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KOF XIII Evo Discussion

Started by thec0re3, August 02, 2011, 09:05:32 PM

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I can agree with that if he felt something was wrong he should have done so before the match was over. It definitely going to be exciting to see what happens after the console version. I'm hoping that KOF does make it to EVO next year. I definitely want to see it at Final Round here in GA.


Real talk, let's get hype America!!! I love all you KoF cats (no homo), but I wanna see an all-American KOF XIII finals on the big screen next year (a la BBCS2). There's untapped potential, and I'm tired of those who look down on us, especially those who are in the states meat riding other countries, and bashing their own in terms of KOF. Let's not forsake our fellow AmeriKOFers!!!

There's so much hype for this, and that spirit bomb is getting bigger and bigger. Let's not lose sight!!! We do need to step that game up still like crazy, especially when the game drops... Let's take it a step further, I want someone who's not in Socal or NYC to win EVO KOF XIII when it happens!!!(and if I can't go, one of you cats from MD or Steve Harris better be there to rep :) ). I'm not tryin' to sound jacked up, but the talent is not just in those spots, its all over... It's like a stereograph, and that 3d image that pops out is the potential skill that could be... Maybe KOF XIII has to be a trend for some to play it, but at this point, if SNK can keep it up, then the scene can only grow even more. I mean, if at the end it ends up being US vs JP, and that cat's from Socal, I'ma support 'em... Don't get me wrong, I support anyone playing KOF, but I'm tired of the stigma that hangs over us... That joint needs to shatter and be destroyed... This is the same for several other games as well, and they need to be shattered, too...
I'm on FightCade!!!

Dark Geese

Quote from: thec0re3 on August 02, 2011, 09:05:32 PM
I can agree with that if he felt something was wrong he should have done so before the match was over. It definitely going to be exciting to see what happens after the console version. I'm hoping that KOF does make it to EVO next year. I definitely want to see it at Final Round here in GA.

It'll be at Final Round in March and I have a score to settle with a few people in Atlanta so you can expect to see me there going for that Pimp Cup in KOF13..


Next year it's gonna be mark my words I've told you the formula:

SoCal vs. Me vs. Mexico vs. Japan....

That's the formula for your top 10 right there lol...


Quote from: Dark Geese on August 02, 2011, 10:06:19 PM

Next year it's gonna be mark my words I've told you the formula:

SoCal vs. Me vs. Mexico vs. Japan....

That's the formula for your top 10 right there lol...

I'm not gonna conform to that monotony... ;) Obama was only right about one thing: It's time for change. Well, I say this:

It's time for KOF change!!!

I'm on FightCade!!!

Dark Geese

Quote from: jinxhand on August 02, 2011, 10:19:12 PM
Quote from: Dark Geese on August 02, 2011, 10:06:19 PM

Next year it's gonna be mark my words I've told you the formula:

SoCal vs. Me vs. Mexico vs. Japan....

That's the formula for your top 10 right there lol...

I'm not gonna conform to that monotony... ;) Obama was only right about one thing: It's time for change. Well, I say this:

It's time for KOF change!!!

Well I'd be willing to put a wager of some sort I'm that sure that's going to be the formula for your top 10 if not 15..

I mean let me remind you all not only is Kula getting his visa but also we have others like Luis Cha and Coco trying to get their visas now....


Quote from: Dark Geese on August 02, 2011, 10:06:19 PM

SoCal vs. Me vs. Mexico vs. Japan....

That is NOT going to happen, it will be every man, woman and child for themselves!

"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Dark Geese

Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on August 02, 2011, 11:57:25 PM
Quote from: Dark Geese on August 02, 2011, 10:06:19 PM

SoCal vs. Me vs. Mexico vs. Japan....

That is NOT going to happen, it will be every man, woman and child for themselves!

Of course, but when you look at the results, that's what it's going to look like, all the top 10-15 spots are going to belong to either:

1. SoCal (Mr. KOF, Reynald, B.A.L.A., Kane317, Metaphysics, Fatacon,Giby, Nocturnal, THE ANSWER, Guero, Pepe, Chriskof, Yoshi, Romance, 4leaf, Realkim, etc..though they represent themselves, they also as a whole represent SoCal)

2. Me (Repping all of the USA and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico)

3. Mexico (B.A.L.A., Kula, El Rosa, Luis Cha, Me, Coco, Kane9999 who has a visa)/other parts of Latin America

4. Japan/other parts of Asia (No. 17, Dune, Shima, CAP, whoever)

So though every one is for themselves, they are representing an area, region, city etc. Those are your top 10-15 spots EASILY next year I'm calling it now...who wants to bet against me?


Quote from: Dark Geese on August 03, 2011, 12:02:09 AM
Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on August 02, 2011, 11:57:25 PM
Quote from: Dark Geese on August 02, 2011, 10:06:19 PM

SoCal vs. Me vs. Mexico vs. Japan....

