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The Persona 4: The Ultimata in Mayonaka Arena Thread

Started by sibarraz, August 31, 2011, 04:51:16 AM

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Proto Cloud

I'm too lazy and there's honestly a shitton of content out there every day.

Though I will put this up: http://www.twitch.tv/jiyuna

I dunno if any of you know Jiyuna, but he used to be an anime game player. Known for Melty Blood and Blazblue. The guy lives in Japan right now and streams every weekend or so. He comments on matches and gives people a lowdown on how the game works. Also, he's pretty funny. I'd suggest anyone that's remotely interested to check one of the archived streams.

There's also the Mayonaka Midnight and HardEdgeOfficial u2be channels.


Quote from: Proto Cloud on May 22, 2012, 05:41:06 AM
I'm too lazy and there's honestly a shitton of content out there every day.

Yeah thats kinda what i'm like as well and I agree that there really is so much out there it's better to just check back on your subscriptions and occasionally post interesting videos, links to news, etc.

But anyways heres a nice Akihiko combo video that has a nice variety to it.
P4U: 4/30 Akihiko Sanada Combo Video

Edit: The release date has been pushed up in Japan to July 26th, hopefully everyone else will get it earlier too.
"simply learning does not make one learned there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding".


On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


welp p4a comes out august 7th prepare your butts


Now that I have sadly lost interest in playing KOF XIII again, I guess I will play this game or BlazBlue instead now.

Dual Audio confirmed, and knowing myself, I am more into 2D fighting games that have dual audio (Japanese and English voices) than just Japanese voices; decent online; and a developer I can trust to use such a great netcode. For 3D fighters, I could care less about the voice acting.

Proto Cloud

Knowing how bad the Japanese VA is for Teddie, I could care less about dual audio. All I know is I'm buying both a PS3 and Xbox copy because Atlus is the best.

Just wish they'd announce new characters already. (C'mon Junpei or Raidou)

Running Wild

They should have Keith Wayne as a hidden character.


So vids till your eyes dry up and turn into black little nuggets.

They did a 120 man team tourney with teams of 15 in Osaka at Sega Nanba Avion arcade.

Here are the finals.

20120602 セガ難波アビオンP4UフェスタG 15on15決勝①

20120602 セガ難波アビオンP4UフェスタG 15on15決勝~ラスト

If that is somehow not enough and you've got that feeling from the time you tried to watch 24 in 24, the semi finals, every other match plus grudge matches are on the channel, just go by the same date in the title.

Holy fuck that is a lot of vids... I watched the semis and am on the finals.

Proto Cloud

Yeah, there's been a mass overload of vids (probably due to Tougeki) on my subs on u2be as of late. I can barely keep up.


Well by now I'm sure you've all heard about the region locking issue for P4 Arena, but in case you haven't...


Either way I don't really think this a huge issue and that for the most part this isn't the kind of thing worth getting all that worked up about like so many people have been about it.

"simply learning does not make one learned there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding".


I've been following development for this game and cant wait for the 7th. I think my main would be Akihiko.
It's a long road to become the King Of Fighters, but Zero is willing to walk it.

Proto Cloud

Quote from: baccano1932 on July 09, 2012, 12:28:39 AM
Well by now I'm sure you've all heard about the region locking issue for P4 Arena, but in case you haven't...


Either way I don't really think this a huge issue and that for the most part this isn't the kind of thing worth getting all that worked up about like so many people have been about it.

Only people that are getting worked up about it are conspiracy theorists and/or Sony fanboys that think this a plot to make region-locking universal on Sony consoles. The thing is, they don't know is that if they didn't do this, we'd all end up getting the game 5 months later and without dual audio. I for one like having the ability to have the game 2 weeks later, than the usual Japanese mode of playing the waiting game. (see: Every JRPG ever.)

Moral of the story. You can't have it all.


Quote from: Proto Cloud on July 16, 2012, 05:34:54 AM
Only people that are getting worked up about it are conspiracy theorists and/or Sony fanboys that think this a plot to make region-locking universal on Sony consoles. The thing is, they don't know is that if they didn't do this, we'd all end up getting the game 5 months later and without dual audio. I for one like having the ability to have the game 2 weeks later, than the usual Japanese mode of playing the waiting game. (see: Every JRPG ever.)

Moral of the story. You can't have it all.

Yeah pretty much some people don't seem to get the details at all and just overreact to it, and at least Atlus has handled it pretty much as well as they could've.
"simply learning does not make one learned there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding".


welp persona is here fellas time for me put all these other fightan games in the closet