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Who's getting 3SOE?

Started by LouisCipher, August 23, 2011, 01:27:50 AM

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You don't like the PS3 DualShock?


Yeah you're right. Logitech makes good cheap controllers (with better D-pads than Madcatz by a long shot) but they're not made to last. I've gone through about 6 or so Logitech controllers over the years. Trying to get decent at the OG KOF's with their stiff inputs killed at least one or two of my controllers. ;)

The Dual Shock is okay. I find it harder to pull off Half Circle motions, and the d-pad has a rough feeling that feels uncomfortable.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.

Running Wild

You should consider the Neo-Geo Pad.


I need 4 shoulder buttons though. I play with my thumbs instead of Fingers. So the L and R triggers would be HP and HK and the other two triggers would be for EX moves.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.

Running Wild

In that case the Hori Fighting Commander might be your best bet.


So I noticed a few "comments" have been made in this thread. In particular, in regards to the PS3 vs 360 argument. I'm going to attempt to show documented evidence to hopefully nip these types of topics in the bud, and prevent uninformed opinions roaming around here akin to how they do quite often on SRK. I also have a few of my own comments to say in regards to other comments made about 3S OE.

Quote from: AmedoS310Well, fellows at AcradeUFO  are reporting two frames of lag on the ps3 version offline.

Despite them "reporting" this, this is indeed not true. Tests have been done to show once and for all that there is no difference between the two versions. What does this mean? Well...it means that popular little uninformed "theory" on SRK about the PS3 having more "input lag" offline, is false. Probably a rumor started by some Sony hater, or an opinion formed without much thought/misreading something they didn't understand much to begin with. Either way, this proves it right here, and has been posted once before. http://shoryuken.com/forum/index.php?threads/3s-oe-input-lag-testing.144512/

Quote from: IcewaterThe ps3 itself causes the lag somehow. It happens on sf4 too and they've done tests comparing it to the 360 to show it.

Again, a false statement. Read above to see this for sure. However, I will provide more facts than just that test done by one man. Let us take a look at some video tests. Seeing is believing after all, right?


Now some of you may ask "Wait, you just posted a video proving 360 is faster!" Well sure...I did. But take a look at this next video.


What do we have here? SSFIV runs faster on 360 and Tekken 6 runs faster on PS3. What does this mean? It means the consoles are the same. There is no "added input delay" on PS3 or vice-versa. If there was, the situations between SSFIV and Tekken 6 would be identical. However, they are not. And coupled with the 3rd Strike OE comparison results proving both systems run the game identically further backs up this point. What this means is the popular belief is untrue. False. A lie. But what this ALSO means is...its up to the developers to make sure both versions are accurate to one another. The only thing I can really say is there needs to be some side-by-side comparisons done with both console versions and the arcade version itself. Just because the 360 SSFIV runs faster doesn't mean its arcade accurate! Example: Garou Mark of the Wolves runs faster than the arcade version on PS2 and 360. What does this mean? Not a huge deal for players, but I have heard that it causes a bit of a difference for faster-paced characters like Jenet, making them more powerful. Dunno how true THAT is (take that up to Giby!) but its still relevant here. Without a test done with an actual arcade cabinent (because an emulator could be running the game slightly slower/faster, its not entirely accurate) there's no real way of knowing which one is best.

Tl;dr - Just play on the system you like and let it be. There is no "superior" system and considering that 3rd Strike OE is identical on both systems as proven by Robokritkit of SRK, either system is perfectly fine for this enhanced port.

Quote from: IcewaterSeth works for capcom so there's no way he'll say that there's lag until some proof shows up. Hopefully, if it does end up being the game itself and not the ps3 or anything it can be fixed with a patch.

Except Seth was right. I all ready provided the details proving he was right above so nothing more needs to be said here. I think in that regard, we can believe Seth will not lie to the community to cover Capcom's ass (As he has blatantly put them on the chopping block before in a round-about way implying they refuse to listen to him about GGPO).

Quote from: IcewaterSupposedly it was laggy, but it (or most of it I guess) was caused by the tvs they were using so nobody made a big deal out of it.

