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Love Heart

Started by Mr.Minionman, August 05, 2016, 07:10:05 PM

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;a = Light Punch
;b = Light Kick
;c = Strong Punch
;d = Strong Kick

(*) = EX OK
(!) = MAX OK

Strike Brain - (close) ;bk/ ;fd + ;c
Goodbye Chicken - (close) ;bk/ ;fd + ;d

Command Normals
Love Heel - ;bk + ;b

Special Moves
Sky Anchor - ;qcf + ;b/ ;d (*)
Rush Heart - ;qcf + ;a/ ;c (*)
Peace Slash - ;qcb + ;a/ ;c (*)
Rising Heart - ;dp + ;a/ ;c (*)

Super Special Moves
Elision Wave - ;qcf ;qcf + ;a/ ;c (!)
Sky Love Arrow - ;qcf ;qcf + ;b/ ;d (!)

Climax Super Special Move
Senku Buster Sword- ;hcb ;hcb + ;a ;c

FM Sway

So I'm doing a good amount of research for Love Heart.

Overall, she's a fairly simplistic character, however, the more I research her, the more cool/annoying potential setups I see with her.

Notable buttons:
cr.C - The obvious one. Incredible range. She ducks pretty low and can even anti-air with it, and also is special cancellable as well as MM Cancellable. This is the tool people will be scared of, and the tool many new players will get hurt by.

st.C - The range of this move is incredibly deceptive, and is a very good ground normal alternative to your cr.C. It's also special and MM cancellable.

J.CD - Super deceptive range, and the priority when it becomes active is incredible. Coupled with her hop height, it's such a dangerous tool!

b.B - This move is the usual combo extender, but the real shining aspect of the move is its OTG potential. I've posted it in this attached video. It also presents some possible safe jump setups. I've confirmed that if you OTG with this, you can safe jump with a hop, and it will block/beat reversal DPs. Not EX DPs and fast EX DMs, however. But maybe there's potential for that, too!

Happy Researching!!

KOFXIV: Possible Love Heart Setups/OTGs


Thanks for posting this, FM Sway, I was about to do it myself, haha.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


I think one of the keys to Love Heart is kara cancelling off of her CD.  You just do whatever special you want the first few frames of the CD.

It increases her range of her B flip kick to about 75% of the screen and D flip to about full screen.  It gives her uppercut about a character of horizontal distance.  It also makes her sword slash longer range. 

One cool thing I've done is flipped over some Reppukens from Geese using CD to QCF + D.  I assume you can do the same with Terry's Power Wave also.


Very screen positioning specific combo but super cool. https://youtu.be/Xp7yu-_NWzo
I do nothing but post KOFXIV tech so gimme a follow if you like that


Spent some time in the lab and wanted to get everything down.

Frame Data and Explanations (the data are approximations)

A: -1, Anti Air, Cancels but only can combo into L.Sky Anchor
B: -3, Poke
C: -7-8, moves forward which can prempt Hops, Cancels, Love Heel will sometime miss at certain ranges
D: -10+, Poke, Anti Air

cl.A: +1, Cancels but only can combo into L.Sky Anchor and L.Rising Heart
cl.B: 0, Cancels but not into Love Heel
cl.C: -3, Cancels
cl.D: -1, Most Damage Cancel

cr.A: +1, Cancels but only can combo into L.Sky Anchor and L.Rising Heart, can chain 2x before cancels
cr.B: -1, Can chain into cr.A
cr.C: -5-6, Cancels, long poke that can lead into large damage
cr.D: -3, Cancels, KD

CD: -3, Canceling into specials can add distance to the move, can combo into Rush Heart in the corner

j.A: Air to Air
j.B: Cross up, but stubby
j.C: Jump in of choice
j.D: Air to Air
j.CD: KD

Love Heel (b+LK): -2, on block pushes back a large distance therefore use in block strings will keep you safe, on a KD opponent you can use it to stomp them for extra damage (75).

Forward Throw: Hard KD

Specials - In general all versions of the special moves are unsafe on hit point blank, though spaced out will prevent punishes even they are still quite negative.

Sky Anchor (qcf+K) - Flip kick that causes a hard KD

  • L: moves a short distance (78)
  • H: moves a larger distance (87)
  • EX: moves the same distance as HK, causes Ground Bounce (107)

Rush Heart (qcf+P) - Uppercut that launches. Goes further the heavier the hit (90, 100, 118)

Peace Slash (qcb+P) - Creates a sword to make 1, 2, or 3 slash attacks. Basically used as a combo ender. (80, 126, 151)

Rising Heart (DP+P) - Typical DP attack (70, 117, 157)


Elision Wave (qcfx2+P) - Creates 1 or 2 waves and launches (200, 292)

  • For 1 bar supers you'll use this since it deals more damage.
  • Can advance cancel, which if you do want to spend the 3 bars you will use this into Sky Love Arrow for the most damage.
  • Can Climax Cancel
  • Can OTG the opponent

Sky Love Arrow (qcfx2+K) - Jump ups and comes down in a multi hit dive kick. (182, 335)

  • For 2 bar supers the will be the most damage.
  • Can advance cancel, however will drop the first hit of Elision Wave so it's not worth it
  • Can Climax Cancel

Climax (hcbx2+PP) - Flys across the screen and deals 427 damage over 2 hits.


