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The Tekken Tag 2 Thread

Started by baccano1932, July 23, 2011, 09:38:09 PM

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Quote from: Mr Bakaboy on September 22, 2012, 02:59:31 AM
Quote from: KarnF91 on September 20, 2012, 10:41:09 PM
Nothing really special about them in my opinion.

As for the game, it is a good game.  I can't think of any one thing that is wrong with the game.  But I'm all ready bored with the game.  I thought the Tag mechanics would change the game enough from T6 but it hasn't.  I think some of it is the characters to me are just boring.  I can't figure out what it is about this game and T6, they're just not fun to me.

In my opinion the difference I see in T6 and TT2 compared to a T5DR is the sheer amount of characters that are easy to spam the same crap and get away with winning. I can understand why thatt is with the push to get new blood in, but for players who played Tekken for a long time you go online and see the same crap over and over. After a while it just seems monotonous. I am aso not saying games before T6 didn't have EO characters but the more of them you throw in the more people will use them. Eventually you flood a game with them and the game gets tiring.

Again it's just my 2 cents on it but that's what I see and my reason why I only play Tekken here and there compared to what I used to.
This isn't a very smart opinion.


Patch is now out, anyone download it yet? Notes already avaiable on the known changes

"simply learning does not make one learned there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding".

Proto Cloud

Quote from: Mr Bakaboy on September 23, 2012, 12:53:55 PM
I'm not saying TT2 AND T6 were not deep fighters. They are. The problem lies with the monotony online looking for easy wins with lag I guess.  If you compare it to KOF XIII it would be like going online and whether you had lag or not everybody wants to just throw fireballs to win. Can you get around it? Yes. Are you winning? Yes. Is it any fun to stop the same crap over and over?  No. When it was only a couple of stupid characters you can overlook it cause most did not feel a compulsion to play one. The original TT you had Eddy, Jun, Devil Kazuya (laser), and Baek. Now there's those characters plus LiLi, Asuka, Devil Jin (laser),  Christie, and Alisa. Out of 59 characters there are only  9 I would consider a beginner spam type (I could be missing a few but those are the main ones I see spammed). That's not that bad, but that's also close to what MVC2 ran with for high level play. So, I'm sure that's enough to where spammers get a variety and the players who want to learn, play, and have fun with the game get to sit here and beat down the same B.S. game in and game out. That's why I say it can get boring to a point to limiting how much time you spend on it. I, by all means, do not feel that this game is not worth the money or that there isn't a deep fighting system in it as well. IT's a great game just catering to beginners has it's drawbacks.

If you keep falling for lasers, you fucking suck. I can easily tell you haven't learned anything about the game after seeing that comment. Dude, sidestep or duck. I can easily tell you haven't put any time into learning the system. This isn't a 2D fighter.

It's not catering to beginners. Learn to parry, learn to sidestep, learn to block low, learn to Korean backdash, learn to play the game.

This game is fucking amazing. It's the most fun I've had in a long time. I blow through scrub choices all the time, they all do the same things.

I love the changes to the system. I love the possibilities with the tag system. I love Kunimitsu. I love this netcode. I love this game.

Tekken is fun.


Mr Bakaboy

Um I wan't referring to what I know. I was referring to what the majority does that gets repetitive. Anybody can abuse lag if it drops below 5 simply by running and hitting while the opponent is down. It has nothing to do with how much you know it's simply a lag issue that is there that cannot be avoided. When the player can throw moves fast enough and the input delay is causing no room for counterattacks it's also an issue.

Now can it be avoided? Yes, in game you can play shenangins back,or move around before they do, however if you are beating the same crap over and over it can get monotenous simply because they want to use lag and you beat them trying.

Now as I said in the first sentence. This is a deep fighter and overall you are right the netcode is great. The problem simply lies in getting the right players to play. I've played plenty of them, however people trying to buck the system is just a normal problem the difference here is there isn't a whole lot of talent needed to abuse lag so it invites more morons to do what they do best.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Anyone seen the Wii U trailer for TTT2?

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - Wii U New York ComicCon Trailer

I wanna get this version just for the awesome costumes!


Quote from: marchefelix on October 26, 2012, 12:47:44 AM
Anyone seen the Wii U trailer for TTT2?

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - Wii U New York ComicCon Trailer

I wanna get this version just for the awesome costumes!

I remember seeing this trailer back when they first showed the costumes and was kinda impressed and laughed a bit about them  :)

Anyways this video is just so screwed up it has to be posted here
neta76(75') - secret moves?
"simply learning does not make one learned there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding".



So... no news yet on the remaining DLC characters?


Quote from: marchefelix on November 02, 2012, 11:28:20 PM
So... no news yet on the remaining DLC characters?

Harada has tweeted that some of them will be released some time this month. Will probably be Dr. B, Unknown and Violet.
It would be pretty disappointing if it's just the wide release of the pre-order characters.   


"simply learning does not make one learned there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding".



Angel feel like a easy character to learn but i can't even connect her bound moves. Or Ogre back 4, 3, 3+4 after a bound
Game is really fun best 25 dollars I've ever spent


TTT2 is officially my secondary game, while KOFXIII/98/02 are my primary fighting games.

The characters I am playing as of now are Michelle, Xiaoyu/Miharu, Jin, Lee/Violet , Armor King, Anna, Angel, Raven, Kazuya, Bruce, and Nina. A very staple group of characters.

If you guys need any help please report to
or you can visit http://shoryuken.com/forum/index.php?forums/tekken-tag-tournament-2.500/


So what's been going on with this game now that all the character have been released?

Are people still bitching about Dr. B's butt slide?


Quote from: marchefelix on November 30, 2012, 03:07:02 AM
So what's been going on with this game now that all the character have been released?

Are people still bitching about Dr. B's butt slide?
Dr. B's slide really has only been an issue online, since if you know what you're doing it's fairly easy to deal with, it's only when you're facing someone who's got a garbage connection and there are lag spikes that it's problematic.

Also i've been wondering if anyone around here has got their own team or is on a team?
"simply learning does not make one learned there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding".


Quote from: baccano1932 on November 30, 2012, 10:40:51 PM
Dr. B's slide really has only been an issue online, since if you know what you're doing it's fairly easy to deal with, it's only when you're facing someone who's got a garbage connection and there are lag spikes that it's problematic.

I thought it would be like that. I remember someone posting an article about how problematic that move was and how it didn't even bother to offer a remedy. It pissed some people off... I'll see if I can still find it.

EDIT: Here it is.



Quote from: marchefelix on December 01, 2012, 12:00:47 AM

It's articles like this that prove why eventhubs should never be taken seriously.

Anyways heres a nice new video showing off some nice tag assault possibilities with a general ranking of each character and their tag assault damage output.

TTT2 All Characters Combo Assist Ranking! (Heihachi EWGF over 115dmg)
"simply learning does not make one learned there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding".