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Topics - Malik

Results / Northeast Task Force (NTF) II Results
May 26, 2013, 05:53:11 PM
A low turnout this time more than likely due to East Coast Throwdown being last week so many players were either burned out, didn't have funds, or had other obligations, but here's to hoping everyone shows up next time.

1. Ihate (NTF|ZD The Prince)
2. NTF|ZD A3Religion
3. Tugboat Titties King of FAKKU!
4. Shadow780
5. NTF|ZD Mynus
5. Zeal

YT matches
Winners Semis: http://youtu.be/xcEYooGeKWg
Losers Semis: http://youtu.be/jV9iU7oKPYg
Winners Finals: http://youtu.be/BvlXNeALgcg
Losers Finals: http://youtu.be/BvlXNeALgcg
Grand Finals: http://youtu.be/8G_V2AZ0agM
Shoutouts to Sway for finally making it & seeing a few new faces but not playing for whatever reason, onto the results.

1st: PachuKOF
2nd: DJ Huoshen
3rd: Shadow 780
4th: Dynicksty
5th: Mynus
5th: Lazie Freddie
7th: Malik
7th: A3Religion
9th: YPK
9th: FM Sway
9th: Saika
9th: Zeal

YouTube files will be eventually uploaded & OP will be updated with a link to them once done.

Off-Stream Matches: Dynicksty vs Lazie Freddie & A3Religion Vs. Saika
Results / Northeast Task Force (NTF) I Results
May 01, 2013, 01:51:19 AM
Copied & pasted from DaiAndOh's dustloop post for this months results:

KOF XIII: 9 Entrants
1: Malik
2: PachuKOF
3: A3Religion
4: Shadow780
5: Liston
5: Sketch
7: Zeal
7: Mynus
9: Yolo Clutch

Vids for Top 3:
You've been watching us stream our sessions for a long time, so we've decided to start hosting tournaments here. If you have any questions contact me on my Facebook page or Post below.

70/20/10 pot split (1st, 2nd, 3rd)

$7 Entry fee
$7 Tournament entry

Registration start 3:00pm - 6:30pm
Tournament begins 7:00pm - 7:20pm

The House of Crack

955 E. 163 Bronx, NY - You can take the 2 or the 5 train to Intervale Ave. or take the 6 train to Hunts Point and give me a call for directions - 1-718-607-0321 Johnathan.

Keep in mind this isn't a regular venue and we have limited space.



1. Please sign up as soon as you enter the house.
2. No fighting of any sort
3. Any stealing done to me or another will result in calling the cops.
4. No casual stations until you are told so
5. No smoking in the house. You can go to the balcony to smoke

Hope to see everyone there
Sorry for the delay on the results, here they are for the 1st event (3/9/2013)
1st NTF|ZD Zidane
2nd PachuKOF
3rd Marco Polo
4th Rashikal
5th Lazie Freddie
5th NTF|ZD XAQshinor
7th Zeal
7th NTF|ZD A3religion
9th NTF|ZD Liston the prince
9th Nick (Dynicksty)
9th Ryudo
9th Attia The Hun
13th Sabata (Saika)
13th Krisppy
13th ray
13th ASAP
17th Mynus
17th Airlancer

And the 2nd one (4/6/2013)
1st PachuKOF
2nd Garou Mike Marco Polo
3rd NTF|ZD A3religion
4th Nick (Dynicksty)
5th Zeal
5th Sai
7th Lazie Freddie
7th (SS|NTF|ZD) Malik
9th ASAP
9th Etone
9th YPK
9th Garou Mike
13th Attia the Hun
13th Shadow780

Matches that were played on stream are on the stream archives of Bum's channel
Archives from the 1st tournament

Archives from the 2nd tournament

King of Fighters 13
Xbox 360
2/3 format until Top 3 which will be 3/5

70/20/10 pot split (1st, 2nd, 3rd)

$7 Entry fee - [This applies to spectators as well]
$7 Tournament entry

Registration start 3:00pm - 7:00pm
Tournament begins 7:00pm - 7:20pm

The House of Crack

955 E 163, Apt. 5J Bronx, NY - You can take the 2 or the 5 train to Intervale Ave. or take the 6 train to Hunts Point and give me a call for directions - 1-718-607-0321 Johnathan.

Keep in mind this isn't a regular venue and we have limited space.


1. Please sign up as soon as you enter the house
2. No fighting of any sort
3. Any stealing done to me or another will result in calling the cops
4. No casual stations until you are told so (basically when it's down to Top 3/4)
5. No smoking in the house, you can go to the balcony to smoke"
Copied and Pasted:

"Welcome to the first ever City of Mayhem King of fighters 13 tournament. You've been watching us stream our sessions for a long time. So we decided to start hosting tournaments here. If you have any question contact me on my Facebook page - http://www.facebook.com/johnathan.farley.3 or Post below.

King of Fighters 13
Xbox 360
2/3 format until Top 3 which will be 3/5

70/20/10 pot split (1st, 2nd, 3rd)

$7 Entry fee - [This applies to spectators as well]
$7 Tournament entry

Registration start 3:00pm - 7:00pm
Tournament begins 7:00pm - 7:20pm

The House of Crack

955 E 163, Apt. 5J Bronx, NY - You can take the 2 or the 5 train to Intervale Ave. or take the 6 train to Hunts Point and give me a call for directions - 1-718-607-0321 Johnathan.

