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Messages - Blackout2021

Hwa Jai / Re: Hwa Jai (Console)
March 12, 2013, 06:07:55 PM
Hey guys I'm trying to pick up Hwa Jai but I don't have a single clue where I should be starting with this character. What are some Hwa Basic stuff I should know about? He seems a little on the complex side with all these different dragon tail moves.
Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern (Console)
November 20, 2012, 01:53:10 AM
So what's the trick to going straight into an HD combo off 2  ;dn ;bs into Moon slasher? I keep botching it horribly.
Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern (Console)
May 03, 2012, 03:53:46 AM
Ok so after almost 3 days of practicing this I can get it pretty consistently from the player 2 side. But I for the life of me can't even churn out 1 on the player 1 side. This is the most infuriating thing I've ever practiced I swear.
Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern (Console)
May 01, 2012, 04:07:42 AM
So I decided to finally go back to my roots and start playing my girl Leona again. The main problem I am having right now is instant overhead into super. I'm aware that I have to qcf~u ;d but most of the time all I end up getting is jump forward  ;d. Are there any particular tricks to pulling this off?
Raiden / Re: Raiden (Console)
March 29, 2012, 07:28:23 PM
I never use it and still have not properly developed my Raiden HD combos since I play him on point. But I felt like I was missing out on an integral part of his game by not using it. Then in a match when I remember to use it I feel so gimped. Even worse when I mess up the timing of release and it doesn't come out, so all that charge time was for nothing.
Raiden / Re: Raiden (Console)
March 28, 2012, 01:10:00 AM
So what is the preferred was of charging Raiden's drop kick? I'm trying to find a comfortable way to do it and still be able to maneuver reliably when I'm fighting. Also what's the preferred button to charge? If I charge ;b I lose rolling and if I charge  ;d then I lose amazing jump  ;d
Terry Bogard / Re: Terry Bogard Combo Thread
February 03, 2012, 01:59:53 AM
What's the damage on that HD combo anyway. For some reason I can't get the burn knuckle to come out after that 2nd rising tackle so I decided to just omit that from the combo and I got 692 which obviously isn't really worth it for the amount of resources it uses.

Though at the same time I run Terry 3rd so if it turns out my opponent is also on their last character and happen to have below 700 health and I happen to still have all that meter it would be fine, but I think that's way too specific to be that practical.
King / Re: King (Console)
January 02, 2012, 03:30:13 AM
Hey guys I need a little help. I'm on King's trial 6 and I can't for the life of me get the first trap shot to connect after the light venom strike. What is the timing on this thing?
Ralf Jones / Re: Ralf Jones (Console)
December 29, 2011, 10:10:33 PM
Man I must be a real scrub because I find Ralf kind of hard to use. My main problem is his hit confirms. What should I be hit confirming from or in to?
Good good. This is something I like to see. I need to get my KoF up.