Some of the combos I came up with the lab that seem the most practical.


  • cr.B, cr.A, cr.A xx L.Sky Anchor, b+B (171) - low confirm
  • cl.D, b+B xx H.Peace Slash (235) - max damage starter into max damage ender
  • CD xx L.Rush Heart, H.DP (244) - in corner


  • cl.D, b+B xx MAX, cl.D, b+B xx EX.Sky Anchor, EX.Rush Heart, H.Peace Slash (423)
  • cl.D, b+B xx H.Peace Slash xx Elision Wave (395)


  • cl.D, b+B xx H.Peace Slash xx MAX.Sky Love Arrow (500)
  • cl.D, b+B xx MAX, cl.D, b+B xx EX.Sky Anchor, Sky Love Arrow (488)
  • cl.D, b+B xx MAX, cl.D, b+B xx EX.Sky Anchor, EX.Rush Heart, H.Peace Slash xx Elision Wave (473)
  • cl.D, b+B xx MAX, cl.D, b+B xx EX.Sky Anchor, D (causes a reset), MAX.Elision Wave (341+292)


  • cl.D, b+B xx H.Peace Slash xx Climax (562)
  • cl.D, b+B xx MAX, cl.D, b+B xx EX.Sky Anchor, EX.Rush Heart, H.Peace Slash xx MAX.Elision Wave (573)
  • cl.D, b+B xx H.Peace Slash xx Elision Wave xx MAX.Sky Love Arrow (642)

4-Bar - cl.D, b+B xx H.Peace Slash xx Elision Wave xx Climax (710)
5-Bar - cl.D, b+B xx H.Peace Slash xx MAX.Sky Love Arrow xx Climax (770)


Thanks for the research! Have you found much with OTG after Sky Love Arrow?

Ok here's what i have so far. I got tired near the end so i feel those 4 and 5 bar combos aren't optimal. But it's something.


cr. B xx cr. A xx cr. A xx qcf B > b. B = 171/210
cl. D xx b. B xx qcb C = 235/250
CD > qcf D = 106/160

CD > qcb C > dp A = 234/280
CD xx qcf A > qcb C > dp A = 300/350

1 bar
cr. B xx cr. A xx cr. A xx qcf B > qcfx2 P = 216/210
cl. D xx b. B xx qcb C xx qcfx2 D > run > b. B = 403/250
CD > qcf D xx qcfx2 C = 269/160

CD > qcb C > dp A xx qcfx2 D > b. B = 334/280
CD xx qcf A > qcb C > dp A xx qcfx2 D > b. B = 393/350
j. CD > qcfx2 A = 175/80

cr. B xx cr. A xx cr. B xx MAX > cr. C xx qcf BD > qcf AC > qcb C = 336/280
3rd position
cr. B xx cr. A xx cr. B xx MAX > cr. C xx qcf BD > qcf AC > run > dp AC = 352/160

Near corner
cr. B xx cr. A xx cr. B xx MAX > cr. C xx qcf BD > qcf AC > qcb C > dp A = 363/340

2 bar
cr. B xx cr. A xx cr. A xx qcf B > qcfx2 AC = 358/210
cl. D xx b. B xx qcb C xx qcfx2 AC = 467/250

CD > qcf D xx qcfx2 AC = 341/160

cl. D xx b. B xx qcb C xx qcfx2 BD > b. B = 528/250
CD > qcb C > dp A xx qcfx2 BD > b. B = 403/280
CD xx qcf A > qcb C > dp A xx qcfx2 BD > b. B = 456/350
j. CD > qcfx2 AC = 357/80

cr. B xx cr. A xx cr. B xx MAX > cr. C xx qcf BD > qcf AC > qcf A xx qcfx2 D > run > b. B = 407/230
3rd position
cr. B xx cr. A xx cr. B xx MAX > cr. C xx qcf BD > qcf AC > qcf A xx qcfx2 BD > run > b. B = 473/220

cr. B xx cr. A xx cr. B xx MAX > cr. C xx qcf AC > qcb C > dp A xx qcfx2 BD > b. B = 429/340

3 Bar
cr. B xx cr. A xx cr. A xx qcf B > qcfx2 P xx qcfx2 BD > run > b. B = 470/210
cl. D xx b. B xx qcb C xx qcfx2 C xx qcfx2 BD > run > b. B = 616/250
CD > qcf D xx hcbx2 AC = 446/160