That is NOT going to happen, it will be every man, woman and child for themselves!

Of course, but when you look at the results, that's what it's going to look like, all the top 10-15 spots are going to belong to either:

1. SoCal (Mr. KOF, Reynald, B.A.L.A., Kane317, Metaphysics, Fatacon,Giby, Nocturnal, THE ANSWER, Guero, Pepe, Chriskof, Yoshi, Romance, 4leaf, Realkim, etc..though they represent themselves, they also as a whole represent SoCal)

2. Me (Repping all of the USA and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico)

3. Mexico (B.A.L.A., Kula, El Rosa, Luis Cha, Me, Coco, Kane9999 who has a visa)/other parts of Latin America

4. Japan/other parts of Asia (No. 17, Dune, Shima, CAP, whoever)

So though every one is for themselves, they are representing an area, region, city etc. Those are your top 10-15 spots EASILY next year I'm calling it now...who wants to bet against me?

Those be fighting words lad :P.

I won't let either of you or anyone else have their way. If nobody in my neck of the woods gonna stand up to you or any of the favorites, I guess I will have to. It's time for the lighting star to shine, I will not be denied by anyone >:D!!!
You're too slow!!

Dark Geese

Okay guys, just remember when this happens next year "I told you so!"  ;)

I admire the courage I do I really do, and truth of the matter is it's gonna take this type of attitude, dedication as a whole that I've been talking about for things to change. It won't be an easy feat cracking that Top 10-15 I'm telling you guys, it's going to require as much dedication and commitment etc to KOF13 as we have AT THE LEAST as well as access to competition that we have....

If you want to do this you have to have someone that's going to be willing to push you, not be satisfied with just where you are ever, and willing to go the extra ten miles to crack The Top 15..especially if you don't have access to SoCal/Mexico/Latin America+Asia level competition around you...

No excuses, no not being willing to sacrifice, you have to realize this comes with the territory. If you want those spots you gotta fight for them, meaning you gotta be a nerd, you gotta learn the game NOT JUST THE TIERS, and you have to seek out the best competition you can at almost anyway possible (online, offline, travel etc)...or it will reflect in the skill gap when you compete against "The Top 10-15" I was just speaking about. Remember everyone, SoCal nor ANY of those areas are NOT going to get ANY weaker!!!

I have laid out the foundation for anyone that doesn't have immediate access to that level competition around them everyday (SoCal/Mexico/NYC/Latin America/Asia) to crack that Top 10-15 and gain respect..but are you willing to be that dedicated?? (I myself am proof it can be done people!!!!)

Only YOU can answer that question....


Dark Geese

Quote from: Kane317 on August 03, 2011, 02:44:35 AM
Quote from: Dark Geese on August 03, 2011, 02:00:31 AM
Quote from: MetalThrashingMadman on August 03, 2011, 01:55:50 AM
Holy Crap! I placed at 33!? I thought I was dead last. A small part of me wants to know how that happened, but a somewhat larger part of me says "don't you dare freakin' tell me or I'll cut yer throats!" ;)

Speaking seriously, it was a great event to be a part of. Met a lot of awesome people like giby, the answer, kane317, duc (who kicked my ass big time), and many more. Wish I could remember all the names. Hopefully I will make it next year, but my financial situation makes that seem unlikely. Then again, a lot can change in a year so I'm going to hope for the best.

@Dark Geese: Your profile says you are in Texas. You wouldn't happen to be anywhere near the Dallas area would you? I'm struggling to find people locally who will play any KOF games with me. Besides, it would be awesome to have a chance to learn from such a high level player as yourself.

Dude I'll send you a PM I need someone to play on a weekly basis..sending you a PM now one hour outside of Dallas.

Play with me and I guarantee you you won't get 33rd next year....

And like that, a new grasshopper is born.  /OT

Yessir we have begun the arrangements..Geese Tower matches will return in full fledged glory!!!

Oh yeah also so you guys don't doubt where I stand on this whole thing:

Dark Geese Update 8-2-11: Rule Changes to LAC 2k11


Quote from: jinxhand on August 03, 2011, 03:47:41 AM
I'm not trying to be messed up, but so what if Kula and company are getting visas... I'm tired of these "threats" being waved around... I'm not angry or anything, so don't take this the wrong way. I'm just speaking as a forum fr-enemy... I have mad respect for all of you cats doing things for the KOF community worldwide; I'm just tired of people accepting the status quo of Mex/Jp/Cali dominating period and not doing a damn thing about it. Sure, they paid their dues, and I'm not the greatest around (I think I'm ok, but I'll let you cats decide that from matches/sessions/whatever), but I'm just not determined to let things stay the same way, and I'm not gonna be one of those cats in the "easy ride" pools that you can get over on easy to place in the brackets...

