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Messages - pablofsi

Tell them to talk about the delay... any netcode can be running the game smoothly, unless it is from the 90s.
Btw do you see any options that have to do with "network" on the options menu?
How much delay did you feel?

How many bars did you play with?

Does your internet lag intermittently, or not?
You might get more delay or not be able to connect with some people at all with NAT 3.
I find it strange too, the person told me that he was told there would be beta tests where select people would participate about the time Evo was starting, and that there would be results during the course of it, but later I asked him if they had taken place and he told me that they hadn't, at least to his knowledge. I also find weird that SNKp practically said it would have the best netcode of all fighting games and that they were aiming at a top quality product on all fronts, but haven't said this mouth is mine about the netcode issue until now and the game is about to come out.
What the hell does Mantiquilla mean?

From what the person told me, the netcode includes rollbacks technology, I think I've said this many times already, no one remembered. I'm gonna redouble my bet and say that it has nothing to do with 96's or much less NGBC's netcode and is superior to both.

May god want it to be that way, for everyone's good.
With the Playstation Network logo at the top right, I need it now.
General Discussion / Re: PS3 player listing
November 15, 2011, 09:29:55 PM
I will register here because I know there's the possibility of playing with pings up to 200ms with XIII's netcode.

My PSN is pablofsi08

Hope to meet up with you all there.
I have no conclusive proof to speak of, only a chat log, but the person who gave me the information is very trustable for me. I'm not the only one that knew this though, many site admins and other people knew too, before I did.

I guess you can try asking damdai himself.
Damdai was hired to work and collaborate on KOF XIII's netcode.
With the left hand.
Well the way I play is, I tap the buttons with the tips of my fingers with my fingers in vertical above them, so it isn't hard for me. Pressing X from that position with your fingers is harder though, since it isn't comfortable to maintain your thumb near it while you maintain the fingers like that on the other buttons.
Quote from: MUSOLINI on November 13, 2011, 06:23:01 PM
;c       ;d

;a       ;b

C is HP and D is HK, while A is LP and B as LK. it's the original neo geo cd lay out on pad and it works the best imo. only problem would be B+C but you can just assign that to R1 or some shit. remember X is A and O is B on PS3 pad, you should understand what C and D are.

That is the config we use at arcades here and that is the most accesible way of pressing B + C, I dunno why you say it can be a problem, try it, it's the most comfortable.
SNK wasn't failing in 97.
Correction, nothing on the fighting games genre has something to do against Sadistic Eyes AST.