CD > qcb C > dp A xx hcbx2 AC = 526/280
CD xx qcf A > qcb C > dp A xx hcbx2 AC = 570/350
j. CD > qcfx2 A xx qcfx2 BD > b. B = 507/80

cr. B xx cr. A xx cr. B xx MAX > cr. C xx qcf AC > qcb C xx hcbx2 AC = 499/280
3rd position
cr. B xx cr. A xx cr. B xx MAX > cr. C xx qcf BD > qcf AC > qcf A xx hcbx2 AC = 545/230

cr. B xx cr. A xx cr. B xx MAX > cr. C xx qcf AC > qcb C > dp A xx hcbx2 AC = 534/340

4 Bar
cl. D xx b. B xx qcb C xx qcfx2 P xx hcbx2 AC = 710/150
CD > qcf D xx qcfx2 P xx hcbx2 AC = 584/160

CD > qcf A > qcfx2 C xx hcbx2 AC = 626/170
CD xx qcf A > qcb A xx qcfx2 A xx hcbx2 AC = 657/230
j. CD > qcfx2 A xx hcbx2 AC = 557/80

2nd position only
cr. B xx cr. A xx cr. B xx MAX > cr. C xx qcf BD > qcf AC > qcf A xx qcfx2 C xx qcfx2 BD > run > b. B = 572/230
cr. B xx cr. A xx cr. B xx MAX > cr. C xx qcf BD > qcf AC > qcb C > dp A xx hcbx2 AC = 588/340

5 Bar
cr. B xx cr. A xx cr. A xx qcf B > qcfx2 AC xx hcbx2 AC = 628/210
cl. D xx b. B xx qcb C xx qcfx2 BD xx hcbx2 AC = 770/250
CD > qcf D xx qcfx2 AC xx hcbx2 AC = 633/160

CD > qcfx2 BD xx hcbx2 AC = 649/100

cr. B xx cr. A xx cr. B xx MAX > cr. C xx qcf BD > qcf AC > qcf A xx qcfx2 AC xx hcbx2 AC = 695/230
cr. B xx cr. A xx cr. B xx MAX > cr. C xx qcf BD > qcf AC > qcf A xx qcfx2 BD xx hcbx2 AC = 685/230
I do nothing but post KOFXIV tech so gimme a follow if you like that


Thanks for posting your stuff too! Collaboration at it's best ;)

I couldn't find much after Sky Love Arrow, but didn't think of the run up then stomp.  When I was trying out Advanced cancels into Sky Love Arrow into MAX Elision Wave it always missed 1 of the waves basically making the cancel almost pointless, other then to just end the round of course.

I sat around trying to see if I could MAX Mode into anything 2-bars and up but the scaling would always just end up making it do less damage then just the simple cl.D, b+B xx H.Peace Slash into whatever amount of bars of super you want to spend. Only the 1-bar combo using Max mode ended up with more damage then that.

I'm sure there is a lot of style combos in the 4-5 bar area, but I'll leave finding those to the people that have much better execution and creativity then me.  Can't wait to see them though ;)

That cr.C poke is dangerous as hell to go up against.  The long range plus the cancel means pretty easy to confirm big damage by just empty canceling into H.Peace Slash and if it connects just throw out the supers. It's not flashy but it is super effective.


Yeah even though i could totally find a lot of nice high bar combos with her, I feel her strength is definitely her neutral. And her cl. D xx b. B combo is definitely more damaging than some of her MAX combos... but it's important to remember Max can be used to extend off of lights.
I do nothing but post KOFXIV tech so gimme a follow if you like that


That's a good point and something I need to think more about since SFV got me out of the habit on looking at good damage conversions off of lights since it just doesn't exist there.

I also just recorded a video guide as well just outlining some of my findings. It's obviously not definitive, but hopefully something to help newbies like myself with getting started.  Excuse the execution, still working on it, also just recently changed from stick to pad (yes that is correct, just getting cleaner motions with pad).

https://youtu.be/MidY9pGens4 - just be aware this was still in the process of being uploaded when I posted this.


Hit-confirming from lights is a powerful but difficult habit to get into for this game due to its speed. Against better players it can be difficult to land close cl. D's to get that sweet damage going, so it's good to learn. Good luck man, and welcome to the community!
I do nothing but post KOFXIV tech so gimme a follow if you like that


Great info here! I will add most of this on her wiki in a short, condensed form.

"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Some good combos you guys have so far. I'm new to KoF but here's a decent 2 bar combo that I found.

cl.D, b. B, MAX, cr.C, EX Sky Anchor, EX Rising Heart, MAX Elision Wave

Does 614 dmg for 2 bars.
