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Messages - Malik

Kim Kaphwan / Re: Kim Kaphwan (Console)
November 26, 2015, 05:34:34 PM
Kim players please stop being lazy & do what the video says & learn this stuff.
Don't know how many people saw this (happened in September 2015) but Gunsmith recorded a FT5 between Tortita & Tenkawa in the middle of it. Good Ash action & play all around.
Results / Re: Battle Royale II Results
November 24, 2015, 02:59:10 PM
Part 1 of an off-stream match between Brosnan & ERGZ Liston The Prince. Part 2 should be on links towards the side or on the channel itself
Ash Crimson / Re: Ash Crimson (Console)
November 23, 2015, 12:23:32 AM
Results / Battle Royale II Results
November 17, 2015, 09:21:27 PM
First off I just want to say thanks to everyone who attended the event, supported through doing streaming, bracket running, etc. made it not only special, but worth doing again next year, because it will happen around the same time but more of those details will be discussed later on. Onto the results:

KOFXIII $25 Entry Fee $500 Pot Bonus Top 8 payout Results
1st â€" Real Game PachuKOF
2nd â€" AirLancer
3rd â€" Mario E.
4th â€" Shadow780
5th â€" Liston The Prince, Dynicksty
7th â€" Garou Mike, Mynus
9th â€" LazieFreddy, A3 Religion, Brosnan, Murderkae
13th â€" Zemo, PAG Rome_Himself, SMR Dave, SMR FM Sway

Brackets for that are here

KOF98 Results
1st â€" Mario E.
2nd â€" Real Game PachuKOF
3rd â€" Shadow780
4th â€" Yuri
5th â€" Dynicksty, Orochi Donald Trump (Anakron)
7th â€" Brosnan, Garou Mike

Brackets for that are here

KOF2K2UM Results
1st â€" Hugo
2nd â€" LazieFreddy
3rd â€" Shadow780
4th â€" PAG Rome_Himself
5th â€" Mario E., Orochi Donald Trump (Anakron)
7th â€" Brosnan, Dynicksty

Brackets for that are here

KOF98UMFE Results

1st â€" Fireblaster
2nd â€" Shadow780
3rd â€" LazieFreddy
4th â€" Zemo
5th â€" Hugo, Rome_Himself
7th â€" Brosnan, KPB MeanestRage

Brackets for that are here

Arturo Sanchez is currently uploading various footage on his stream from the tournament in this playlist.

Kick Punch Block should be uploading footage within the next few days if not a week on their channel.

For those that have facebook and would like to take a look at all the photos taken at the event, PAG NNZ photography uploaded over 100 photos to this album so check it out if you were there or want to see crowd shots.
Quote from: Emil_kof on November 15, 2015, 09:10:14 PM
Quote from: Malik on October 28, 2015, 03:49:23 PM
I was going to suggest the title of the thread be updated since EVO2K15 has passed & can be something along the lines of the world competing against each other or 2015, Year of the Clash of Titans (Xiaohai Vs. Misterio). On another note, does anyone know if there's been recent footage of Japanese play, mainly from Tenga (tenkawa), haregoro, Kaoru if he still plays, or any of those guys? Wanna see what they're up to.

I recommend watching "Duelling the Kof 13th Season", many of the top Japanese were playing there.

I actually forgot about Dueling The KOF till about a week ago & I saw some of the matches recently, thanks for bringing that up
Quote from: a11111357 on November 11, 2015, 07:37:37 AM
There are many kof97 and kof13 casual matches from Taiwan and China in the channel.

Good looks
Quote from: 6Let on November 02, 2015, 12:11:02 PM
Quote from: BodyOrgan on October 26, 2015, 04:45:16 PM
Oh good, your internet connection to me should improve quite a bit at the very least. I get a pretty good connection with Florida peeps.
Oh for sure. Do you know some of the Florida players?

Chris Princler & Zo (Alphonso) are the most active ones I know of nowadays. Flocker still enters XIII @ majors but IDK if he plays with people in the state.
Kim Kaphwan / Re: Kim Kaphwan (Console)
November 02, 2015, 01:40:00 PM
Old but practical not being utilized stuff from XAQshinor
King / Re: King (Console)
October 31, 2015, 02:36:15 PM
Results / Re: Defend The North 2015 Results
October 31, 2015, 02:34:49 PM
Iori Yagami (Claw) / Re: Claw Iori (Console)
October 28, 2015, 03:56:35 PM
I was going to suggest the title of the thread be updated since EVO2K15 has passed & can be something along the lines of the world competing against each other or 2015, Year of the Clash of Titans (Xiaohai Vs. Misterio). On another note, does anyone know if there's been recent footage of Japanese play, mainly from Tenga (tenkawa), haregoro, Kaoru if he still plays, or any of those guys? Wanna see what they're up to.
Results / Defend The North 2015 Results
October 26, 2015, 01:03:48 PM
Entrants: 21 (All byes were filled in)

1. Liston The Prince (Mr. K, Hwa, Yuri)
2. Lightning (DJ Mirror/ Cafe ID Such) (Ex-Iori, Duo Lon, Ex-Kyo, Shen)
3. A3 Religion (Mr. K, Kyo, Chin)
4. X (K', Ash, Iori, Ex-Kyo)
Challonge Bracket
If anyone knows who has footage, post on here, thanks.