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KOF 2002UM - Kyo -1

Started by krazykone123, August 08, 2010, 08:57:21 PM

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Hatsu Gane - ;bk/ ;fd+ ;c close
Issestu Seoi Nage - ;bk/ ;fd+ ;d close

Command Moves
Kurogami - ;fd+ ;a
Arashin - ;fd+ ;b
Geshiki: Migiri Ugachi - ;df+ ;c

Special Attacks
108 Shiki Yami Barai - ;dn ;df ;fd+ ;a/ ;c
101 Shiki Oboro Guruma - ;fd ;dn ;df+ ;b/ ;d
75 Shiki Kai - ;dn ;df ;fd+ ;b/ ;d;b/ ;d
910 Shiki Nue Tumi - ;dn ;db ;bk+ ;a/ ;c

Ura 108 Shiki Orochinagi - ;dn ;db ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd+ ;a/ ;c
Akei Ten Barai - ;dn ;df ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd+ ;a/ ;c

Super DM
Ura 108 Shiki Orochinagi - ;dn ;db ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd+ ;a/ ;c

Tenuuzan - ;dn ;db ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd+ ;b ;d


Training Mode Video
>copy and paste here, http://mmcafe.com/nico.html


0 stock

j.X, s.C, f+A, qcb+A or dp+D (standing only)
c.B, c.B, c.A/s.B, qcb+A
c.B, c.B, c.A/s.B, dp+D (standing only)
s.C, qcf+D.D, dp+D, OTG qcf+C or df+C (OTG only possible in the corner)
c.A, s.C (link)

1 stock

j.X, s.D, f+A, qcfx2+A DM
c.B, c.B, c.A/s.B, qcfx2+A DM
s.C, qcf+D.D, run qcfx2+A DM - EDIT: (this did more damage than qcb,hcf+P in the original console version, but it may be the other way round in Tougeki vers.)
s.C, qcf+D.D, dp+D, OTG qcfx2+A DM (only possible in the corner)

2 stock
any combo ending in qcb+A [2 hit] SC to qcfx2+A DM
j.X, s.C, f+A, BC run, s.C, qcb+A [2 hit], qcf+D.D, run up qcb+C [1 or 2 hit] SC to qcb,hcf+C DM (midscreen)
j.X, s.C, f+A, BC run, s.C, qcb+A [2 hit], qcf+D.D, run up qcb+C [1 hit], dp+D, qcfx2+A DM (approaching corner)
j.X, s.C, f+A, BC run, s.C, qcb+A [2 hit], qcf+D.D, backdash, qcb+A [2 hit], qcf.B.B, walk back, qcb+A [2 hit], qcf.B.B, dp+D, qcfx2+A DM (corner)

Can start these from f+B instead for an overhead.

3 stock
midscreen BC combo using SDM instead (supercancel from the second hit of qcb+C, you have the option of holding it to hit them with the flame a little first)
any BC combo... qcf+D.D, qcb,hcf+BD HSDM
j.X, s.C, f+A, qcb,hcf+BD HSDM
c.B, c.B, s.B, df+C, qcb+BC, hcf+BD HSDM (max bypass)

Note that s.D does more damage than s.C but also pushes back further which makes it iffy for certain combos.
You can activate after a qcf+D.D in the corner and loop qcb+A, qcf+B.B multiple times and then finish the combo, but it's ridiculously hard to do so I would say it's not practical.

- j.A, j.B and j.C can all be used to crossup. j.C only works on standing or large crouchers. j.A is the most consistent.
- qcfx2+C DM will stun the opponent allowing a followup if only the fireball part hits them (hits low). qcfx2+C has invincibility.
- qcb,hcf+BD has complete invincibility until you let it go (can be held by holding BD)
- qcb,hcf+A has lower body invincibility, C version has upper body.

Nikolai VolKOF

i love this kyo, anyone wreck shop wiith him? my understanding is that he's the lowest of the tiers


Quote from: Nikolai VolKOF on October 14, 2010, 10:23:44 PMi love this kyo, anyone wreck shop wiith him?

Like top players? I know Naruto used him in a couple videos

Quotemy understanding is that he's the lowest of the tiers

Well in regardless to the arcade/tougeki version yeah, he was better in the original 2002UM, of course he's not all that good now and for a Kyo clone he's pretty mediocre compared to the other 2

Nikolai VolKOF

Yeah that's why i like him, because he's so barebones, it's like it's fun to play with him because of that. Plus OTG's. I'll search for NARUTO 2002 UM


Why in tougeki is worse than 2002 Um?

Waifu Material


I believe the damage on qcfx2+P got lowered? Not entirely sure on that.


But just for that is considered low tier?

Waifu Material


The tiers for console 2k2UM and Tougeki 2k2UM both say he is low. Nothing has really changed.

Nikolai VolKOF

Hard to say, he really has no safe offensive tools.


Quote from: Nikolai VolKOF on October 15, 2010, 04:29:40 AM
Yeah that's why i like him, because he's so barebones, it's like it's fun to play with him because of that. Plus OTG's. I'll search for NARUTO 2002 UM

He's so straight-forward, and yet happens to be fun... Yeah I'm digging the fact that his combos are simple, too...  ;fd ;a is also great, especially as a pressure tool... If its blocked, follow up with  ;dn ;df ;fd ;c to stay safe... If it connects, ;dn ;db ;bk ;a ,  ;dn ;df ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd ;c to combo and ggs...

Does he have low priority moves that make him low tier??? From what I see and do, he does pretty good damage combo-wise... Sure, he's no Nameless or Kula, but he does have some good combos, both normal and BC combos...
I'm on FightCade!!!

Dark Chaotix

Kyo 1 is considered low tier in a sense cos he doesnt have an proper AA, nor does he have good far pokes. Yes he has decent damage off a simple combo (assuming you are adding his DM) but getting in to do the combo is the hard part.

Other characters in the game just have better defensive tools.

Nikolai VolKOF

For real i'm starting to feel like i'm trolling everytime i use Kyo-1 now


Quote from: Dark Chaotix on December 15, 2010, 09:29:47 AM
Kyo 1 is considered low tier in a sense cos he doesnt have an proper AA, nor does he have good far pokes. Yes he has decent damage off a simple combo (assuming you are adding his DM) but getting in to do the combo is the hard part.

Other characters in the game just have better defensive tools.

His normals are pretty meh too, as a Kyo... he's lacking in that department, he'd probably get by with jump-ins and mix-ups if had something like Naraku Otoshi (air d+C) to keep the offensive game going but then again he is just a clone. You have to struggle to land that qcf+K,K/dp+K knock down so you can get that extra fireball (DM if it's OG2002UM) in. A lot of players just jump around a lot and land a counter hit j.CD or a random AA dp+B/D.

The start-up on his fireball makes me sad though.

weak = 22F
strong = 17F