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Messages - powerfercs

@sibarraz The PS2 version can do it when you unlock Nightmare Geese aka finishing all the Hard Trials or failing them 300 times.
Would you allow it in tournaments? Of course there is a rule that you can't repeat the same character it is only used if you want to enable using a Regular and EX character in one team. Something like:

Ryo/Ryo/Robert won't be allowed but Claw Iori/Flame Iori/any Non Iori character is allowed. This is like a Yes or No poll discussion. I go with Yes.
Ex Kyo / Re: EX Kyo (NESTS)
December 21, 2011, 01:35:52 PM
ATM XIII Kyo is top tier(according to top players) if you guys claim that EX Kyo is stronger SNK playmore just created the new Arcade K'. Anyways I prefer playing XIII Kyo though his rdp+K move is too BOSS but EX Kyo is also a choice for team B.
Ex Kyo / Re: EX Kyo (NESTS)
December 20, 2011, 08:20:52 PM
Here in my country there are Asian Versions of the game problem is? They only sell US PSN Cards!!! So much for EX Kyo.
General Discussion / Re: Tier List
December 13, 2011, 01:38:34 PM
By the time the game evolves these characters MAY be Top Tier

Yuri  :)
Mai >:(  (insane normals, crazy Neo Max I hate fanservice characters and people will use her more)
Hwa Jai
Vice  :)

Kyo will be read like an open book so he may drop to mid at tier at worst when the game matures

DLC characters could be high if not top tier (SNK did say that DLC chars are a little stronger than Day 1 characters) EX Iori is strong but ATM people use him for familiarity so that's a factor on why he's looking strong but don't disregard Claw Iori as well. Hmm better get ready for a team specifically designed to kill Mai.
Ex Kyo / Re: Kyo Kusanagi (NESTS)
December 05, 2011, 01:45:07 PM
Then about his EX hcb+K not being a command throw. I plan on maining him alternately with 95 Kyo so I'm quite worried that his EX hcb+k doesn't have that oomph as Vanilla Kyo.
Ex Kyo / Re: Kyo Kusanagi (NESTS)
December 04, 2011, 04:42:24 PM
Isn't this Kyo's ;df ;d not cancellable unlike ShotoKyo?? Making him a bit hassle to combo without HD??