command Moves:
Soshuu Geki - ;fd + ;a (Hold for Soshuu Stance)
Ryouko Geki - ;fd + ;b (Hold for Ryouko Stance)
Ryuurou Shuu - ;dn + ;b in the air

Special Moves:
Mangetsu Zan  - ;qcb + ;b / ;d (Hold ;b for Ryouko Stance)
Kuu Sajin -  charge ;dn ~ ;up + ;a / ;c (Hold ;a to Soshuu Stance)
Haiki Jin  - ;qcb + ;a / ;c (Hold ;a to Soshuu Stance)

Soshuu Stance - ;dn ;dn + ;a (hold down to maintain stance)
┗ Shuusou Kyaku Joudan -  ;up + ;c
┗ Shuusou Kyaku Gedan - ;c
┗ Taikyoku Ha - ;d
┗ Kirikae Kougeki -  ;bk / ;fd + ;a (Hold for Ryouko Stance)
┗ Kirikae Dousa - ;a (Hold for Ryouko Stance)

Ryouko Stance - ;dn ;dn + ;b (hold to maintain stance)
┗ Hiko Geki - ;up + ;c
┗ Mouko Geki - ;up
┗ Shuuko Geki - ;dn + ;c
┗ Taikyoku Hi - ;d
┗ Kirikae Kougeki - ;bk / ;fd + ;a
┗ Kirikae Dousa - ;a (Hold for Soshuu Stance)

Desperation Moves:
Hou'ou resou Kyaku - ;qcf x 2 + ;b / ;d
Hou'ou Tenbu Kyaku - qcf x 2 + ;b / ;d in the air

Super Desperation Moves:
Hou'ou resou Kyaku - ;qcf x 2 +  ;b + ;d

Zankou Haik Geki - ;qcb x 2 + ;a + ;c
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Choi Bounge
December 27, 2010, 07:13:46 PM
Zujou Sashi - close, ;bk / ;fd + ;c
Geketsu Zuki - close, ;bk / ;fd + ;d

Command Moves:
Geri Toorima - ;fd + ;b

Special Moves
Tatsumaki Zan Shippuu -  ;dn;up + ;a / ;c
Hishou Kyaku - ;qcf + ;b / ;d in air
Hienzan - ;dp + ;b / ;d
Hishou Kuuretsu Zan -  ;dn;up + ;b / ;d
┗Houkou Tenkan -  any direction + button (up to three times)
Hien Senpuu Zash - ;bk ~ ;fd + ;a / ;c
┗Houkou Tenkan -  any direction + button (up to three times)
Kaiten Hien Zan - ;qcb + ;a / ;c
┗Kishuu Hien Zuki - ;a / ;c

Desperation Moves:
Shin! Chouzetsu Tatsumaki Shinkuuzan - ;hcb x 2 + ;a / ;c
Hou'ou Kyaku - ;qcf, ;hcb + ;b / ;d
Shin! Chouzetsu Rinnekoro Totsuha - ;qcf x 2 + ;a / ;c

Super Desperation Moves:
Hou'ou Kyaku - ;qcf, ;hcb + ;b + ;c

Shakushi - ;hcf x 2 + ;a ;c in air
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Chang Koehan
December 27, 2010, 07:08:04 PM
Hagan Geki - close, ;bk / ;fd + ;c
Kusari Jime - close, ;bk / ;fd + ;d

Command Moves:
Hiki Nige - ;df + ;a

Special Moves:
Tekkyuu Daikaiten - ;a / ;c repeatedly
Tekkyuu Funs Geki - charge ;bk ~ ;fd + ;a / ;c or ;qcb + ;a / ;c during Tekkyuu Daikaiten
Tekkyu Taiko Uchi - ;hcf + ;b / ;d
Dai Hakai Nage - close, ;hcb, ;fd + ;a / ;c
Haki Kyaku -  ;dn ;dn + ;b / ;d

Desperation Moves:
Tekkyuu Dai Bousou - ;qcf, ;hcb + ;a / ;c
Dai Tekkyuu Assatsu - ;qcf x 2 + ;a / ;c
Tekkyuu Dai Bokusatsu - ;qcf x 2 + ;b / ;d

Super Desperation Move:
Dai Tekkyuu Assatsu - ;qcf x 2 + ;a + ;c

Tekkyuu Dai Sekai -  ;b , ;a , ;c , ;a ,
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Kim Kaphwan
December 27, 2010, 07:02:20 PM
Kubikime Otoshi - close, ;bk / ;fd + ;c
Sakkyaku Swimming - close, ;bk / ;fd + ;d

Command Moves:
Neri Chagi - ;fd + ;b

Special Moves:
Haki Kyaku -  ;dn ;dn + ;b / ;d
Zan Han Getsu - ;qcb + ;b / ;d
Sanren Geki - ;qcb + ;a / ;c (up to three times)
Sankuu Geki - ;qcb +  ;a / ;c, ;uf + ;b / ;d, ;dn + ;b / ;d
Hien Zan - charge  ;dn, ;up + ;b / ;d
┗Ouiche - ;dn + ;d after a ;d Hien Zan
Hishou Kyaku - ;qcf + ;b / ;d (only in the air)
┗Tsuiki Kougeki - ;d after Hishou Kyaku rebound

Desperation Moves:
Hou'ou Kyaku - ;qcb, ;hcf + ;b / ;d
Hiten Hou'ou Kyakyu - ;qcf x 2 + ;b / ;d

Super Desperation Moves:
Kuuchuu Hou'ou Kyaku - ;qcb, ;hcf + ;b + ;d (only in the air)

Kyou Hou'ou Kyaku - (close) ;qcb, ;hcf + ;a + ;c
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Foxy
December 27, 2010, 06:56:21 PM
Daisan No Kagi - close, ;bk / ;fd + ;c
Daijuuni no Kagi - close, ;bk / ;fd + ;d

Command Moves:
No Nanatsu Kinzoku - ;fd + ;a
No Nanatsu Kobutsu - ;df + ;a
No Junkan Nanajuu - ;fd + ;b
No Nanajuu Junryuu - ;df + ;b

Special Moves:
Unicorn No Kaku - ;qcf + ;a / ;c
Taiki no Shoukai - ;dp + ;b / ;d
Planunium - ;dp + ;a / ;c
Hajimari no Ki - ;hcb + ;a / ;c
┗Noa No Kaoku - ;a / ;c
┗Nanajuu no Hoshi - ;bk + ;b / ;d
Chie No Ki - ;qcf + ;b / ;d
┗Tsukino Gin - ;fd + ;a / ;c

Desperation Moves:
Shrödinger No Neko - ;qcb x 2 + ;a / ;c
Hakuchou no Shi- ;qcf x 2 + ;a / ;c
┗Tsukino Gin - ;fd + ;a / ;c
┗No Chishiki ki - ;dn + ;a / ;c

Super Desperation Moves:
No Wakusei Inoru - ;qcf x 2 + ;a + ;c in air

Mitsubachi - ;qcf x 2 + ;b + ;d
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Whip
December 27, 2010, 06:50:52 PM
Alpha - close, ;bk / ;fd + ;c
Zed - close, ;bk / ;fd + ;d

Command Moves:
Whip Shot - ;fd + ;a (up to 5 times)

Special Moves:
Boomerang Shot - ;hcf + ;a / ;c
Assassin Strike "CODE BB" - ;dp + ;a / ;b / ;c / ;d
Hook Shot - ;qcb + ;a / ;c in air
Strength Shot A "Superior" - ;hcb + ;a
Strength Shot B "Strength" - ;hcb + ;b
Strength Shot C "Victory" - ;hcb + ;c
  Strength Shot D "Candy" - During Strength Shot pose, hold  ;d
  Strength Shot Hold - ;hcb + ;a / ;b / ;c held down
Desert Eagle - ;rdp + ;a / ;c

Desperation Moves:
Sonic Slaughter "Code KW" - ;qcb, ;hcf + ;a / ;c
Forbidden Calls "Code â,,¢"  - ;qcf x 2 + ;a / ;c

Super Desperation Moves:
Sonic Slaughter "Code KW" - ;qcb, ;hcf + ;a ;c

Super Blackhawk - ;qcb, ;hcf + ;b ;d
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - K'
December 27, 2010, 06:44:38 PM
Spot Pile - close  ;bk / ;fd +  ;c
Knee Strike - close ;bk / ;fd +  ;d

Command Moves
One Inch - ;fd + ;a
Knee Assault - ;fd + ;b

Special Moves
Eins Trigger - ;qcf + ;a / ;c
┗Second Shoot - ;fd + ;b
┗Second Shell - ;fd + ;d
┗Blackout - ;bk + ;b / ;d
┗Second Spike - ;qcb + ;b / ;d
Crow Bites - ;dp + ;a / ;c
┗Secondary Bites - ;fd + ;b / ;d
Minutes Spike - ;qcb + ;b / ;d
┗Narrow Spike - ;qcb + ;b / ;d

