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Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern (Console)
April 23, 2013, 04:34:28 AM
Quote from: meiji_99 on April 20, 2013, 08:07:42 PM
@persona thx for the tips, but that move is too hard for me (i want to use it as anti air).

Just found something cool, I'm sure this is already known but it might be helpful here.  You can hold up for both inputs (so you don't need to return your stick to neutral) and the DC'ed EX moon slasher will still come out.  The timing feels kind of mashable when you don't need to worry about the joystick.
Mature / Re: Mature (Console)
June 01, 2012, 12:59:39 AM
I do think Mature can sit well anywhere on a team, and I personally play her as anchor right now, but I agree that she's best on point.

I play her anchor for a few reasons.  Personally: she's the only character I truly feel capable with so far, and I also don't use other characters that are more meter-dependent (Mai and Billy, but that'll change).

Having Mature come in with some meter is helpful, though.  She has a pretty good reversal in her EX Despair if I need a panic button,  She has great 1d1m options with decent damage, and her Neo Max is nice to have in your pocket if you're fighting anyone with a projectile.  Maybe I just haven't fought people familiar enough with Mature, but I manage to catch a lot of people with Neo Max on reaction to moves with some startup.  I'd imagine that even if someone is familiar with her, though, that having meter would just make someone that much more hesitant to approach her, giving her a little more control over the match.
Mature / Re: Mature (Console)
May 12, 2012, 01:47:02 PM
Quote from: Sharnt on May 03, 2012, 02:48:38 PM
Testing in training i didn't have seen this combo before :
s.C,rekka EX (4),qcb.D,s.C, rekka  444 dmg 1 ex 1 drive and travel the whole screen lol
d.B,d.B,s.B,s.B,... does 379

Very good damages for a midscreen combo, and not that hard to do.

NVM, the "classic" juggle is better,
s.C,rekka EX (5),qcb.D,qcb.B,qcb.B,s.C  458

hmm, I'm having trouble getting a second qcb.B out of that "classic" juggle, which I've been practicing a ton and have down pretty solid, aside from that second qcb.  And when I hit the qcb.b I can't connect the last s.C.  Am I going too slow?

also, I read that heaven's gates has projectile invincibility?  does anyone know more about the data on that?  I feel like I've tried it in a match and got hit, but I may be misremembering.