I mean its like those NY 3S players who decided to stop their East/West beef and put their focus on Japan, because they were the ones to beat in 3S and now in SF4. They were tired of Japan just coming on the scene and putting dudes on beat street for their tournament money... And I know for me its more than money and all that jazz... I'm sure everyone here feels the same way (but I mean some dough in the pocket is nice though)...

Well said, FIGHT THE POWER!!!!!

All I heard since I signed up for DC was "Mexico this, Japan that". If I got money for how many times Kula's name was dropped, I'd be pretty freakin rich right now. I too am tired of being told to fear these people. I'm tired of their cheerleaders, I'm tired of the same people taking everything. I want that top player status for once and have fun doing it. Better than being talked down to by stream monsters all day, might as well put in my best effort.
You're too slow!!

Dark Geese

Quote from: FreeRunner on August 03, 2011, 04:34:13 AM
Quote from: jinxhand on August 03, 2011, 03:47:41 AM
I'm not trying to be messed up, but so what if Kula and company are getting visas... I'm tired of these "threats" being waved around... I'm not angry or anything, so don't take this the wrong way. I'm just speaking as a forum fr-enemy... I have mad respect for all of you cats doing things for the KOF community worldwide; I'm just tired of people accepting the status quo of Mex/Jp/Cali dominating period and not doing a damn thing about it. Sure, they paid their dues, and I'm not the greatest around (I think I'm ok, but I'll let you cats decide that from matches/sessions/whatever), but I'm just not determined to let things stay the same way, and I'm not gonna be one of those cats in the "easy ride" pools that you can get over on easy to place in the brackets...

I mean its like those NY 3S players who decided to stop their East/West beef and put their focus on Japan, because they were the ones to beat in 3S and now in SF4. They were tired of Japan just coming on the scene and putting dudes on beat street for their tournament money... And I know for me its more than money and all that jazz... I'm sure everyone here feels the same way (but I mean some dough in the pocket is nice though)...

Well said, FIGHT THE POWER!!!!!

All I heard since I signed up for DC was "Mexico this, Japan that". If I got money for how many times Kula's name was dropped, I'd be pretty freakin rich right now. I too am tired of being told to fear these people. I'm tired of their cheerleaders, I'm tired of the same people taking everything. I want that top player status for once and have fun doing it. Better than being talked down to by stream monsters all day, might as well put in my best effort.

Then I ask what are you guys going to do about it?

It's one thing again to be pumped up after EVO...but you gotta have a plan...and more than likely just playing the people around the USA isn't going to be good enough to cut it (been there done that I saw it didn't work so I tried something else)..

Also just talked to Khannibal..he will have his visa next year as well and he's coming for KOF13...so again it's going to be very hard to crack Top 10/15 next year at EVO....

Only the strong will survive..no time for dabblers....

Go hard or go home!

KOF13 is going to be a cutthroat affair next year at EVO I assure you..

You can be sick of hearing about them, but you also gotta know what it's going to take to defeat them.

I've been telling people what it's going to take for 6 years now, I hope maybe people are finally listening...

If you wanna be the best you cant do just what the best are doing..you have to do MORE than what the best are doing.

If you wanna crack Top 10/15 you gotta do MORE THAN WHAT THE TOP 10/15 ARE DOING.

Shoot for the Stars and you may not hit them but you will be amongst the clouds.

If you stay at home all day and don't play strong competitors or don't have a strong plan to make sure you get to Top 10/15, how can you be sure you are going to get there?

That's like me saying I'm driving to San Diego California right now without a map!

Again guys I'm saying turn this enthusiasm INTO A PLAN OF ACTION...or it will go to waste, I've seen it for 6 years now, people get pumped up after EVO..then it dies down a few months later when something "else" comes out....

You guys must be PRO-active not RE-ACTIVE..


If I Go to EVO 2012*, will be:

California vs. Dark Geese vs. Mexico vs. Japan vs. ME (optional: vs. other Brazil KOF players, if they go to EVO)

*ok, it'll be extreme hard because I'm in Brazil and I need to take passport and "green card" to travel to US


Dark Geese

Quote from: AleixoFM on August 03, 2011, 06:23:49 AM
If I Go to EVO 2012*, will be:

California vs. Dark Geese vs. Mexico vs. Japan vs. ME (optional: vs. other Brazil KOF players, if they go to EVO)

*ok, it'll be extreme hard because I'm in Brazil and I need to take passport and "green card" to travel to US


I've actually been hearing about Chileans, Peruvians, Argentianians etc playing KOF13..so we welcome you coming my friend!!! It's going to be a very difficult tournament to win, for sure rank even Top 15 that much I can assure you...


Quick Disclaimer:  I know I've said this before, but not everyone in socal shares the same sentiments that DG has expressed.  I'm sure when console comes out we'll have just as a hard time to scratch top15 as there's a lot of hungry talent out there.