Desperation Moves:
Heat Drive - ;qcf x 2 + ;a / ;c
Chain Drive - ;qcf ;hcb + ;a / ;c

Super Desperation Moves:
Chain Drive - ;qcf ;hcb + ;a + ;c

Crimson Star Road - ;qcb + ;c , ;a

*cl.D, f+A, qcf+P~qcb+D
*cl.D, qcf hcb+AC
*cr.B×1~3, qcf+P~qcb+D  
*cr.Bx1~3, qcf+P~f+D, j.X/qcfx2+P
*f+B, qcb+B
*cl.C (1), f+A, qcf+P~f+D, j.X/DM
*Far C, qcb+D~qcb+K/qcfx2+A
*(CH) f+A, st.X/j.X/qcb+D~qcb+D [dp+C/qcfx2+A/qcf hcb+AC/qcb+C.A]
*(Corner) cr.B×1~2, qcf+A~f+D, qcf+A~f+B, st.X (dp+C/qcf hcb+P/qcb+C.A)
*cl.C (1), f+A, (BC) cl.C (1), f+A, [dp+A (2),(DC) qcb+D~qcb+D]×3, dp+C (1), (DC) qcfx2+P/qcf hcb+AC (Corner)
*(Corner) cr.B×1~2, qcf+A~f+D, (BC) [dp+A (2), (DC)qcb+D~qcb+D]×2~3, dp+C (1), (DC) qcf hcb+AC
Social Club / Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays
December 24, 2010, 06:58:45 PM
Here's hoping all members of the Dream Cancel family have a wonderful holiday! Hopefully, you'll all give and receive great gifts and wishes.

If you're on PSN and have SamSho on NeoGeo Station, keep an eye out for me. I'll be on intermittently Christmas Day.
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Orochi Yashiro
December 22, 2010, 12:05:48 AM
Baku - close, ;bk / ;fd + ;c
Beki - close, ;bk / ;fd + ;d

Command Moves:
Saku - ;fd + ;a
Bubu - ;fd + ;b

Special Moves:
Niragi Daichi - ;hcf + ;a / ;c
Museibu Daichi - ;hcb, ;fd + ;a / ;c
Otoru Daichi - ;hcf + ;b / ;d
Kujiku Daichi - ;qcb + ;a / ;c
Unaru Daichi - ;dp + ;a / ;c

Desperation Moves:
Ankoku Jigoku Otoshi Gokuraku - ;hcb x 2 + ;a / ;c
Araburu Daichi - ;qcf x 2 + ;b / ;d

Super Desperation Moves
Ankoku Jigoku Otoshi Gokuraku - ;hcb x 2 + ;a + ;c
Araburu Daichi - ;qcf x 2 + ;b + ;d

Armaggedon - ;hcb x 2 + ;b + ;d
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Shermie
December 21, 2010, 11:54:52 PM
Shermie Flash Original - close ;bk / ;fd + ;c
Front Flash - close ;bk / ;fd + ;d

Command Moves:
Busty Suplex - ;fd + ;a
Shermie Stand - ;fd + ;b

Special Moves:
Shermie Clutch - ;dp + ;b / ;d
Shermie Spiral - ;hcf + ;a / ;c
Shermie Whip - ;qcb + ;a / ;c
Shermie Cute - after Shermie Clutch, Shermie Spiral, or Shermie Whip, ;qcf + ;b / ;d
Diamond Dust - ;hcf + ;b / ;d
Axle Spin Kick - ;qcb + ;b / ;d
F. Captured - ;hcb, ;fd + ;a / ;c
Evasive Move -  ;a ;b ;c
  Evasive Attack - during Evasive move,  ;a / ;b / ;c / ;d

Desperation Moves:
Shermie Flash - ;hcb x 2 + ;a / ;c
Shermie Carnival - hcf x 2 + ;a / ;c

Super Desperation Moves:
Shermie Flash - ;hcb x 2 + ;a + ;c
Shermie Carnival - ;hcf x 2 + ;a + ;c

Lightning Leg Lariat - ;qcf x 2 + ;b ;d
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Chris
December 21, 2010, 11:49:14 PM
Step Turn - close ;bk / ;fd + ;c
Aerial Drop - close ;bk / ;fd + ;d

Command Moves:
Spinning Array - ;fd + ;a
Reverse Anchor Kick - ;fd + ;b
Carry Off Kick - ;df + ;b

