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Messages - Other-Self

Meet & Greet / Re: I'm the new guy
August 11, 2015, 01:16:44 AM
Quote from: The Good Loser on August 04, 2015, 12:04:50 AM
Quote from: uga4game on August 02, 2015, 09:36:11 PM
I am new too.You are welcome my friend!!

You guys can post your info in the player lists be it xbox psn or steam to gather more people to play with.

Welcome to the community from me as well lol

As much as I dont like it, it feels like SNK drifted away from the console/handheld market. I feel games like GMotW deserves a game system to be played on instead of an iOS or Android engine. I've played KOF Android and liked some of it but...
I don't "feel it" from that version of KOF
"they've shown they can be successful on the mobile market, so they should succeed in the handheld market as well!" is what I want to say but it's not like SNK takes suggestions

I wish  they would just know what to do some times. They might say their handheld market just doesn't sell well, but I know that with their last few choices were no where near the best choice. When they put the Orochi saga on Wii, it was not a good choice because most Wii players look for the big games and get that (SM Galaxy, MKart,, etc.). When they released on PSP it wasn't a good choice (maybe it was in JP) because the PSP players were basically the Wii players with the exception of the Monster Hunter cult/Tales of cult/Odd anime gamers. They mostly looked for FF, GTA, and whatever portable  version of the Playstation exclusive (GoW, Tekken[at the time when Tkken was PS exclusive). The difference (Not that you don't know) is that 3DS is the leading handheld. GBA was bigger than PSP for almost 2 years after PSPs release. It was always behind. 3DS players have never really gotten great exclusives to where people only play 1st party like on the Wii (unless you are my sad HS mates fromback then. Surely they've picked u Resident evil or MonHun by now). 3DS players look for the unfamilar. That's what has made the system. If only SNK knew KOF being unfamilar would be a good thing....

You're completely right, but I only hope that the petition can cause a build-up of supportrers over time. 2 years is the shortest time I can think of before a noticeable amount of supporters sign. Since you're the only one on Dream Cancel who's even looked at it, I can assume its not a anything people want to see here. I shared this on my facebook page (King of Fighters 20th Anniversary) and 10 people liked it.....but no one signed. Hopefully, it will be  a victory over time - but for now it seems like I brought it up at the wrong time.
I'll keep researching though. Just less often
Quote from: Mr Bakaboy on July 15, 2015, 05:46:41 PM
If you're looking for a good fighting game on the go the Sony PSP pretty much dominated the market for it. Capcom had Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max, Darkstalkers The Chaos Tower, Capcom Collections (Street Fighter II and Street Fighter I), Namco had Tekken 5 DR, Tekken 6, and Soul Calibur, Arc System had Guilty Gear, and Playmore had King of Fighters The Orochi Saga ('94-'98), and Samurai Shodown Anthology (1-6).

Now if you mod the system that brings the option of getting CPS2 converters, Neo Geo Converters, and Playstation 1 player which covers a crap ton of fighters just on those 3 let alone other arcade game converters are available. So if you want a portable system to play fighters I don't understand what you really want other then Nintendo to release more fighters

So yeah.....I did mention I had a PSP and prefered their games over the VIta's seletion right? I was talking about the fighting games you mentioned. Games I 've already played. I want new handheld fighting games. If I were looking for some good oldies, I would reach back to my PSP. But that's not I what I'm looking for. I'm looking for something current, something new, something people are actually playing (will be playing) for a system that's still relevant. BTW After I got bored with my  PSP I hacked away. Then I gave it to my brother - and  now it sits there

Anyways, handheld fighters could revive SNK Playmore. What I guess many people don't understand is that the "casual gamer" market is the largest and easiest target to sell to. When they realize that they'll get a lot of money they lost in the early 2000s. I'm just trying to help revive them. It's the best I can do
I decided after 3 years of waiting that I would make a petition to bring King Of Fighters to the Nintendo 3DS.

I wanted a good fighting game on the go - nothing like the oddly control schemed BlazBlue or the simply.......decent(I'm too nice) SSFIV3D. I'm hardly into Tekken anymore. I couldn't even find a copy of DoA:Dimensions, which I had mixed feelings about anyway. Do you want to know the worst part about these games I've mentioned? THEY WERE ALL RELEASED IN 2011

SNK has the ability and opportunity to launch a superior handheld fighting game on the Nintendo 3DS. The only other fighting games were released in the launch year (my apologies for not counting Senran Kagura).

Common 3DS players go on the eShop. They always look in the New Releases section to see what new game would be worth buying or getting hype for (its like a disorder). When they see King of Fighters 3DS (KOF EX3? KOF POCKET 3D? Completely New side KOF game? I hope so) they will be pumped with hot blood they never knew they had! With flashy Super Desperation moves and signature KOF combos, Nintendo players will easily be attracted to the game when they see an action-packed gameplay trailer. It's very true Nintengeeks are easily swayed. That is why this game will be successful

On another note- if you're wondering why I haven't asked for the game on the Vita, it's because well.....I don't have one...
Even if I were to get one I'd end up playing PSP and Ps1 games alone without hardly touching Vita games (I don't hate their games, its just, i dont care for their exclusives. I dont care fo 3DS exclusives either- except Monster Hunter 3U and 4U, but thats pretty much all I own). I understand Vita has some comfortable controls for some people, but I prefer the 3DS Circle pad over the Stick. Is it considered an analog stick or...

The 3DS has 4 face buttons and a smooth and durable circle pad for performing daring commands. It's an excellent handheld platform for a King of Fighters fighting game.

Please support this at: https://www.change.org/p/snk-playmore-bring-the-king-of-fighters-to-the-nintendo-3ds

PS/FYI/BTW: I am aware that fighting games are "best" on an arcade stick (I prefer console controller), but please understand that there are actually a LOT of players who play on the go with nothing to do. In fact, there were times where I used to play SF Alpha 3 Max on PSP just to pass the time. Honestly, I understand the mutual hatred a lot fighters have towards handheld fighting games, but just to let you know: there are still people who love them. Besides, I want this game to play it, and to have for novelty when the physical version becomes rare. So once again, let me remind you that every Fighting game franchise has plenty of players who play their fighting games casually i.e. on a handheld.

Ahem* Thank You!!! Let's Do This!
Meet & Greet / I'm the new guy
July 15, 2015, 05:15:34 AM
I'm here for only two reasons: Whoop ass online (if possible) and spread the word about a petition for a KOF game to be made on handhelds (3DS but should include PSV anyway)

By the way, I don't think anyone calls Playstation Vita PSV except me