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Charleston,SC/ Dec.3 Saturday Night Fight Club

Started by Dr.Faust, November 22, 2011, 01:33:39 AM

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946 Orleans rd., Charleston, SC 29407
Phone: 1- 843-763-3111

$2 (cash only) venue fee
$5 (cash only) per tourney

9:00PM - Registration Opens
10:00PM - Tournaments Begin/Brackets close

NOTE: If your going to be late PM me on here or on my Facebook(at the bottom of this post), or call //dotgames and inform them

Tournaments (Singles):
-Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 (PS3)
-Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition (PS3)
-Mortal Kombat 9(PS3)
-King of Fighters XIII(360)

-Double Elimination Bracket, seeded by location
-ALL matches between players are a set of three games, with the exception of Winners, Losers, and Grand Finals which are 3 out of 5 matches.
-Prizes are given out to winners at the end of the tournament

-B.Y.O.C. (No controllers will be provided by the tournament organizers or //dotgames) This is important. Make sure you can borrow from someone if you do not have a controller. It helps to keep things flowing smoothly.
-Wireless controllers are prohibited. This is due to syncing up with other systems and potentially pausing the players' match next to you. This also makes switching controllers much faster. If you have a wireless controller, the battery pack needs to be removed and a wire needs to be used.

Please keep an eye on your breakaway cables! Make sure you remove them from the consoles! Try to have some sort of identification on your controllers/sticks!

-Be punctual. Do not be late for your matches. We will be calling out names, so listen up! If you're leaving or stepping out for a bit, let us (the tournament organizers) know. Makes things much easier, but don't disappear for undue lengthy amounts of time. We don't want to have to DQ anyone, but reserve that right in order to keep the tournament flowing as smoothly as possible.

-Pausing during a match is grounds for a disqualification/loss of that GAME. This is ultimately left up to the other player in order to decide whether or not to continue the match.

In-game specific rules:
-Winner must keep the same team (this means same exact order and same exact assists) (MvC3)
-Freddy and Kratos are banned( MK9)
-Winner must keep same character, may change ultra (SSF4:AE)
-Winner keeps the same characters, may change order(KOFXIII)
-Blanka Alt. Costume 3 is banned. (SSF4:AE)

Requests from the TOs:
If you have a setup that can be used for the tournament, PLEASE let us know. Shoot me a PM, email, or IM.
A setup consists of a display (lag free monitor--ASUS monitors are winners here) and a console (PS3 please). We need the monitors over consoles mostly.

Extra Info:

My Facebook is Anji Faust
KOF Teams