Special Moves:
Direction Change - ;dp + ;a / ;c
Hunting Air - ;dp + ;b / ;d
Slide Touch - ;qcf + ;a/ ;c
Scramble Dash - ;qcf + ;b / ;d
Shooting Dancer Thrust - ;hcb + ;a / ;c
Shooting Dancer Step - ;hcb + ;b / ;d
Glider Stomp - in air, ;qcf + ;b / ;d
Leading High - ;fd + ;b ;d
Leading Low: ;dn + ;b ;d

Desperation Moves:
Chain Slide Touch - ;qcf x 2 + ;a / ;c
Twister Drive - ;qcb x 2 + ;b / ;d

Super Desperation Moves:
Chain Slide Touch - ;qcf x 2 + ;a + ;c
Twister Drive - ;qcb x 2 + ;b + ;d

Fate of Flame - ;hcb x 2 + ;a + ;c
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Yashiro Nanakase
December 21, 2010, 11:43:01 PM
Liver Blow - close ;bk / ;fd + ;c
Hatchet Throw - close ;bk / ;fd + ;d

Command Moves:
Regret Bash - ;fd + ;a
Step Side Kick - ;fd + ;b

Special Moves
Dual Upper - ;dp + ;a / ;c
Jet Counter - ;hcf + ;a / ;c
  Steel Jet Counter - Jet Counter, ;qcf + ;a / ;c
Sledgehammer - ;qcb + ;b / ;d
Mighty Missile Bash - ;hcb + ;a / ;c

Desperation Moves:
Final Impact: ;qcf x 2 + ;a / ;c

Super Desperation Moves:
Final Impact: ;qcf x 2 + ;a + ;c
Million Bash Stream: ;qcb ;hcf + ;a + ;c (mash ;a / ;c)

ERROR... "code**2002**: ;qcb ;hcf + ;b + ;d
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Ralf Jones
December 21, 2010, 11:37:56 PM
Dynamite Headbutt - close ;bk / ;fd + ;c
Northern Light Bomb - close ;bk / ;fd + ;d

Special Moves:
Gatling Attack - charge ;bk ~ ;fd + ;a / ;c
Super Argentine Backbreaker - ;hcf + ;b / ;d
Blitzkrieg Punch - charge ;dn ~ ;up + ;a / ;c or in air ;qcf + ;a / ;c
Vulcan Punch - ;a / ;c tapped repeatedly
Ralf Kick - ;hcb + ;b
Ralf Tackle - ;hcb + ;d
Galactica Phantom - ;qcf x 2 + ;a / ;c

Desperation Moves:
Super Vulcan Punch - ;qcf ;hcb + ;a / ;c
Bareback Vulcan Punch - ;qcb ;hcf + ;b / ;d

Super Desperation Moves
Super Vulcan Punch - ;qcf ;hcb + ;a + ;c

Bareback Galactica Phantom - ;qcb ;hcf + ;b + ;d
  Galactica Vanguard - during Bareback Galactica Phantom, ;qcf x 2 + ;a + ;c (hold)
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Leona Heidern
December 21, 2010, 11:32:14 PM
Leona Crush - close ;bk / ;fd + ;c
Ordeal Buckler - close ;bk / ;fd + ;d
Heidern Inferno - close ;bk / ;dn / ;fd + ;c / ;d in air

Command Moves:
Strike Arch - ;fd + ;b

Special Moves:
Moon Slasher - charge ;dn ~ ;up + ;a / ;c
Baltic Launcher - charge ;bk ~ ;fd + ;a / ;c
X-Caliber - ;qcb + ;a / ;c in air
Grand Saber - charge  ;bk ~ ;fd + ;b / ;d
  Gliding Buster - ;fd + ;b / ;d after ;d version only
Earring Bomb - ;qcb + ;b / ;d
Heart Attack - ;rdp + ;b / ;d close
  Explode - ;rdp + ;b / ;d

Desperation Moves:
V-Slasher - ;qcf ;hcb + ;a / ;c in air
Rebel Spark - ;qcb ;hcf + ;b / ;d
Grateful Dead - ;qcf x 2 + ;a / ;c
Kakusei - ;up, ;dn, ;up, ;dn, ;up, ;dn + ;b + ;d
* Absorbs 50% but transforms her into the Riot of Blood mode

Super Desperation Moves
V-Slasher - ;qcf ;hcb + ;a + ;c in air
Rebel Spark - ;qcb ;hcf + ;b + ;d
* Riot of Blood mode only

Dead End Inferno - ;qcf ;hcb + ;a + ;c
* Transforms her into Riot of Blood mode, or back to normal
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Ramon
December 21, 2010, 11:19:41 PM
Arm Whip - close ;bk / ;fd + ;c
Flying Mare - close ;bk / ;fd + ;d

