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KOF Fan Art

Started by bigvador, October 24, 2011, 06:59:21 AM

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yeah thats how I draw when im being rushed...when I take my time, its a different story~ also im trying to convert to drawing on a tablet so i can do so real high quality work~ hopefully i'll get around to doing my FightStick art~ Poison(Final Fight) and Elisabeth(XIII) back to back holding their horse whips~ lolz

but yeah im kinda rusty as I havent been practicing but i've been trying to help my homeboi BigVador with is work~ he been leveling up pretty fast so I gotta start trying too....I don't go to a fancy art college nothing~


So I started working on a Heidern pic awhile ago... I just recently got it scanned and re-inked today... Eventually I'll throw some colors to it, and some pizzazz... Anyway, here it is:

Please pardon the watermark... The extra negative space is to be used for some Cross Cutter effects, so that's why its there... The hands don't have much detail simply because its to have a glow effect that might connect to the Cross Cutter effect-- not sure though.. It's all in my head, I've just been mad busy and can't work on it as much as I'd like to...

This post will be updated though... Stay tuned!!!
I'm on FightCade!!!


Damn, that's good. Cannot wait to see the finished version :)


Not to be mean or anything, but wtf is wrong with Heidern's face? o_O

Looks kinda weird to me. Kinda womanish...


I thought the style looked pretty cool personally :|


Quote from: marchefelix on November 10, 2011, 06:12:35 PM
Not to be mean or anything, but wtf is wrong with Heidern's face? o_O

Looks kinda weird to me. Kinda womanish...

I don't know any women that look like that-- well at least very chiseled in the face... Well, hopefully when more detail and coloring is added, it can convince you otherwise... Thanks for the opinion though, I have no beef :)
I'm on FightCade!!!


Love that Heidern. I didn't know this place exsited...

A pic of Kyo I did years ago:


Running Wild

Here's an old drawing I did of Momoko -


SNK would make a great money, if they made a conspiracy/thriller style movie about the production of KOF XII/XIII. (с)


Quote from: UltimaOriginal on November 26, 2011, 05:23:56 PM
My contribution. I just colored...


Well done Ultimate. Got him down pretty well. Love his calm, determined expression.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


Wow, absolutely amazing Ultimate


Thanks, guys. I'll try color him better but his win pose.
SNK would make a great money, if they made a conspiracy/thriller style movie about the production of KOF XII/XIII. (с)


Damn Nice You Guys! And very...very nice Ultima, sick.

I Sketch alot of work for awile, then stopped couple months back and never finished because I got busy with work, and game time. I got some sick ones I did of Ramon Flying through the air, also one of Heavy D! but I cant find those. :(

But here's a unfinished picture I did of Vice awhile back. Some of my rushed sketches I did to waste time when im chilling in the train, face is nasty and no detail. Im definitely thinking of taking some time to make a legit sketches now.


Y'know what, I might as well post my old artworks here. How old?

2 years ago:

1 year ago:

That's about it, sadly. I haven't drawn anything in months. Rofl


SNK would make a great money, if they made a conspiracy/thriller style movie about the production of KOF XII/XIII. (с)