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Messages - sugarboy

Benimaru Nikaido / Re: Benimaru Nikaido (Console)
February 24, 2012, 02:12:52 PM
an i dea i got from Cafe Id matches for benimaru I think the guy's name was Vash

KOF XIII Benimaru HD FullScreen Combo
an i dea i got from Cafe Id matches for benimaru I think the guy's name was Vash

KOF XIII Benimaru HD FullScreen Combo
ok, just had my ass kicked, nothing new so far, the only change i noticed that u have to hold start to choose ex characters "not only a single press", no changes with the color palletes "same like the arcade" no customize slots of course.

so far nothing has changed.

UPDATE: u cant choose between the old or new bgm by holding start till the go sign show up, the bgm title shows up once the match starts just like the console version.

2nd UP: the title screen's background color with the big kof xiii logo is black -instead of white-

LAST UP: here is a video with a good match and the title screen at the end

KOF XIII Climax 1st Loketest Akihabara (nice match and titl

i took an image for the flyer on top of the arcade machine but i dont know how to upload it from my iphone so will do it when i get back home later along with the other flyer with the new characters (billy, saiki and the rest) simple move list
I am on my way to the loketest, will b reporting on what's new about the game, IF there were anything new...

the arcade center opens after 45 mintues from now btw.
I made another Mr.karate combo video for anyone interested.

KOF XIII Mr.Karate HD Combo 2 (Mr.カラテHD発動コンボ集その2)
Mr. Karate / Re: EX Mr. Karate
January 19, 2012, 03:32:56 AM
any one having problems with his 10th trial this video might help u, and also if u were looking for new finishing combo ideas

KOF XIII Mr.Karate HD Combo 2 (Mr.カラテHD発動コンボ集その2)
Mr. Karate / Re: EX Mr. Karate
January 15, 2012, 01:03:54 PM
here is some of what i came up with from the trials and the maniac combo from SNKPlaymore's video

KOFXIII Mr.Karate HD Combo (HDコンボ集)
here is more K' ideas that I would like to share in a very poor cmv attempt from me.

KOFXIII (Console Ver.) K' Combo (2)

in the last HD combo u can of course hit with an air qcb+LK but I was so lazy to redo the combo over again to get the timing, I kept missing it so many times that i gave up!! plus it only adds 10 to the total damage any way.
yeah, a normal super won't connect, actually even the ex super would not connect unless you stop your opponent in the air with a hit then it will connect, which would cost a super cancel at the end of the combo if I intend to connect a normal super afterwards.

a low or high dp can connect after the ex air qcb+Kick if thats what you were asking, and thanks for sharing these ideas.
Just wanted to share this K' combo with everyone, the picture is bad but it was just to show a concept I got from the maniac combo series video that SNKPlaymore showed, and i also forgot to finish it with the last hit.

KOF XIII (console version) K' combo

EDIT:oops, I just got noted that this combo is 6 power gauges!! sorry guys..
got my copy today and got flame Iori

General Discussion / Re: Xbox 360 player listing
November 30, 2011, 10:03:34 PM
GT: sugarpeterboy
Location: Japan, Tokyo

will get the game by December 1st, until then.