Command Move:
Low Altitude Drop Kick - ;df + ;b

Special Moves:
Tiger Neck Chancery - close ;hcf + ;a / ;c
Rolling Sobbat - ;dp + ;b / ;d
  Flying body attack - during Rolling Sobbat, ;dp + ;b / ;d
   Pull Up - during Flying Body Attack or Force of Will, ;dn ;dn + ;a / ;c
Feint step - ;qcb + ;a / ;c
* Can be charged
Somersault - ;hcf + ;b / ;d
* Cancel with ;a + ;b + ;c
Tiger Road - ;rdp + ;b / ;d
  Feint Dash - during Tiger Road, Tiger Road 2 or Savage Fire Cat Dashing, ;a ;b ;c
  Cross Chop - During Tiger Road, when touching wall, ;d
Tiger Road 2 - ;qcb + ;b / ;d
  Force of Will - during Tiger Road 2 when touching wall, ;qcf + ;a
Bird of Paradise - ;dn ;dn + ;a ~ ;c

Desperation Moves:
Tiger Spin - close ;hcb x 2 + ;a / ;c
El Diablo Amarillo Ramon - ;qcb ;hcf + ;b / ;d
Savage Fire Cat - ;qcf ;hcb + ;b / ;d

Super Desperation Move
Tiger Spin - close ;hcb x 2 + ;a + ;c

Hypnotic Tiger - ;qcb ;hcf + ;a + ;c
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Vanessa
December 21, 2010, 11:08:31 PM
Dynamite Puncher - ;bk / ;fd + ;c
Clinch Puncher - ;bk / ;fd + ;d

Command Moves:
One-Two Puncher - ;fd + ;a
Sliding Puncher - ;df + ;b

Special Attacks:
Machine Gun Puncher - ;hcf + ;a / ;c (press rapidly for more hits)
Dash Puncher - charge ;bk ~ ;fd + ;a / ;c
Puncher Vision (forward) - ;qcf + ;b / ;d
┣ Upper - ;fd + ;a
┣Straight - ;fd + ;c
┗Weaving - ;bk + ;a / ;c
Puncher Vision (backward) - ;qcb + ;b / ;d
┣ Upper - ;fd + ;a
┣Straight - ;fd + ;c
┗Weaving - ;bk + ;a / ;c
Puncher Weaving - ;qcb + ;a / ;c
┣ Dash Puncher - ;fd + ;a / ;c
┣Parrying Puncher - ;bk + ;a / ;c
┣Puncher Vision (forward) - ;fd + ;b / ;d
┗Puncher Vision (backward) - ;bk + ;b / ;d
Forbidden Eagle - ;dp + ;a
Parrying Puncher - ;dp + ;c

Desperation Moves:
Crazy Puncher - ;qcb, ;hcf + ;a / ;c
Champion Puncher - ;qcf x 2 + ;a / ;c close

Super Desperation Moves:
Crazy Puncher - ;qcf x 2 + ;a ;c

Gaia Gear - ;fd, ;hcf + ;a ;c
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Bao
December 21, 2010, 10:54:46 PM
Phantom Head Attack - close ;bk / ;fd + ;c
Critical Throw - close ;bk / ;fd + ;d

Command Moves:
Kawasaki - ;fd + ;a
Senheki Shu - ;fd + ;b
Sensyou Shu - ;df + ;b
Rikatsu Shu - ;df + ;d
Sousho - in air, ;dn + ;a
Banda - in air, ;dn + ;b

Special Moves:
Psycho Ball Attack: Raise - ;qcf + ;a
Psycho Ball Attack: Bound - ;qcf + ;b
Psycho Ball Attack: Front - ;qcb + ;b
Psycho Ball Attack: Aerial Front - in air, ;qcb + ;a
Psycho Ball Attack: Aerial Bound - in air, ;qcf + ;b
Psycho Ball Crush: Raise - ;qcf + ;c
Psycho Ball Crush: Bound - ;qcf + ;d
Psycho Ball Crush: Front - ;qcb + ;c
Psycho Ball Crush: Aerial Front - In air, ;qcb + ;c
Psycho Ball Crush: Aerial Bound - in air, ;qcf + ;d

Desperation Moves:
Psycho Ball Attack MAX - ;qcb x 2 + ;a / ;c
Psycho Ball Crush Special - ;qcb x 2 + ;b / ;d