Exactly. The displays used for this game are VERY important. This game was made for standard def tvs and CRT monitors. This means the display you're using will make a difference. HD Filters have been proven in this thread http://shoryuken.com/forum/index.php?threads/3s-oe-input-lag-testing.144512/ again by Robokritkit, to not cause any type of input delay for the players. So this is all up to YOUR tv. If YOUR tv has large amounts of HD lag, you're probably gonna feel some input delay offline. (Btw when I say your, not directly speaking to you Icewater just speaking in general). I can say personally, that I play on an asus monitor and an LG 47" flatscreen with no noticeable HD lag. For more info, check this thread on SRK: http://shoryuken.com/forum/index.php?threads/the-new-definitive-hdtv-lag-faq.55593/

Quote from: baccano1932I wonder if the different display settings are what's causing all these conflicting reports regarding lag.

As stated above, the display settings and HD Filters are not responsible for any lag. Any offline lag is all dependent upon the display (that would be a tv or monitor) being used.

Quote from: MUSOLINIwow, this really breaks my heart, this means im not getting this game (i was planning on buying, no more though.) so the biggest bs so far, thyeoption to set input delay t 2 or zero frames, why would there even be an option orthe 2 frames of lag or howmuchit really is, these bitchmade ass motherfuckers.

You can set it to 1, and maybe even go higher (I didn't try)...I did this myself so I don't know why you came to this conclusion. Or why its a problem at all. The option is something Ponder implemented into the regular version of GGPO. Its there for people who would prefer to play with a smoother looking game than a jerkier looking, no input delay game. This is something that's been a part of GGPO for as long as I recall. Its not a huge issue...and certainly not one worthy of bashing Capcom for.

Quote from: MUSOLINIanother problem, ggpo not being what its claimed to be (had a feeling this might happen).

Again, another fabrication made up by some purist haters who probably don't want to pay for 3rd Strike And just sit around doing this: http://www.youtube.com/user/RunningWildVidya#p/u/4/I51BhEt1FSA

The GGPO netcode is absolutely perfect for this game. I've had no problems what so ever. The biggest issue is the other person you are playing MIGHT just have a crappy connection. They may be wireless. The ports may not be forwarded for GGPO/their console. There are so many deciding factors when it comes to netplay that most people do not comprehend. It is not something so easily clear, cut, and dry. Everyone should follow this guide here to make sure they have done everything they can: http://shoryuken.com/forum/index.php?threads/where-can-i-find-the-internet-lag-thread-has-it-changed.137929/#post-5384440

Quote from: MUSOLINInow for the last issue, the ps3 version having more offline lag than 360 (or input lag). tis just plain out sucks. the big questionfor me is wether this will also be on ps3 version of kof xiii as opposes to the 360 version, or will we find out that crapcum are just bitchmadeand they fucked up the input delay by not programming it propperly (this screwing us, i mean themselves over).

Once again, as I stated above plenty, there is NO difference between the PS3 and 360 when it comes to offline lag. For 3rd Strike OE, the two versions have been proven to be idential as I have linked to twice above. If a game is slower/faster on a specific console, this is the direct fault of the developer themselves and has nothing to do with the consoles. If SNK Playmore is wise enough, they will see this and make sure it does not happen the way Tekken 6 and SSFIV happened. Its completely up to them to make sure its identical for both systems. But in regards to 3rd Strike OE? Capcom made sure its identical on both.

Quote from: MUSOLINIim curious to see if that best netcode fora fighter ever from snkp willl be true, i hope it is.

I'm sure it will be the best they've ever produced. Or they're over-confident/lying. Either way if its even slightly better than KoF 95 for PS3 I'll be satisfied.

Quote from: DarKaoZLag is not the problem, the problem is the teleportation. Try to play people in Yellow or Green, avoid Orange and Red if you don't want to see any teleportation. =/

And I have no problem finding matches in ranking, I can play more than 15 in 30 minutes or so. I might take longer because I wait for the Ping to appear and if I see Orange or Red I quit and search back.

