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Messages - pablofsi

General Discussion / Re: Netcode Lag/Delay Test Reports
November 24, 2011, 09:20:50 PM
You guys can express your disagreement without royally shitting over the game's name, creating bad fame for it's netcode. Complain but don't exaggerate with your negativity.
General Discussion / Re: Netcode Lag/Delay Test Reports
November 24, 2011, 04:57:39 PM
From what I know:

NAT1 is Cable broadband wired
NAT2 is non Cable ADSL wired

I have all my ports open on DSL and I get NAT2.
General Discussion / Re: Netcode Lag/Delay Test Reports
November 24, 2011, 01:42:15 PM
It's for the version sold in Asia only, it must be to do something with Flame Iori.

Anyway I was thinking of something else to explain the differences in online experiences... perhaps people with NAT3 connection get worse delay, if you notice, this game doesn't allow spectator mode or lobbies because it needs to establish a very direct connection between players, and with this type of connections whether you have ports open or not always has a great impact on lag and delay, I know it from other certain programs to play online like kaillera p2p, so if you want to do a serious report see that:

1. You are playing on wired
2. There's absolutely nothing using your bandwidth while you play
3. Make sure the other person has absolutely nothing using up internet speed too
4. Make sure both of you have a very stable connection
5. Both should have NAT2 connection.
6. Ping each other on PC opening a cmd window and using the /ping command to know the exact ping quantity you have with the other person and know how that ping quantity is reflected on the game.
2001 and I'm doubting '99.
General Discussion / Re: Netcode Lag/Delay Test Reports
November 24, 2011, 03:50:22 AM
Quote from: LouisCipher on November 24, 2011, 03:38:40 AM
Got almost nothing but desyncs tonight. Played one guy, good connection, his name was I believe KimKPhwan, a Mexican dude judging by the flag in his avatar. It was actually pretty good. Got 2 sets in with him, then it desynced. And every person afterwards desynced. We'd get to the character select screen, synchronising message would pop up, 15-20 seconds later an opponent has left the match message would come up. Every time.

Hope this is patched

Why are you directly supposing this has to do with how the game is coded, most people play without desyncs or disconnects.
General Discussion / Re: Netcode Lag/Delay Test Reports
November 24, 2011, 02:20:23 AM
I wonder what the little patch is for.

Edit: Now that I think about it, it might be to fix the usb adapters error.
General Discussion / Re: Netcode Lag/Delay Test Reports
November 23, 2011, 08:41:09 PM
Lol at some talking about servers not being up yet.
General Discussion / Re: Netcode Lag/Delay Test Reports
November 23, 2011, 08:02:49 PM
Won't happen? Nah, the game's marvelous and I have people to play it face to face.
General Discussion / Re: Netcode Lag/Delay Test Reports
November 23, 2011, 07:57:42 PM
As always, nothing better than to do things yourself. I will have the game by December 7.
General Discussion / Re: Netcode Lag/Delay Test Reports
November 23, 2011, 07:51:12 PM
SSF4 gives something close to 4 or 5 frames of delay with 140-150ms, something pretty good. I'm supposing this game has a similar behavior.
General Discussion / Re: Netcode Lag/Delay Test Reports
November 23, 2011, 06:58:28 PM
Quote from: Sabin on November 23, 2011, 06:50:11 PM
After reading your reactions in this thread i think i wil do another kof stream again in the future to further test the netcode. the game is hella fun and i wouldnt not buy it based on subpar netcode since the game is good but i definitely want to get to the bottom of the netcode issue. better to play ppl that know what theyre doing than randoms online even if they have good connection so i can see it for myself

ill probably make a thread or hit up some of the dreamcancel guys to see if i can set it up for sure.
but yeah def check out the stream archive i think my reactions are pretty telling for a ot of issues that people will run into online play before they get the game in their hands

I will.
General Discussion / Re: Netcode Lag/Delay Test Reports
November 23, 2011, 06:51:48 PM
It isn't pointless to defend it because when there's an unstable state of connection between the two players it's the players fault, the netcode's a certain way and that's how it is, if it runs smooth and with little delay or slow as fuck and delayed as hell, that's how it is. But variations are due to people, not the netcode. As good as it can be, that's how the netcode is.
General Discussion / Re: Netcode Lag/Delay Test Reports
November 23, 2011, 06:31:02 PM
After it there's the little fact that most people report the delay on 3 bars ranging from hardly noticeable, to just a few. I was reading some impressions on chat yesterday and from what I could realize, the worst experience seemed to be one guy saying it was like MVC3's delay with 3 bars, which is little, a step below ssf4, putting aside all the shit people have thrown over MVC3's netcode, but it is little. Perhaps the guy was playing with someone that had a ping that was touching the ping limit of the 3rd bar. Most people agreed it was little, little delay.

