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Street Fighter X Tekken

Started by FreeRunner, July 21, 2011, 11:56:41 PM

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Quote from: Running Wild on February 29, 2012, 04:21:27 AM
Am I the only one that doesn't care about this drama? lol

It's how it's always been ya know, FGC spouts pervasive, sexist, racist shit all the time, but it's all just jokingly and everybody gets along. Why so serious?

I mean these chicks want to be "just one of the guys" right? So maybe they should man up. Hell, what I saw go on that stream, those chicks are everybit as perverted, if not more perverted, than the guys.

Either way, I don't care, Cross Assault is lame, and Aris is a total creeper. He needs a haircut and a shave.

Well, that's sort of a grey area with everyone. I've seen that stuff a lot in scenes I've visited; tolerated it, though very few were there to be offended by it, but definitely prefered if it wasn't there.  

I'm tempted to make an individual thread for Cross Assault, or just this issue, as I can guess opinions WILL vary.

Saddest thing about the whole show is I think it failed what it set out to do - sell the game; might actually prevent sales with those articles. Sales numbers come next Tues might prove me wrong, but I expected to learn more about the game itself, not the players.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


I will lol if the game just flopped for all the uneventful events from this 2 last weeks

Waifu Material

Running Wild

All Cross Assault did for me was make me even more un-hype for this game than I already am, on top of making me disgusted at the FGC.

I watched a few minutes today and Aris was talking about farting on people.


I mean... c'mon.

This shit really is... *puts on sunglasses* crossing the line.

*end meme*

It's bad enough Capcom apologized and yet it still continues on the stream.

I mean, the hype and shit talking between players can be amusing sometimes, but this show is terrible and just making the FGC look even worse than it already is. Buncha dramaqueens.


I wouldn't entirely disagree with you but there's differences. This is a major public event meant to promote a game. This isn't like a 3AM stream where the usual shit talk happens. This is something very public, so you gotta' take that into consideration. The other thing is that (from what I understand) Miranda told Aris to stop and she complained and nothing was done. We all talk shit, but if someone's not cool with it you have to respect that.

Game is making me tempted to use Hugo but knowing it's by Capcom the netcode is going to be garbage. And I'm not buying anything from them until they fix 3SOE.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.

Running Wild

Yeah definitely, this is a whole day stream, and the shit they are saying is ridiculous, and it only gets worse when they respond to stream monsters.

I wouldn't count on Capcom to bother updating 3SOE anymore, they got their moneys worth with that game, now they can just forget about it, like they did with HDR and MvC2.

I'm staying the hell away from SFxT, unless it gets heavily discounted on Steam. I think this year will be the year for 3D fighters, SCV is pretty good so far, VF5FS comes out summer, followed by TTT2 in the winter. Somewhere around there will be DOA5, but I'm skeptical if that even has a chance of turning out into a decent game given the series history, but then I was skeptical about MK9, yet that turned out to be a good game.


Quote from: Running Wild on February 29, 2012, 05:48:11 AM
Yeah definitely, this is a whole day stream, and the shit they are saying is ridiculous, and it only gets worse when they respond to stream monsters.

I wouldn't count on Capcom to bother updating 3SOE anymore, they got their moneys worth with that game, now they can just forget about it, like they did with HDR and MvC2.

I'm staying the hell away from SFxT, unless it gets heavily discounted on Steam. I think this year will be the year for 3D fighters, SCV is pretty good so far, VF5FS comes out summer, followed by TTT2 in the winter. Somewhere around there will be DOA5, but I'm skeptical if that even has a chance of turning out into a decent game given the series history, but then I was skeptical about MK9, yet that turned out to be a good game.
you know you could do one better and pirate it because thats what all pc gamers do *roll eyes*

anyway i wonder if capcom is ever going to do something like cross assault again id say no seeing how this turned out but who knows

Running Wild

If Namco does their own Cross Assault for TxSF, I hope MarkMan is the coach of Team Tekken.

Actually, ya know what. Why didn't they get MarkMan as a Coach anyways? He'd of done a respectable job.