Teleporting was and is, an issue with past and current build for the beat PC GGPO client. Supercade and Arclive (Both use rollback netcode) also suffer from this. This happens in particular when one of/both players have problems with their internet connection. Downloads, wireless, etc...these issues can cause the teleporting. It is highly recommended everybody looks over this guide: http://shoryuken.com/forum/index.php?threads/where-can-i-find-the-internet-lag-thread-has-it-changed.137929/#post-5384440 to be sure they have everything as good as they possibly can for their setups.

Quote from: MUSOLINImy first observation and question at thesame time, wtf is up with the music and character sounds? could he have changed something in options or does everybody suffer from this, sound volume changes in the game ken is louder than makoto, 1second ater makoto is louder than ken, thanthye bgm is loud as hell, than you cant hear a thing your doing? wtf.

To be honest, I always found the voice clips in the arcade version to be too soft and hard to hear. Bear in mind, this is on the arcade cabinent as well as on my PC with a decent sound system hooked up. I can hear the voice clips more easily in 3SOE, so I have not noticed an issue. I also haven't noticed an issue of volume levels raising and lowering randomly but if its there, I believe it will be fixed. In regards to the music? It can be turned off or turned back to original in the settings.


...so turn them off and put it back to the original themes. If its SUCH an issue for you. This can be done in the settings of the game.

Quote from: MUSOLINIsome fucking bs thats missingin this version of the game, crapcum of usa fucking sucks dicks. play the ps2 versions of the game and you can not only change the size of the screen from left to right and up and down, but you can evenmove the screen from left to right or up to down. this is not possible on oe, fucking bs. especially playing on an old tv crt with scart, our screen was too much to the left and we couldnt even change that shit, fucking bs that you could do it in a previous gen console same game that came out years before this so called ultimate edition, ultimate my ass.

something else, in the ps2 version ofthe game you could set the training dummy to human like in s/sf4 series. something companies like capcom japan did do even years ago, but fucking capcom usa didnt even put in the fucking game. why and wtf. the game itself isnt even that bad, but what we get for this so called ultimate edition is straight up bs. the ps2 version had better options that this overrushed piece of crap. this feels so much like what they did with kof 12 thats its not even funny. only grace this got is that the actual game itself was a good game unlike 12.

The PS2 version is not arcade perfect. It also cannot be played online and does not have GGPO. Screen settings are fine imo. I have a 24" monitor and when I set it to full, only the very slight edges were not filled up by the screen. I'm sorry if this is a major issue for you, as I don't see the problem.

As for the training mode? Yeah we can't set it to human...but how does that make this product rushed or unfinished? What people wanted was arcade perfect with GGPO. We got that. I really don't care if I can set the training dummy to human, as I can quite easily play a human in versus or online. If you prefer this, I'm sorry it upsets you so badly but its something so miniscule and could be added via a patch...try and keep your hopes up and just let Capcom know via Capcom-Unity you wanna see this feature.

I don't think its quite necessary to curse and slam Capcom so badly for all this though. Lets all try and remain civil around here, shall we?

Quote from: MUSOLINIlast piece of my mind, the players playingthis game fucking blow. ive even played some hood ones, but they all play like fucking whores. this isnt sf4 but people turtle like mad fucking crazy, trying to shoot fb's from the other side of the screen,for real? lol. im just glad that all these punk bitches only beat me 1 round out of the 3. i had some real killer round with 10 or 15 second rounds with some characters.

This is not Capcom's fault. In fact, this isn't really anybody's fault. Its an older SF. It was ten years ago. The top players have all moved on, and only the true fans or new people willing to give it a shot are gonna play. You can't expect there to be tons of extremely great players out there all playing right away. This is just the nature of the beast and how it goes. If you want a true challenge, I'd recommend searching out notable 3rd Strike veterans and challenging them. I'm sure that will provide you a worthy challenge.

Quote from: MUSOLINIalso do people not know the power of the chun, all day long i faced many and many more sa3 kens. not a lot of chuns. i kept facingthis 1 dude who kepton choosing gill (wtf, this bitch), and we dont have gill. good raping is what he got from all my low tier characters, lol. i did fight this 1 good sean that almost beat me.

and louis, you can play this game rushdown, but i was the only person doing that yesterday. everybody was fucking turtling like they where playing ssf4. /rant.