Super Desperation Moves:
Psycho Ball Attack MAX - ;qcb x 2 + ;a+ ;c
Psycho Ball Attack IIDX - ;fd, ;hcf + ;b+ ;d

Psycho Ball Gravity - ;qcf x 2 + ;a+ ;c
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Sie Kensou
December 21, 2010, 10:49:38 PM
Power Blast - close ;bk / ;fd + ;c
Psychic Slam - close ;bk / ;fd + ;d

Command Moves:
Tiger Takedown Punch - ;fd + ;a
Reverse Mass Kick - ;fd + ;b

Special Moves:
Super Bullet Attack - ;qcb + ;a / ;c
Earth Dragon Fang Nibble - ;hcf + ;a
Heaven Dragon Fang Nibble - ;hcf + ;c
Dragon Talon Tear - in air, ;qcb + ;a / ;c
Dragon Uppercut - ;rdp + ;b / ;d
Arrow Kick - ;qcf + ;b / ;d

Desperation Moves:
Dragon God Kick - ;qcf ;hcb + ;b
Dragon God Drubbing - ;qcf ;hcb + ;d
RESPECT Meat Dumplings - ;qcb x 2 + ;a / ;c

Super Desperation Move:
Hermit Power Blast - close ;qcf x 2 + ;a ;c

Dragon Awakening - ;qcf x 2 + ;b+ ;d
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Yuri Sakazaki
December 21, 2010, 10:43:48 PM
Demonic Slap - close ;bk / ;fd + ;c
Silent Throw - close ;bk / ;fd + ;d
Swallow Dropper - in air, any direction except ;up + ;c

Command Moves:
Swallow Wings - ;fd + ;a
Piercing Swallow - ;df + ;b
Rising Swallow - ;df + ;d

Special Moves:
Tiger Flame Punch - ;qcf + ;a / ;c
(* Hold ;a / ;c to charge)
Rai Oh Ken - in air, ;qcf + ;b / ;d
Sai Ha - ;qcb + ;a / ;c
Yuri Super Upper - ;dp + ;a / ;c
 Double Yuri Super Upper - during ;c version of Super Upper, ;dp + ;a / ;c
Hundred Blows - ;hcb + ;b / ;d
Yuri Super Slash - ;hcf + ;b / ;d

Desperation Move:
Flying Phoenix Kick - ;qcf ;hcb + ;b / ;d

Super Desperation Move:
Core! Super Upper - ;qcf x 2 + ;b ;d

Super! Ryuko Ranbu - ;qcf ;hcb + ;a ;c
*Can be charged
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Robert Garcia
December 21, 2010, 10:33:20 PM
Kick of the Dragon - close ;bk / ;fd + ;c
Decapitating Drop - close ;bk / ;fd + ;d

Command Moves
Dragon-felling Kick - ;fd + ;a
Back Knuckle - ;bk + ;a
Soaring Dragon Kick - ;fd + ;b

Special Moves:
Dragon Blast Punch - ;qcf + ;a / ;c
Ryuga - ;dp + ;a / ;c
Flying Dragon Kick - in air, ;qcb + ;b / ;d
Great Spirit Kick - ;fd, ;bk,  ;fd + ;b / ;d
Kyoku Gen Kick Dance - close ;hcf + ;b / ;d

Desperation Moves:
Haoh Sho Koh Ken - ;fd, ;hcf + ;a / ;c
Ryuko Ranbu - ;qcf ;hcb + ;a / ;c
Reverse Dragon Fang - ;qcf x 2 + ;b / ;d

Super Desperation Move:
Ryuko Ranbu - ;qcf ;hcb + ;a + ;c

Ryuko Ranbu: Absolute - ;qcf ;hcb + ;b + ;d
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Andy Bogard
December 21, 2010, 10:27:18 PM
Original Iron Press - close ;bk;fd + ;c
Wrap-around Slam - close ;bk;fd + ;d

Command Moves:
Chin Raiser - ;fd + ;b
Facelift Smash - ;df + ;a

Special Moves:
Zan Ei Ken - ;db, ;fd + ;a / ;c
Shippu Oh Ken - during Zan Ei Ken, ;qcf + ;a / ;c
Hisho Ken - ;qcb + ;a
Geki Hisho Ken - ;qcb + ;c
Syo Ryu Dan - ;dp + ;a / ;c
Sonic Split - ;hcf + ;b / ;d
Dam Breaker Punch - close, ;hcf + ;a / ;c
Shiranui Shadow - in air, ;qcf + ;b / ;d
  Shiranui Shadow Downward Jab - During Shiranui Shadow, ;a / ;c
  Shiranui Shadow Uppercut Crush - During Shiranui Shadow, ;b / ;d
Darkness Kick - ;rdp + ;b / ;d
Kunai Bullet - close to downed opponent, ;dn ;dn + ;a / ;c

