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Batman Arkham City

Started by Kane317, October 25, 2011, 04:15:23 AM

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Never played the first one, never even heard of it.  While twiddling my thumbs waiting for Uncharted 3 and XIII to come out, I stumbled across a trailer and several great reviews so I decided to give it a try.

Holy cow is the game fun, I really didn't think I would like it and the last game that I played that even remotely the same type of game, was GTA3 so you know how long ago that was.   

The game has a lot of attention to detail and the storyline is excellent (never read Batman comics) and gameplay is addicting with a good balance of fighting (my favorite), side missions, boss fights, exploring and so forth.  What I like about it the best is the way they integrate "normal" elements in most games and weave it into the story like side the side challenges are Riddler's challenges, using Detective mode to scan the room, DLCs characters don't play identical to each so it gives the game so much more personality.

Anyone else playing this?


nope only played the first 1 and i thought it was too easy and i mean easy the fighting was very very smooth but it took no skill to not get hit and the riddles and the investigating part was ok it wasnt to the point where i got mad and upset and wanted to break my controller but it was ok the challenge of a game is ver very important to me and the 1st one couldnt do it.

so with that said everything i heard about the 2nd one is all fine and dandy but i would like to know how challenging it really is


Quote from: bigvador on October 25, 2011, 04:28:36 AM
nope only played the first 1 and i thought it was too easy and i mean easy the fighting was very very smooth but it took no skill to not get hit and the riddles and the investigating part was ok it wasnt to the point where i got mad and upset and wanted to break my controller but it was ok the challenge of a game is ver very important to me and the 1st one couldnt do it.

so with that said everything i heard about the 2nd one is all fine and dandy but i would like to know how challenging it really is

I don't have anything to compared it too so it wouldn't be fair to ask me.  In the risk of sounding stupid, do you play it on hard mode?


All i can add is has very high replay value due to not only playing batmans story but catmans add about 1000 riddlers trophys more dlc in the future .

If you really want to test your self play it on hard its not a  hard game. But it can get a little frusating when you can't find a place.
SNK WE ARE THE FUTURE !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Quote from: Kane317 on October 25, 2011, 04:35:25 AM
Quote from: bigvador on October 25, 2011, 04:28:36 AM
nope only played the first 1 and i thought it was too easy and i mean easy the fighting was very very smooth but it took no skill to not get hit and the riddles and the investigating part was ok it wasnt to the point where i got mad and upset and wanted to break my controller but it was ok the challenge of a game is ver very important to me and the 1st one couldnt do it.

so with that said everything i heard about the 2nd one is all fine and dandy but i would like to know how challenging it really is

I don't have anything to compared it too so it wouldn't be fair to ask me.  In the risk of sounding stupid, do you play it on hard mode?

i would have asked the same question but yea i did play it on hard its just like RE5 on professional cause u just take more damage and the AI is a little smarter but like i said that fighting system makes it way to easy


I, too, have only played the 1st game. I thoroughly enjoyed it. There aren't many games based on pre-existing source material (let alone comic book based) that really can bring the world and lore to life like Arkham Asylum did. Add to the fact that it implemented variability on how to tackle missions the way you wanted and imaginitive uses for gadgets (both reminiscent of the Hitman series), I can see how the original game was so well recieved.

Seeing as how the sequel expands on the original in scope, I expect big things for when I actually get to play it. Pretty sure I won't be disappointed.

Quote from: Ash2k4 on October 25, 2011, 04:38:12 AM
All i can add is has very high replay value due to not only playing batmans story but catmans add about 1000 riddlers trophys more dlc in the future .

Now I'm not doing this to be insulting, but I laughed quite a bit to myself when I read "catman" :)

P.S. Inb4 MUSOLINI rants about superheroes in tights lol


This game is great, loved AA when it came out and loving this one too. There are some issues with the story that bother me, but besides that gameplay-wise and fun factor is great.

I would call this a Metroid-Castlevantia-Open World Batman game. Lots of extras and secrets you can only get ones you get certain powerups and you can basically go anywhere anytime, but if you don't want to die or miss stuff, you need certain upgrades.

But the game has some great boss fights and scenarios, but what make the game is the villians. Batman is just... Batman.


It's funny, I'm not really a fan of Batman, but I love the stable of villains. Plus the recent Year One animated film was damn good and probably better than Dark Knight (and so you know, Bane is one of my favorite villains).

I played the first game and... meh. Amazing graphics. But it felt like it was on auto-pilot for 90% of the time. The combat was very shallow and it all felt too easy, the game flat out tells you what to do and assists you every step of the way. A far cry from the old classic Batman game on the NES.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


The review title for AA on IGN said "Behold, the greatest comic book game of all time!" Not only was I surprised that IGN got something right, but how right they got it.

As a fan of the old animated series, and Batman lore in-general, Arkham Asylum was incredible. Rocksteady really went all out with that game, from the graphics, gameplay, upgrades, story, and even signature voice acting of Kevin Conroy (Batman) and Mark Hamill (Joker).

I'm only expecting better out of AC, especially after I saw some Catwoman gameplay in the interview video before KOFXIII. I try to reserve Day-1 purchases for stellar games; I know Arkham City will be one of them.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


Ya my uncle surprised me with the Arkham City/Asylum GOTY bundle somehow knowing both that i wanted Citt AND hadn't touched Asylum.

I powered through Asylum Saturday-Sunday last weekend and it was AMAZING, really really good. I even got all the Riddles and such to make sure I felt accomplished in it. The Joker was fun to play as well.  Definitely the best non-fighting, aw hell, comic hero game i've ever seen.

Just now, as in it's installing while im typing this, getting ready for City. Can NOT wait.


I just finished the Normal Story for City yesterday (still have to go back and do New Game +)

I will say this right now, this surpasses AA in EVERY SINGLE WAY.  And AA was a damn good game.  GOTY candidate EASILY.  The game seems a lot more lively.  The boss fights are a lot better.  Atmosphere is better.  Story has a lot more urgency to it.  Cast of villains is better.  The only thing I can say is that the ending can be a bit...abrupt (the game isn't short, but the ending seems off).  Other than that, just great across the board.

If you don't have it, get it now.
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