Ken is a more popular character and easier for new comers to play. He's also popular due to the Daigo comeback video, as well as being often called "Jesus" in 3rd Strike. Chun is god-tier, but just because she is god-tier doesn't mean people are gonna necessarily tierwhore her. Or should. I'd be happy knowing Ken is getting more play than her as she is usually harder to deal with. Yun too...

And of course people will play this like SSFIV. Lots of new people/older players are used to SSFIV right now. This game just came out on the retail market again. Gotta give it time!

Quote from: THE ANSWERNo Rebalance, No Buy!!!

This game has been played exactly as it currently is for over ten years now. The tiers are as fleshed out and understood as they are gonna get, and all the facts that can be known are just about known now. While I love SNKP's approach to 98UM and 02UM, I don't see the need for a rebalance considering...

A. Everyone demanded the game remain the same

B. No new characters have been added, so a "rebalance" really isn't quite necessary. Sure some characters are better than others but...you cannot ever escape that in a fighting game. Ever. Good luck trying to find ANY competitive field or game where there isn't a clearly defined tier list of whats better and whats not. There are still plenty of people who play as the bottom tier, like Sean etc etc. I think at this point, a rebalance is just blasphemy. Nobody wants it, and its been this way for so long it should just remain as is. Again, somebody's gotta be on top and somebody's gotta be on bottom. Rebalance or not, it will always be that way. But hey, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and you of course don't have to buy it if you really dislike it.

Quote from: MUSOLINIworld warriors are ass. really just how many cool designs where there in ww? 3 shotos with gouki being the coolest, 2 chicks hun and cam, dj and fei and thats pretty much it. hawk and gief suck, blanka sucks, guile sucks, sim sucks, honda sucks, bison without cape sucks (alpha one was alright), boxer and matador suck ass, sagats cool. more tan half the cast sucks ass from a design perspective and from a gameplay perspective almost all of them suck. sf3 has way better characters and way better gameplay mechanics making the characters feel way more unique and complete. only thing that sf3ts does lack is balance, those beautiful si bg's and artwork, and some of the cooler characters from the 2 and alpha series (sagat, dj, fei, cammy, guy, adon, cody) and thats it. if these 7 where in sf34pimpeditions redisigned for sf3 gameplay and a good balance this could havw been the best fighter ever. its still by far the best sf game ever.

Well rewind the clock to 1990...and tell me these characters were not unique. We'd never seen characters like these guys before...and all of them were playable! I of course prefer Fatal Fury but I believe in giving credit where credit is due. You can't judge World Warriors based on future games that came after it that's not very fair. Judge it based on what was around at the time and you'll begin to see why it exploded and became such a hit back in those days!

Phew...this is probably the longest post I've ever made on here! I apologize if anyone takes anything I said the wrong way, and I mean no disrespect or anything. Just felt like there was quite a lot of hate and incorrect information floating around that I really wanted to address.

Quote from: LouisCipherGG to Steamwolf, you could do well with Hugo.

Actually, that wasn't me playing Hugo. A friend of mine frequently plays on my GGPO/PSN accounts so if you see me using characters that I don't normally use, its probably them. They have no internet at their house so lol. Been debating setting them up with their own account.


hey steam how bout you stop being a super defender and let my whine bro i know i can turn the themes off but they're god awful


Quote from: Xxenace on August 31, 2011, 10:41:56 PM
hey steam how bout you stop being a super defender and let my whine bro i know i can turn the themes off but they're god awful

Then please make your whining a little less vulgar, kthnx.


Quote from: steamwolf on August 31, 2011, 10:52:10 PM
Quote from: Xxenace on August 31, 2011, 10:41:56 PM
hey steam how bout you stop being a super defender and let my whine bro i know i can turn the themes off but they're god awful

Then please make your whining a little less vulgar, kthnx.
ill pass bro


QuoteHi guys,

We’ve been getting a lot of questions from fans about what DLC we’re going to be offering for SF3. Today, I’m happy to be able answer those questions!