If you guys reporting higher delays want to be credible, you should post ping times of and videos playing with the same person.
General Discussion / Re: Netcode Lag/Delay Test Reports
November 23, 2011, 06:11:31 PM
Quote from: Sabin on November 23, 2011, 05:36:11 PM
Quote from: Diavle on November 23, 2011, 04:03:44 PM
Quote from: KBlackNoah on November 23, 2011, 02:29:01 PM
I talked with a friend.He has the 360 version and a cable connexion and he is not a brainless fanboy.The netcode is bad period.NOT bad as in XII but bellow ssf4 ...there is a lot of room for improvement.If you like 3 to 5 max combos and lag enjoy it... but stop defending a bad netcode.Personally i hope playmore will patch it good this time so it will be at least sf4 standards.

I ate Andy's sC, f+A, HCF+K (break), QCF+P, QCF+P, DP from a 2 bar game. That's on day one of the game and the guy wasn't even that good overall.

No need to overdramatize things. 2 bars is bearable (suprisingly playable actually, often times) and 3 bars is very solid. 4 bars must be really good (haven't had a chance to try one yet) going by how good 3 is.

I put about 5 hours worth of play in yesterday, most of it was spent in online matches. Playing the PS3 version with a wired DSL connection. I didn't talk with a friend.

First i wanna say wassup to Dreamcancel, this is my first post here. shoutouts to the admin as i certainly know a few of them irl. thx for watchin the stream.

i gotta say dude reading your post...i gotta say no, just no man. if people post thinks like that, SNKP/atlus will think they have good netcode when its really, really not the case. Plus you mentioned you are playing on PS3/DSL..that's already problems right there in the bag so I'm assuming you are not familiar with how input delay works. I most likely have a better connection than you by a factor of 10x over, and its still not acceptable for matches outside of 4 bar. I know I'm new to the game, but im very lag sensitive, and can tell input delay right away. practiced in training mode for hours to get used to the feel of the game offline before i jumped in and saw how it was.

to put it into perspective, my connect is good enough that i can stream and it will not affect the quality of netplay at all due to good ping times and symmetrical upstream.

It's not overdramatized dude, if kof13 doesnt get a patch i cant really see ppl playin on it. its not even sf4 quality. The only good connections I had were with ShinOni (another FiOS user, so fiber optic x fiber optic,) wolfkrone (recently got the best internet possible in his area, NY to detroit, and a few other 4 bar connecitons randomly in ranked. 3 bar is shit most of the time, i have gotten a few playable 3 bar connections but its very rare. you can see it in my stream archive, i have extreme difficulty quickrising on 3bars and the delay is inconsistent (due to netcode being input delay not GGPO rollback based.) i know im not 100% familiar with quickrise timing since im new, but ive played older kof's plenty, so im pretty sure i know how to quickrise. lol on 4 bar with shinoni it worked fine.

given the fact that my connection is WAY above average in the US, its def going to be worse experience for most people when they get their hands on it.

to shinfist: the stream is not displaying the game at a perfect framerate. It's on 30fps right now and 13 is a 60fps game right? so that might explain the issue of lag even if offline mode while watching me play. of course its not lagging for me offline though but it def might appear that way to you on the stream.

anyway wassup peeps

No matter what you believe about your ping times or your connection's performance when you stream stuff, it does affect it, I've reda lots of people here and on chat that played with 3 bars saying that the delay is little if not almost unnoticeable, that 2 is when things start to get uglier. Besides, bandwidth speed doesn't mean anything, it's the quantity of routing jumps, your ping time to the other person, and your connection's stability what determines the resulting lag or delay. What you do on your post is just confirm that delay gets worse than it should be when you stream up stuff even on 3 bars.
Just a comment, if the game works for 5 seconds smoothly and with very little delay, it means IT IS like that, under normal conditions, and that's how the netcode is, if there's intermitent lag, it's YOUR problem.