Keep in mind this isn't a regular venue and we have limited space.


1. Please sign up as soon as you enter the house
2. No fighting of any sort
3. Any stealing done to me or another will result in calling the cops
4. No casual stations until you are told so
5. No smoking in the house, you can go to the balcony to smoke"

I will be doing commentary most of this event just in case anyone wanted to know was doing it, see you all there.
This game's side tournament is King of Fighters!

Venue Location:
Eight on the break
340 N Ave
Dunellen, NJ 08812

General Details:
1) No venue fee. Yes, No. Venue. Fee.
2) Signups will start at around 7-8pm. Tournament starts no later than 8:30 pm.
3) Casuals are not allowed until 30 minutes prior to the tournament signups
4) The Main game each biweekly is P4U, KoF is now being tested as the sidegame
5) Each Tournament is $5 entry
6) P4U and KOFXIII will be ran on PS3

Game Specific Details:

Persona 4 Arena
2 out of 3 Rounds, 2 out of 3 Matches.
Winners, Losers, and Grand Finals Finals 3 out of 5 Matches.
Double Elimination.
Loser of the match can change character. Winner is locked in character.
Navigators are allowed.

King of Fighters XIII
Versus Mode, 3v3, Best 2/3 format until Top 3 unless otherwise stated.
If the players do not agree on a stage within 15 seconds, the match will be random stage select.

Stream Location:

P.S. : Get a breaksteak, it's ~4 dollars, and is a beef sandwich with fries and a drink! It's pretty godlike!

KoF is added this biweekly! Please spread the word!

If you guys live in the NJ area, please support Rokunaya, he has been doing these biweeklies for over 4 months now & they're pretty good so everyone try their best to support if you have time.
Archives / Atlanta Revival [Sep 15, 2012]
August 07, 2012, 12:13:45 AM
We're back another month for Atlanta Revival again. Make sure to practice and get your games in.

When: September 15, 2012

Georgia World Congress Center
285 Andrew Young International Blvd.
Atlanta, Georgia 30313


Door fee: $10

Spectator fee: $5

11:30 a.m. begins registration
12:30 p.m. registration winds down and begins to end
1:30-2:00 p.m. tournament begins

(We wanna start the tournament on time this time so get there early!)

Running late? Call us or text us at 770-882-7912

Bring your own Controller/Stick Tournament

If you bring a setup your door fee is waived. Please guys we need a few setups to ensure a nice smooth tournament. If you plan on bringing a setup BE ON TIME once we hit our limit we will deny equipment waivers!

All games will be $10 entrance fee

Set-ups we need
2 PS3 WITH ALL DLC characters

Note: Varying on how many players show up, a third setup maybe be necessary so if someone can bring it, that would help things go smoother.

2/3, Winners/Losers/Grand Finals 3/5
White stage is banned
Winner is allowed to switch order
Results / The Kumate Results (1-5)
August 06, 2012, 07:54:56 PM
[Copied & pasted directly]

Sorry for my tardiness on this. Kinda busy these days.
As always thank you very much for your support..

The Kumate #1

1st Place: Marco Polo
2nd Place: Masta CJ
3rd Place: Deamon
4th place: Rougeyoshi
05 Hard Bread
05 Green Tea
07 El-Tro
07 Lazie Freddy
09 KPB Meanest Rage
09 Lethal
09 TS|Kuma
13 SKL Count BOSHY
13 Knight of Zero
13 Roland
13 Kevin Diaz
17 Garou Mike
17 LB The Ultimizer
17 Tenryo
17 Rome Himself
17 Jimmy P
17 Xing
17 Shin Raven
17 Kevin V
25 Angel Chaotix
25 Team Rival
25 Go with Jebus

The Kumate #2

1st Place: Marco Polo
2nd Place: GreenTea
3rd Place: XAQshinor
4th place: Lethal Mind
05 PLVG|El Tro
05 Garou Mike
07 Hard Bread
07 Dynicksty
09 Swift
09 Tenryo
09 A3 Religion
09 Shin Raven
13 Ex-Cantinflas
13 Judderman
13 Ril
13 Fudge Brownie
17 Zaichiek
17 Rome_Himself
17 Damon
17 TS|Kuma
17 atmuh
17 Knight of Zero

The Kumate #3
(No Video)

1st Place: Sebastion/BubblanAB7
2nd Place: XAQshinor
3rd Place: Garou Mike
4th place: Zidane
05 Hardbread
05 A3 Religion
07 Fudge Brownie
07 Saigo
09 Dynicksty
09 KPB Meanest Rage
09 Saika
09 Eric
13 Con
13 Zeal
13 Rome Himself
13 Fool
17 Edward
17 Belmont
17 Zaichiek

The Kumate #4
(No Video)

1st Place: XAQshinor
2nd Place: Chris Hu
3rd Place: Etone
4th Place: Lethal
05 Hard Bread
05 A3 Religion
07 Garou Mike
07 Fudge Brownie
09 Mega Omega
09 Tenryo
09 KPB|Meanest Rage
09 TS|Kuma

The Kumate #5
Part 1: The Kumate! #5 KOF13 Part 1

Part 2: The Kumate! #5 KOF13 Part 2

Part 3: The Kumate! #5 KOF13 Part 3

The Kumate #5 was a blast. Still cant beat iori.