Desperation Moves:
Super Sonic Swirl - ;qcb, ;db, ;fd + ;b / ;d
Zan Ei Comet Punch - ;qcb ;db ;qcf + ;a / ;c

Super Desperation Move:
Super Sonic Swirl - ;qcb, ;db, ;fd + ;b ;d

Zan Ei Super Sonic Swirl - ;qcf x 2 + ;a ;c
Additional attack,  ;b ;c ;d
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Iori Yagami
December 21, 2010, 10:20:41 PM
Reverse Skinner - ;bk / ;fd + ;c

Double-reverse Skinner - ;bk / ;fd + ;d

Command Moves
Dream Blast - ;fd + ;a ;a

Thunder Axe Shadow Reaper - ;fd + ;b

Lily Breaker - in air, ;bk + ;b

Special Moves
Fireball - ;dp + ;a / ;c
* Super cancellable

Dark Thrust - ;qcf + ;a / ;c
* Ground fireball

Deadly Flower - ;qcb + ;a / ;c
* Can be used up to 3 times in a row

Dark Crescent Slice - ;hcb + ;b / ;d
* Command grab

Scum Gale - close, ;hcb, ;fd + ;a / ;c

Desperation Moves
Maiden Masher - ;qcf ;hcb + ;a / ;c
> Wolf Bloom - During Maiden masher, ;qcf x 4 + ;a ;c

Flame Comber - ;qcf x 2 + ;b / ;d

Super Desperation Move
Maiden Masher - ;qcf ;hcb + ;a ;c

Flame Disentangle - ;qcb ;hcf + ;b ;d
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Benimaru Nikaido
December 21, 2010, 10:13:42 PM
Catch and Shoot - close, ;bk / ;fd + ;c
Front Suplex - close, ;bk / ;fd + ;d
Spinning Knee Drop - in the air and close, ;bk / ;dn / ;fd + ;c

Command Moves
Jacknife Kick - ;fd + ;b
Flying Drill - in air, ;dn + ;d

Special Moves
Raijinken - ;qcf + ;a / ;c
Kuuchuu Raijinken - in air, ;qcf + ;a / ;c
Shinkuu Katete Koma - ;qcb + ;a / ;c
Super Inazuma Kick - ;dp + ;b / ;d
Iai-geri - ;qcf + ;b / ;d
 Handou Sandan Geri - (after Iai-geri) ;dn, ;up + ;b / ;d
Benimaru Collider - close, ;hcb, ;fd + ;a / ;c
 Benimaru Shoot (after Benimaru Collider) - ;qcf + ;b / ;d

Desperation Moves
Raikoken - ;qcf x 2 + ;a / ;c
Gene'i Hurricane - ;qcb x 2 + ;b / ;d

Super Desperation Move
Raikoken: ;qcf x 2 +  ;a ;c

Raijinten Raijinten - ;fd ;db ;df ;bk ;fd + ;a / ;b / ;c / ;d
Online Matchmaking / NeoGeo Station players
December 21, 2010, 09:39:31 PM

As the NeoGeo station is released today on PSN, I figure it's time to get a listing going. Post up your PSN ID and the game(s) you'll be playing. I'm not going to compile the information into the first post as then it's harder to make sure you've got everyone's ID.

PSN: nilcam
Game(s): Samurai Shodown
King of Fighters 2k2/UM / KOF 2002UM - Kyo Kusanagi
December 21, 2010, 06:04:10 PM
Hachi Tetsu - close ;bk/ ;fd + ;c
Issetsu seoi Swimming - close, ;bk/ ;fd + ;d

Command Moves
Ge Shiki Goufu You -  ;fd +  ;b
Ge Shiki Naraku Otoshi - in air,  ;dn + ;c
88 Shiki - ;df + ;d

