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Online Suggestions

Started by TactiKill1, August 17, 2012, 12:20:41 AM

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Is the online dead for this game already? After buying p4a and enjoying that, I decided to give kof 13 a go, but haven't seen much activity online. What happened to the "cult" following? :)

The one game I was in seemed to lag pretty bad, was this on my end, or poor net code?

I guess if it isn't easy to jump in games I'd look for something else. Especially if there are no new players to compete with, being that I'm not experienced in fighters in general, so there's not much of a point in me going against vets.

Are there other comparable games with better online? Gameplay wise is something like kof more skill based than mk for example? If so what else should I look for to scratch the itch, or maybe there are noobs out there I can practice with on kof....


Mr Bakaboy

^ I still play it quite a bit. It depends on what system you are referring to. On 360 I've seen a lot of newer players, but they are on the ranked matches. To my guess I would say to take advantage of arcade mode. To put it in perspective I've been playing arcade mode and usually get a match in w/ a newer player before I go through arcade mode. When I jump on PS3 it does seem to have more established players, but I do see more matches on PS3 player matches then 360 player matches.  I play 360 more then PS3 so I could be wrong about. This but that's what I see.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Welcome to the site TactiKill. Our "cult" following is around, but it's spread out, and usually players who play KOF play other games too, like P4A. Laggy matches happen with this game, either by the others connection or netcode, or both. Best to look for 3/4 (green/blue) bar matches for better results.

Depending on the system you're on, we've got Active Player listings for PSN and XBL, and Ranbats/Practices/Tournaments online on Saturdays if you're free then.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


Thanks guys. Even when setting the connection quality, I'm still not having any luck in finding a lag-free game. I still need some more practice first anyway. Does anyone know if there's a PDF version of the manual online? I purchased the game through XBL, so I don't have a manual and would would like to read through some of the basics. I tried searching google and atlus.com and didn't find anything.

This last question may be a bit out of place, I'm wondering though if there are any similar fighters worth recommending? While I learn KOF, I'd like to have another game to play with an active online community and solid netcode. Anything comparable to KOF? I currently have P4A and these are the first two fighters I've bought in a good 5+ years, but they've really rekindled my interest in the genre. With that said, I haven't been following the genre and I don't know what other fighters offer the same sort of depth in terms of fighting mechanics and gameplay.. thx.


For something like a manual, best to check out the wiki on this site for KOF XIII - http://dreamcancel.com/wiki/index.php?title=The_King_of_Fighters_XIII

Has a lot of information that will be useful to you for systems, characters, and the like.

As far as another game out there to play, I'm not sure what else out there is similar besides SF, and that's kind of a stretch. P4A is the closest that I can think of now, but even that's different. In KOF's case, I'd suggest coming to chat, there are two XBL players I know who frequent it enough (Hyou and Initx) who you may be able to connect with among others.

Also, you can check the active player listing for XBL - http://dreamcancel.com/forum/index.php?topic=2449.0

and the Player Netplay Compilation for DC members - http://dreamcancel.com/wiki/index.php?title=Netplay
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995

Mr Bakaboy

Online wise you might need to set your router up for optimal settings. Solidshark and Delghetto both posted topics about doing this in the online section. It does help quite a bit, but I would recommend staying within 4 bars. 3 bars is a coin flip to how bad it would be anything else is worse.

In all honesty KOF '02UM has a better netcode and slightly stronger community. It tends to be overseas and Mexico but I can find games within the first 5 -10 minutes or so depending on what time of day I am trying. It has the same basic commands and has a similar thing to the HD mode in XIII. That is the closest to this game you will find.

Best online community that would help your online game I would probably recommend Street Fighter III 3rd Strike. The spacing and specfic timing does help when playing XIII. It's definately not perfect (I would highly recommend KOF 02UM for $10) but you can always find matches on it.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


For online my advice is just bypass the router if you can. The router or any wireless connection creates shit loads of delay for 13.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


I don't have any complaints anymore really. I've been hosting and entering practice mode while waiting, setting a 3 bar connection requirement. With that, I usually get a match within 5 minutes now if not instantly. Haven't had any lag issues anymore either. I'm still getting my ass kicked though, lol, once I solve that problem I'll be good to go.


Quote from: TactiKill1 on August 22, 2012, 04:26:19 AM
I don't have any complaints anymore really. I've been hosting and entering practice mode while waiting, setting a 3 bar connection requirement. With that, I usually get a match within 5 minutes now if not instantly. Haven't had any lag issues anymore either. I'm still getting my ass kicked though, lol, once I solve that problem I'll be good to go.

Good to hear TactiKill1, I'd try to make a few friends if possible too. Always good for training partners and rivals.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995