First off, “Color Pack 1” will be launching next week, on September 6th/7th. The price for this is $2.99, and buying this one pack will add 7 new colors for each character! The colors are available in pretty much all modes, but can’t be seen by people who haven’t purchased the DLC. (Also, we weren’t able to save the color palettes in replay files, so please be aware of that.)

In addition to “Color Pack 1” (and future color packs), we’re proud to announce several other DLC offerings today, which should be showing up in the next month or so.

The first of those announcements is: a set of Music Packs(!), which add new songs. Specifically, they add…all the character themes from the first two Street Fighter III games, “New Generation” and “Second Impact”! But wait, there’s more. In addition to the Unlock Keys, Color Packs, and Music Packs, we’re also going to be offering Match Packs.

As some of you may know, we held a semi-secret tournament at the CAPCOM offices earlier this year, and called it Fight For the Future, 2011. We invited 16 high level SF3 players from all around the world to participate, including 4 from Japan. With these Match Packs, we are now going to bring that tournament straight to you, in the comfort of your living room. Each pack comes stocked with over an hour worth of content, and every single match is accompanied by professional commentary, recorded by the one and only: James Chen! Finally, there will be two of these Match Packs. One will cover the entire Tournament Top 8, while the other is a “best bouts” pack stocked with all the hypest matches from the event. Look forward to it later this year!



Color pack would've been cool if the other player could see it and it's saved in the replay. Kinda' defeats the purpose of DLC colors, you want to show off and be crazy so... Ultimately pointless.

NG and 2I music is also pointless. The music in those games are terrible. Not many fans. At best people seem to enjoy the Jazzy NYC theme from 2I and maybe one other track. So yeah, pretty pointless.

The matches.... Again pointless. How many people here have paid to watch a match? Only a handful of people are going to pay for that at best. Why didn't they invite Kuroda of all people?

Also @Steamwolf. Damn. I thought you improved quite a bit. Lol. You're friend has a decent Hugo though.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


do we really need dlc for a 10 year old game


Quote from: steamwolf on August 31, 2011, 10:39:33 PM

Thanks for all that testing and info compiling Steamwolf. Now I know what to look out for when I get my copy.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


Quote from: LouisCipherColor pack would've been cool if the other player could see it and it's saved in the replay. Kinda' defeats the purpose of DLC colors, you want to show off and be crazy so... Ultimately pointless.

NG and 2I music is also pointless. The music in those games are terrible. Not many fans. At best people seem to enjoy the Jazzy NYC theme from 2I and maybe one other track. So yeah, pretty pointless.

The matches.... Again pointless. How many people here have paid to watch a match? Only a handful of people are going to pay for that at best. Why didn't they invite Kuroda of all people?

Also @Steamwolf. Damn. I thought you improved quite a bit. Lol. You're friend has a decent Hugo though.

Eh I kind of like new colors for my own self. They should be visible at least in replays though. I'm hoping they keep adding new colors. And yeah I haven't had much drive lately. I'd like to focus more on this game as I like it a lot, but I got a SSFIV AE tournament coming up in November so I'll probably end up focusing on that and KoF XIII. New music from the other games is fine with me but I've never heard any of the tracks before...either way, I'll probably get it.

Quote from: solidshark on September 01, 2011, 09:19:32 AM
Thanks for all that testing and info compiling Steamwolf. Now I know what to look out for when I get my copy.

I didn't really do a whole lot of testing other than playing. There's not much to watch out for in this version other than making sure your tv/monitor is capable of running this game. I believe this game runs at 30fps where as most modern fighters run at 60. Because of that, ontop of how most HD tvs are, you gotta watch out ofr HD lag. Ideally, play this on a decent gaming monitor or CRT/Standard def tv.


Quote from: steamwolf on August 31, 2011, 10:39:33 PM

This game has been played exactly as it currently is for over ten years now. The tiers are as fleshed out and understood as they are gonna get, and all the facts that can be known are just about known now. While I love SNKP's approach to 98UM and 02UM, I don't see the need for a rebalance considering...