Special Moves
100 Shiki Oniyaki -  ;fd ;dn ;df +  ;a / ;c
427 Shiki Hikigane - ;hcb + ;b / ;d
RED Kick - ;rdp + ;b / ;d
75 Shiki Kai - ;qcf + ;b, ;b or ;d, ;d
114 Shiki Aragami - ;qcf + ;a
  128 Shiki Kono Kizu - after Aragami, ;qcf + ;a / ;c
  127 Shiki Yano Sabi - after Aragami, hcb + ;a / ;c, Kono Kizu, ;a / ;c
  125 Shiki Nana Se - Kono Kizu, ;b / ;d,  Aragami -> Yano Sabi, ;b / ;d
  212 Shiki Kototsuki You - Aragami -> Yano Sabi, ;hcb + ;b / ;d
  Ge Shiki Migiri Ugachi - Aragami -> Yano Sabi, ;a / ;c
115 Shiki Doku Kami - ;qcf + ;c
  401 Shiki Tumi Yomi - Domu Kami, ;hcb + ;a / ;c
  402 Shiki Batu Yomi - Tumi Yomi, ;fd + ;a / ;c
  100 Shiki Oniyaki - Batu Yomi, ;dp + ;a / ;c

Desperation Moves
Ura 108 Shiki Orochinagi - ;qcb, ;hcf + ;a / ;c (Hold A/C to charge)
182 Shiki - ;qcf, ;qcf + ;a / ;c (Hold ;a / ;c to charge)

Super Desperation Moves
Ura 108 Shiki Orochinagi - ;qcb, ;hcf + ;a ;c

524 Shiki Kamichiri - ;hcb, ;hcb + ;a ;c


Close C, qcf + C, hcb + C, f + C, dp + C
Close C, qcf + D, D, hcb + B, qcf + A
Close C, qcf + D, D, hcb + B move towards a bit then, D
Close C, qcf + D, D, QCB HCF + A / C
Close C, qcf + D, D, hcb + B xx QCB HCF + A / C
d + B, A, dp + A
Close C, dp + C (1 hit) xx qcf x 2 + P

In the corner
Close C, qcf + D, D, hcb + B, qcf + A, hcb + P, hcb + B
Close C, qcf + D, D, hcb + B, dp + A / C
Close C, qcf + D, D, hcb + B, qcf + B, B, dp + C
Close C, QCB x 2 + AC, qcf + A, hcb + P, hcb + B (only the latest hits or OTG)

Max Mode
Close C (BC activate, run), close C, dp + C (1 hit), hcb + D, qcf + C, qcf + A, qcf + C, qcf x 2 + A
f + B (BC activate, run), close C, dp + C (1 hit), hcb + D, qcf + C, qcf + A, qcf + C, qcf x 2 + A
(Corner) Close C (BC activate, run), close C, dp + C (1 hit), hcb + D, qcf + C, qcf + A, qcf + C, qcf + D, D, hcb + B, qcf + A, hcb + A, hcb + B
Close C, df + D, qcf + BC, qcf + A, qcf + C, qcf + A, qcf + C, qcf x2 + A
Yesterday I had an interview with Osirun for an upcoming Power Up Podcast. In the course of the conversation, he kept raving about the wiki and it got me thinking about what we've accomplished here at Dream Cancel. And it's a lot. I am of the opinion that we have the best online fighting game community. The vast majority of the discussion here is both informative and respectful. That in and of itself is amazing for an online community. I get a lot of positive comments about that.

Beyond that, the community has put in a ton of work on the wikis and it really shows. That sort of effort is what will make us THE place for KoF/SNK knowledge.

I am very thankful for everyone in the Dream Cancel community. All of the work put in by the mods and the members is humbling. When I built the site, I hoped people would get involved and enjoy their time here but I could never have imagined how great everything has become.

So, thanks to all of you.
Neo Geo Battle Coliseum / NGBC XBLA Players
November 18, 2010, 08:42:07 PM
List name and gamertag. I'm tired of this game being dead. I'm splitting my time between 2K2UM and NGBC.

AcidGlow - GT: AcidGlowx
AM2 - GT: Arvoyea
Ash Riot - GT: DaiOhJoh
Ashspiralingblood - GT: ange Toussaint
Ash2k4 - GT: MBN Yatchinator
DaBlueShadow - GT: DaBlueShadow
dman2005 - GT: Dwr3knbAll
Dr.Faust - GT: DrFaustSNK
JoeJustice - GT: J0EJUSTICE
jinxhand - GT: JINXHAND
Jinzer0 - GT: NamiXJin
krazykone123 - GT: KrazyKone
meiji_99 - GT: meijisan
Mr Bakaboy - GT: Mr Bakaboy
nilcam - GT: nilcam
Nocturnal - GT: NocturnalSRK
sibarraz - GT: sibarraz 4 life
Shinra Shiranui - GT: Blackninja305
steamwolf - GT: steeeeeaaam
Tone - GT: TehRaysel
Xxenace - GT: Xxenace
XTG - GT: XTG8680