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Messages - ken_garou

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Duo Lon / Re: Duo Lon
« on: December 17, 2010, 09:25:11 AM »
Thanks Kane317. Anyway I want to add something for Duolon which i think it has not been mention here.

If you were to do a qcb+ B (the teleport backward move thingy) , you can actually empty  cancel it into fwd+B (his spike thingy).  The good thing about this is there is no drive cancel required . And yes , you can choose to empty cancel it fast or slow, which is good for mind games, haha!  This move is important if you want to maintain a good spacing away from your opponent.

Meet & Greet / Hi guys . I am new member here
« on: December 17, 2010, 09:15:03 AM »
Hi guys , this is ken_garou here . I am Singaporean and have been an avid member(actually poster) of cyberfanatix ever since it first started. I only just recently get to find out about dreamcancel through cyberfanatix through word of mouth( message actually) .  I am so glad to find dreamcancel as it is so kof like and thats what i love.  Anyway , I am surprised to know that kof 13 is getting famous in the US. I always thought that the US is just famous for games like 3rd strike , Marvel versus Capcom and other air combo games , but never a kof game.   Somebody in Singapore told me that KOF doesn't even exist in US which is quite sad.   Throughout the years i never heard about kof tournies in US ever, but ever since kof 13 made its debut there in the US , I am glad that the community is growing significantly.

                About myself , I played almost all kof games. The ones that I played competitive in my area is kof 13, kof 2002 and kof 98 .   We have kof 2002 um and kof 98 um and even kof 97 . We also have kof 95.  I played in this arcade called Bugis Virtualand . It has almost all old and new games , but the thing is there are always challengers for almost every game you can think there is. And it is always played at a very high level here.  I can say that my strongest game is kof 2002 , followed by kof 98.  I get owned so badly in kof 13 that i don't even wanna say, the players here are just simply too high level for me. They really know their game in and out.

I get to know kane317 from CX . I really hope he can come to Singapore and witness the high level play of kof 13 down here.  I am friendly and I like to get to know all players of different backgrounds here. Would love to chat with more of you guys. :)


Duo Lon / Re: Duo Lon
« on: December 16, 2010, 07:19:28 PM »
EX fwd B+D   spike thingy is really good to those who intend to run away and jump backwards.  U-Raisha made good use of that move to prevent his opponent from running away from him.   You can use that move as a anti air as well if you have good spacing from your opponent too.

Iori Yagami (Claw) / Re: Iori Yagami
« on: December 16, 2010, 07:15:37 PM »
Iori's KO combo ! Exactly 1000 points damage. 5 stocks and one full hyperdrive meter

Can be done  from mid screen to corner .

 Jump C , Near C , Df+C , BC , autodash , Near C  , Df+C , hcb+B , HD cancel into dp A , and then immediately HD cancel to EX qcb BD ,  qcb B , HD cancel into dp A and HD cancel into qcb B , qcb B ,  qcf , hcb + A  DM ,   at the last moment of super , max cancel into his NEOMAX   qcf qcf B+D.     And there you have it , a full life combo.

Kyo Kusanagi / Re: Kyo Kusanagi
« on: December 16, 2010, 06:48:38 PM »
Wow, I am quiet surprised that Kyo's KO combo has yet to be posted here. Here are the details to do it.  5 stocks and a full hyperdrive bar.  Preferably in the corner or somewhere near the corner.

Jump C , Near C , df+D (2hits) , BC , autodash and press Near C ,  Dp C  and HD cancel into qcf D (2hits) ,  as Kyo lands do rdp B , when he lands again and opponent falls like around his waist level, do Dp C and very fastly HD drive cancel into rdp B and then immediately cancel into his air qcb , hcf  + P  DM , as he lands from the super , very fastly follow up with hcb D to catch the falling opponent. As it hits , HD cancel into rdp B  and then immediately supercancel into air  qcb , hcf  + P  DM again. As he lands on the ground , immediately do rdp D (2hits only) and supercancel into air  qcb , hcf  + P  DM once more. As he lands , finish the combo off with EX qcb , hcf  AC .  

And guys I also have a question.  I know this combo may sound so noob to you , but i need help on this combo

 Near C , qcf D (2hits) , rdp B , rdp B ,  EX qcb hcf AC

I seen this in a combo video , it seems so basic but the thing is I kept missing the EX qcb hcf AC   super. What are the conditions to do this? Any tricks or what?

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