Presented by Game Zone Alpha and the Arkansas Fighting Game Network
PLEASE preregister at to save money!
Credit to ARK Supwichu
Updates 8-10-12:
- PLEASE remember to preregister at BEFORE August 18th to save money and help ensure that there is proper seeding. This will also help us run the event on time.
- We are now sponsored by The Traveling Circus, Gamer Grub, Rebel Son Management & Entertainment, and 8-Bit Sheek. More sponsors to come!
- Wireless Controller Rule Clarification- You are REQUIRED to take out your battery (360 controller) or desync your controller (PS3 controller) after your tournament match. If you fail to do so and affect another player's match, you will be subject to forfeiture of your future matches.
- SkullGirls will be on PS3. The release date for the patch that would speed up the 360 version's loading speeds is still unknown.
- Soul Calibur V rules have been readjusted to conform to the updated 8WayRun Ruleset. Of note, Hilde's "infinite" is no longer banned.
- Most setups will be Asus VH236H "Evo" monitors. Some setups MAY be Asus VH238H monitors which have the same input lag as the VH236H model (confirmed in the Sub 1 Frame HDTV thread). CRTs MAY be used if necessary, but we don't expect this to be the case.
- ARK V Shirts have been ordered. They are limited run and first come, first served. We cannot "reserve" any without payment. We will have 12 Smalls, 12 Mediums, 4 Larges, 5 XLs. A mockup of what the shirts should look like is here.
- Proceeds from our raffle will go towards Child's Play Charity and the Forest Sharp Memorial Fund. Forest Sharp was an aspiring Oklahoma T.O. who was killed in a car crash. The memorial fund will go towards erecting a gravestone for his grave.
- Brackets will be primarily run on the Tio Tournament Organizer software. Challonge will only be used if time permits.
- Housing requests have been updated to the best of my ability. A lot of requests occurred when I was on vacation so I may have missed them. If you are not on the list and requested housing (or would like to request housing), please let me know. We will do our best to accommodate everyone and provide floors to sleep on, but cannot make any guarantees. We will try to let people know one week in advance if we are able to secure housing.
- Afterparty money matches have been updated. If you would like yours streamed, please let me know and I'll add them to the list!
Our previous tournament, A.R.K. (Arkansas Regional Knockouts) IV, had almost 200 people, over $4000 in total pots, and special guests EG Justin Wong and MRN Marn! A.R.K. V is gearing up to be bigger and better. Our goal with this tournament is to feature the best that the South has to offer. Not only are we trying to showcase the best players in the region, we are also displaying the talent that the South has in other areas. Interrupted Gaming and Boom Gorillas are collaborating to do the A.R.K. V tournament stream. The after-party will be a live broadcast of PandaxGaming's Pandagon. In addition, almost all of the local tournament organizers and their communities will be in attendance including players from Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Mississippi, Tennessee, Louisiana, and several other states.
Please join us, get blasted, and hopefully win some big money! We are expecting approximately 200 people to be here and total prizes to equal about $5000!
If you have any problems/questions/concerns, feel free to contact me. To do so, please post here, PM me, email me at, or call/text me at 512 522 8563, which will forward calls to my phone. You can also send me a message on Facebook or on Twitter (@ARKTourney).
August 25-26, 2012 (Schedule below)
Game Zone Alpha
620 West Main Street
Jacksonville, AR 72076
Game Zone Alpha - 620 West Main St. in Jacksonville, AR
Games Played:
- Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition v2012 (360) - $600 Bonus Pot!
- Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 (360) - $600 Bonus Pot!
- Persona 4 Arena (360) - $200 Bonus Pot!
- King of Fighters XIII (360)
- Street Fighter X Tekken (360)
- Skullgirls (PS3)
- Soul Calibur V (PS3)
- BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (PS3)
- Mortal Kombat 9 (PS3)
*Controller Users: We encourage people to bring their own pads and converters. However, if you are without a converter, we will have a limited amount of converters that do all of the following PS2 --> 360 / PS2 --> PS3 / 360 --> PS3 (does NOT do PS3 --> 360) available to buy at $10 each.
- $20 Entrance Fee with online registration. $30 Entrance Fee at the venue. Spectators get in FREE
*Online Registration is available at It will close August 18th at midnight. Pools assignments will be posted on here within a few days after online registration closes.