A. Everyone demanded the game remain the same

B. No new characters have been added, so a "rebalance" really isn't quite necessary. Sure some characters are better than others but...you cannot ever escape that in a fighting game. Ever. Good luck trying to find ANY competitive field or game where there isn't a clearly defined tier list of whats better and whats not. There are still plenty of people who play as the bottom tier, like Sean etc etc. I think at this point, a rebalance is just blasphemy. Nobody wants it, and its been this way for so long it should just remain as is. Again, somebody's gotta be on top and somebody's gotta be on bottom. Rebalance or not, it will always be that way. But hey, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and you of course don't have to buy it if you really dislike it.

I missed this one. Allow me to share my two cents, no intention of stirring the shit here.

About half the people who wanted 3SOE wanted rebalance on top of that, in fact a little more than half. It's a question that came up a LOT especially in interviews before the game came out. I would suggest that a very, very vocal minority were against a rebalance. They're reason against a rebalance is that it wouldn't be 3S, but what if Capcom delivered two versions of the game? I doubt this would still satisfy those guys. Afterall these are the same guys trolling on SRK and saying the PS2 is definitive and this and that and the other. They're actively looking for any minor thing to bitch about and exaggerate. Why Capcom decided to appeal to these guys I could only guess that (as suggested by Sirlin) that they didn't want to spend the money on rebalancing the game.

At least that's what I've observed since 3SOE had been announced until now. As for me, I'm in favor of a rebalance but I like the game as-is. There does not exist a perfect fighter. It just doesn't happen. There's always one or two characters that rapes 90% of the cast. But in 3S's case due to the mechanics of the game it's possible to defeat the top characters. Because of this you're really playing the player and not so much the character. So if you're absolutely gdlk at reading your opponent, can parry consistently and just mindfuck people. I have little doubt that you could defeat any asshole using Chun without very much effort.

I would say 3S is near-perfect and as close as you're going to get (for the most part) to a perfect fighter where every character is viable. I can't help but feel that rebalance done carefully and intelligently would make the game perfect and it could gather much larger interest from the current gen of fighting gamers as was the case with the KOF UM's... at least in Asia because SNKP didn't give a fuck about netcode.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


damn steamwolf, how am i supposed o give counter arguments after a huge ass post like that? i will though.

first of not beinng able to set the screen up the way you want it sucks. if i play it on a hd tv, i get lag. if i play it on a crt tv, the screen is too much to the left and either up or down. meaning i can never have a full screen with everything on screen in screen. the reason i made a big deal about this is cause capcom of japan though about this 10+ years ago, and capcom usa couldnt get their little minds for something this simple and important 10+ years later. i just think this shows how big the difference in competence between jpn and us capcom really is. capcom us could have made a name for themsleves by bringing out ts in a better and more complete package than the japanese could ever hope to pull ff, but no.

no training human dummy still sucks, how can you train for something like a hard parry with 1 characters and have the other player try the same on the other side with a different character? its not possible, you can do this on ps2 and even sf4 on ps3, but not ts on ps3. lazy programming and not something that should have been i an ultimate version of this game, so called ultimate that is.

ggpo, its really only worth shit when your playing people that are really close to you. some green bars, and especially yellow nd red bars suck ass. in sf4 ive had some yellow and even some red bars that where playable. not in ts though. rollback sucks when the opponent is further away and they start teleporting themselves and their moves.

the sound, the volume of characters sucks ass. all the characters sound way off and way too soft, han all of a sudden some characters sound load and others cant even be heard. the music is too load compared to the characters and characters volume changes during gameplay. this should not have been an issue to begin with, and where the fuck are the sound options to change any of this? again, ultimate my ass. next to the tv we have the ts cab, and thats still so far the only truly perfect sf3ts game imo. this one does emulate the gameplay really well, its all the other shit that they dont even do half as well as they did 10 years ago on inferior platforms. there is nothing wrong with the sound on the cab, all the voices and music sounds beatiful out of the cab. it didnt have to sound like shit on 360 or ps3 imo.

last part, look at what theyre releasing for dlc, thats some big ass bs. who would even considering buying shit like this? their business model sucks, same as their fans that swallow everythig. none of these capcom fanboys even have the balls to look at the game like it really is.

oh and finally, ts balanced > ts now. these "fans" are fucking retards. that dick up their ass must have finally hit their brain and took some brain cells or something.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!