1st Place: Marco Polo
2nd Place: Pachukof
3rd Place: Hard Bread
4th place: A3 Religion
05 Etone
05 Garou Mike
07 Dynicksty
07 Con
09 Bran Muffin
09 Tenryo
09 KPB Meanest Rage
13 Chris Hu
13 TS Sp00ky
13 So Crisp Jr
13 TS Kuma
17 SP LSlick
17 Kevin Diaz
17 Clarke
Offline Matchmaking / GA Players Unite, FOR REAL
May 24, 2012, 09:50:41 PM
So, to get an idea of where potential people/players play, I've decided to make this thread so that those that don't post on SRK can come to the home website of KOF. As of right now, we have active players in the city of Athens, Warner Robins, Statesboro, Columbus, Atlanta, Cumming, and Clayton & Fayette County. If anyone who is reading this is anywhere near of the following places & is interested in playing people, respond on here so people can network & set up arrangement dates, etc. Use the information at your disposal, don't just pass by on it.
Results / Atlanta Revival April 2012 Results
April 30, 2012, 04:46:18 PM
I would like to thank everyone for coming out and making this Revival possible. I had a blast and was happy to seeing everyone playing their best. Looking forward to the next Revival. I really appreciate everyone that helped us out with brackets as well. That really made the tourney run on time. Now for me to shut up give you guys some results!!!

1: Raishin X
2: Blaze
3: SS Malik
4: MasterGamer
5: J-Dash
5: Black Star
7: Corey
7: Rayner
9: Da Knut
9: cr2 alternator
9: Raiden365
9: ZomB

NOTE: Because of the way brackets were made, placings outside of Top 3 are not correct so keep that in mind.
Archives / Atlanta Revival (April 28, 2012)
March 19, 2012, 11:10:29 PM
Georgia World Congress Center
285 Andrew Young International Blvd. NW
Atlanta, Ga. 30314
Room A401

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! WEEEEEEEEE'RE BAAAAAAAACK! We are happy to announce yet another Atlanta Revival for the month of April. Not only are we back, we came back with more games! Also, we need more set ups for these new games. Unfortunately you guys know first come first serve as for the set ups goes. We are not excepting more than five full set ups per game. So..... we are looking for about 30 full set ups so that we can run in a timely manner. Please everyone that is bringing a set up, please come in bright and early which is 11o'clock. Now that i have explained the small talk, let me get on with the good stuff!

If you are running late or need more information please call (770) 882 - 7912

Venue Fee:

$10 for competitor
$5 for spectator

$10 for KOF XIII

Format: PS3, MLG Format 3/5 for EVERYTHING, including ALL Finals. During tournament play, no casuals will be ran so that's a heads up, if you DO play, you will be dealt with accordingly.

Start time will be 2 PM, casuals/warm-ups are scheduled to start around 11:00 AM
Results / Final Round XV, March 2-4, 2012
March 07, 2012, 07:44:20 PM
Results for Final Round XV for those that want to see them & give shoutouts


Shoutouts to everyone that came & supported Final Round this year, even though I played terribly, I was happy to run brackets & be an important part of one of the hypest parts of the event this year easily. I thank Mexico, Dark Geese, WC, LA, wherever you came from to prove to people that even though this game's netplay is bad, that there are a TON of people interested in playing & ARE playing. Personally we proved the masses wrong & provided them with an entertaining show that NO ONE could deny. And thank you Reynald for playing matches in the pool without the DLC characters because that did help so much & ShinBlade for letting me know you were playing other games, I don't DQ people who are actually keeping up with their games so you treat me fair, I do the same to you. And you guys have my word that we will have all systems with whatever DLC will be out next year because I will make sure that this won't happen again, once again, much appreciated players.

For you GA folks, y'all need to hit me up because whoever wants to get better, we have to connect & share info. so get on it.
Results / Rock'em Sock'em Results
February 21, 2012, 01:02:55 AM
Shoutouts to NC to being so solid in KOF period, I'll run it back with you guys eventually but hopefully all of you make it to Final Round this year & show everyone what's up, and now from the results, taken from SRK: http://shoryuken.com/forum/index.php?threads/rockem-sockem-feb-11th-results.154501/

February 11, 2012

1: Jon Slayton
2: Demo
3: Pacstrif
4: ReSe Darklight
5: Frank The Tank
5: The Arm
7: ReSe Shiki
7: SS Malik
9: Alice-Chan
9: The 7K
9: Disco Shark
9: Blake and White
13: Priest
13: Muay Thai
13: Karnage
13: ReSe West
17: jaguar131
17: TestamentLOL

I know someone is uploading matches from the stream archive onto but don't know the account name, if someone can help out with that, thanks.