- $10 Per Tournament Pot Fee. Note- There will be a $10 Late Fee if you arrive after registration ends
- $15 for an ARK V shirt. We will have a very limited run available, so first come first served.
- $10 for an ARK IV shirt (Limited availability)
- $1 Per Raffle Ticket - Prizes will include (but are not limited to) swag from our sponsors. Proceeds from our raffle will go towards Child's Play Charity, the Forest Sharp Memorial Fund, and an anonymous victim of armed robbery. Forest Sharp was an aspiring Oklahoma T.O. who was killed in a car crash. The memorial fund will go towards erecting a gravestone for his grave.
ALL tournament pots fees will be collected for each game and split 70/20/10. All bonus pots will be split evenly among Top 3 finishers.
Schedule Of Events:
Preliminary Schedule (Subject to Change):
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: On-Site Registration and Setup
12:00 PM - 1:45 PM: AE Pool 1; BB:CSEX Pool 1; KoF 13 Pool 1
1:45 PM - 3:30 PM: AE Pool 2; P4A Pool 1; MK9 Pool 1
3:30 PM - 5:15 PM: AE Pool 3; UMvC3 Pool 1; BB:CSEX Pool 2
5:15 PM - 7:00 PM: AE Pool 4; UMvC3 Pool 2; P4A Pool 2
7:00 PM - 8:45 PM: UMvC3 Pool 3; MK9 Pool 2
8:45 PM - 10:30 PM: UMvC3 Pool 4; KoF 13 Pool 2
*The schedule was designed so that any player could hypothetically enter every tournament on this day and have only one game to report to at any specific time.
Afterparty (~Midnight)
There will be an after-party following Saturday's events. Money matches, grudge matches, side tournaments, and team battles will be taking place all night and most/all of it will be streamed by PandaxGaming so don't get blown up! For a list of money matches arranged for the after-party, as well as a list of those currently accepting offers please see "Money Matches" below.
12:00 PM - 1:45 PM: SCV Pool 1; Skull Girls Pools 1 and 2
1:45 PM - 3:30 PM: SCV Pool 2; Street Fighter X Tekken Pools 1 and 2
3:30 PM - End: All Top 4/Top 8
Stream Schedule (Also Subject to Change):
12:00 PM - 5:15 PM - Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition v2012
5:15 PM - 10:30 PM - Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3
3:30 - End: KoF13 Top 4; P4A Top 4; AE Top 8; UMvC3 Top 8
DaRabidDuckie's Modding Services:
Modder DaRabidDuckie is Open for Business at A.R.K. V! If you are interested in getting a mod, please post here so he'll have adequate parts! He will be doing dual mods (PS3 <-> 360) as well as RJ45 mods on site. If you want Dreamcast or PS2 cables, with your mod, let him know so that he can stock up! If, for some reason, he does not have time to mod your stick at our tournament, he can take it and send it back to you at an additional cost. Here is his information including prices and pictures of his previous works! Support a great local modder!
*DaRabidDuckie will be in Arkansas several days before A.R.K. V to mod sticks for those who come early.
Money "Grudge" Matches:
Planned Money Matches for the after-party:
- ARK SmokeMaxx vs Kyoji24 - FT5 - $20
- PxG SolidxPanda vs Matthew - FT5 - $20
- ARK SmokeMaxX vs Matthew - FT5 - $20
- ARK SmokeMaxX vs Ryan Unlimited - FT5 - $20
- ARK XI vs Rickey - FT5 - $10
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
- ARK SmokeMaxX vs Lord Jas - FT5 - $20
- ARK SmokeMaxX vs Matthew - FT5 - $20
Feel free to post these at your gaming centers/campuses/etc. Tell your friends. We are trying to build a community and make this big. You can help!
Stream Links:
Main Stream: Interrupted Gaming! By RawkusX Feat. Boom Gorillas!
Afterparty: PandaxGaming
Facebook Group and Event Page:
Arkansas Fighting Game Network
ARK V Facebook Event Page
Please request housing ASAP. Arkansas is very accommodating, but our housing fills up fast. If you let us know, we will do our best to find a place for you to crash.
Ian and Andy
Kyoji + 1
b1argh + 3
pbj_mixxa + 2
Dr. Mario Kart
Shreveport (4-5)
The Traveling Circus, Verizon, Funimation, Gamer Grub, Rebel Son Management & Entertainment, and 8-Bit Sheek.