This has been really bad, in one hand, Capcom were idiots because they should had made better contracts to avoid this shit, they knew that Aris was like that and they just let him act really loosely, if cross assault was a device to promote sxt, they should had used the ''crudeness'' from the FGC, but still being aware that you can't show anything like that just like any random stream from some random wednesday night. There is also a good reason on why reality shows are almost never live, because producers not only want to manipulate the story, but also, because they even know that there's a limit that you can't show

Then, Aris should have been more cautious with the remarks, or at least with the discussion with Jared, his analogies were pretty stupid, and should known better when to joke and when to being serious

Then, Miranda should have been more serious with this, if she really felt that she was being sexually harassed, then she should had stopped this crap, the ''she has a contract she can't quit'' is BS, if you really want to live, you just go, if capcom sue you for not reaching the contract, you can just show the shitty environment that she was being involved and pum, problem resolved, hell, the way on how all this exploded, was weird as fuck, never felt that she took so much that she just left

And then, the other gaming sites, who in lots of cases paints the FGC as the worst kind of scum in the earth, they will deny it, but you can feel the bias from the article, now, I know from lots of own experiences that our own community has really some of the worst kind of scum in the earth, and can give you hundreds of examples, but you still can't paint a whole community like that

Man, everything feels so bad, I hope that this doesn't lead to anything more serious, there are tons of things that should be fixed within the FGC, but this must be done by our own community, there are companies who could help, like madcatz, Capcom, or even Atlus, just to name a few but they should get their minds cleared, and ''clean'' the FGC but without killing it completely on his essence, which should always been the arcade essence, there things are raw, this is not like the SC community (which has been stupidly involved in all this as a pure way to do e-sports, even though they are as retarded as us, except top players who had salaries) arcades are almost always in ghettos, you can't fix that

Men, I can't believe how the thighs of miranda had lead again to the e-sports vs fgc discussion

Waifu Material

Proto Cloud

Regardless of the matter, this would've never happened if they put someone with more decency and even more experience than Aris. There's JOP, Mr. Naps, Just Frame James, Markman and the list goes on. They did this intentionally to get views and it backfired on them. Great job, Crapcom.


honestly, how is Aris even allowed in public?
Former Semi-Serious MK9 player, Mediocre T6 player, maybe one day I'll be a Mediocre KOF XIII player, too


Was that Aris dude known to be like this BEFORE Cross Assault? Because if yes, then Capcom's fault i guess.


Quote from: Delta on March 01, 2012, 12:20:08 AM
Was that Aris dude known to be like this BEFORE Cross Assault? Because if yes, then Capcom's fault i guess.

The answer seems to be yes. So, yes, Capcom got what they wished for, and more.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995

Running Wild

Aris is a well known dick. Just look at him trying to come on to KayoPolice at Evo.


Wow, things got so serious the SRK mods deleted the Cross Assault thread.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.

Proto Cloud

Quote from: Delta on March 01, 2012, 12:20:08 AM
Was that Aris dude known to be like this BEFORE Cross Assault? Because if yes, then Capcom's fault i guess.

I've seen him in the community for a while now. He's been a regular Tekken player for a while, but he's since gained popularity for controversial nature in the MK9 community. He's been an outspoken asshole for a while and he started a podcast and a website a year or so ago. Most people just know him from the last EVO where he basically was hitting on Kayo Police the entire time. Seeing how she doesn't know English, his behavior wasn't a problem for her.

My beef is with those that allowed this to happen. Because of his uncensored nature, especially in the MK9 community, which I followed for a while, he's obscene, crass, vulgar and sexist. Now, as everyone else, I just thought he was joking and doing it in good fun, but we all know better now. The fact of the matter is that when you're going make a reality show, you really want to make sure everything to flow normally and be as safe as possible. Taking a chance on someone with a very known record for causing trouble isn't generally a good idea and in this case he took his behavior and took it way further than anyone was expecting. Not only making Capcom's show look bad, their game look bad and our entire community with it, because they were thinking that he'd make for great reality TV with his *wacky* hijinks.

Actually, I'm even more disgusted that Aris hasn't even release an apology for this.