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KOF XIII 5th |OT| Thread: Console Change log edition

Started by Kane317, October 27, 2011, 12:42:32 PM

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Quote from: DarKaoZ on November 21, 2011, 06:33:15 AM
Quote from: Xxenace on November 21, 2011, 06:31:38 AM
Quote from: Delta on November 21, 2011, 04:46:00 AM
My wifi router's password has 53 characters (including letters and numbers, yeah, i'm kinda paranoid) and i don't have any problems with the online in my PS3.
how do you remember all that shit?

He doesn't, I bet he has it written down somewhere. lol
maybe but i do know a few people who have multiple 20 plus character passwords so i wouldn't be to surprised if he remembered all that


lol, i'm not memorizing anything, i just look at my keyboard, and type "qwertyasdfgh...."  etc or something like that, following the keys in an specific (easy to remember) order, like the first 6 keys of the first row (qwerty), then the first 6 keys of the second row (asdfgh) , and so on, i hope you get the idea.

And since the PS3 has a qwerty "keyboard" when putting passwords , i don't have much problem there.

Then the numbers is something simple like pick an N number and type such number N times, like "9 times 9" (999999999) or "12 times 12" (12121212.....)

And you know what, i think you made me realize this is too much hassle XD.


My DC pass is 17 characters, but this time i got it memorized, like other of my passwords, it's the name of some Movie/Game/Place/Song/Music Band/etc.


Quote from: Delta on November 21, 2011, 08:10:35 AM
lol, i'm not memorizing anything, i just look at my keyboard, and type "qwertyasdfgh...."  etc or something like that, following the keys in an specific (easy to remember) order, like the first 6 keys of the first row (qwerty), then the first 6 keys of the second row (asdfgh) , and so on, i hope you get the idea.

And since the PS3 has a qwerty "keyboard" when putting passwords , i don't have much problem there.

Then the numbers is something simple like pick an N number and type such number N times, like "9 times 9" (999999999) or "12 times 12" (12121212.....)

And you know what, i think you made me realize this is too much hassle XD.


My DC pass is 17 characters, but this time i got it memorized, like other of my passwords, it's the name of some Movie/Game/Place/Song/Music Band/etc.
brb haxing all yur accountz nao lol good job n00b :3

(please just ignore me)


So, here we are. When I was writing this, countdown clock said that 23 hours to North Amercian release.

It has been long wait. It has been intresting to follow the wait of KOF XIII on consoles. I started waiting for console release about a month before arcade version was released.

After that wait has been one pain. First there was no word of console release at all, then rumors, then producer left SNKP and at least I kinda lost my hope of getting console release. But I'm glad I was wrong.

After the official annoucment and when release date was revealed, wait has been more painful than ever. This must have been biggest hype for a game I've ever waited. Cool footage has been released, infromation has been revealed one by one... I'm more excited than ever about a video game, despite my scepticism towards roster and gameplay.

And I don't have chance to play the game when it is released. I don't own console to play it and I'm saving money for the future (studies, one hell of a computer etc.). When I buy it someday, biggest excitement has probably faded away and once again I'm late to the party.

But rejoice and play it! Wait will be over soon (for North Americans, Europeans have to wait few more days) and our wait is rewarded with one hell of a game. Do not worry about the future (for now).
"Look, game over. Beat it, or I'll boot you into space!"

Want to stalk me on Twitter?


Hope you guys watched, watch, or thought about the ranbats today! Either way, it was an amazing experience.


Well the Ranbats will now be even hyper with Console, so rejoice for that.

As for the pain of the wait, haven't really felt it.  Never was really in "OMG, XIII withdrawal" mode.  Only time I was a bit on edge was when we reached October 25th when we would've originally got the game.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Rex Dart

Quote from: Reiki.Kito on November 21, 2011, 09:12:29 AM
Hope you guys watched, watch, or thought about the ranbats today! Either way, it was an amazing experience.

I certainly did! I loved that fight where you took out Kyo and K' with Maxima as your final character. Maxima is so much fun to watch.


Quote from: Rex Dart on November 21, 2011, 09:19:05 AM
Quote from: Reiki.Kito on November 21, 2011, 09:12:29 AM
Hope you guys watched, watch, or thought about the ranbats today! Either way, it was an amazing experience.

I certainly did! I loved that fight where you took out Kyo and K' with Maxima as your final character. Maxima is so much fun to watch.

Yea, I really wanted to go on, but Haunts seemed to have my number. I really should learn footsies and more aggressive rushdown tactics so I'm not zoned out till a time out like that again. It was very disappointing considering I wanted to get farther. Thank you though for the compliment.


So hype for Tuesday! Gonna get out a half hour earlier, go to the Gamestop near my job, pick it up, go to work, finish the last day of shitty training (probably going to be ultra relax) then 5 day weekend.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Referring to a discussion we were having earlier in another thread (I don't like dragging things back up, but it's 2AM, and I'm bored).


As we all know, SRK...and well the interwebs in general, has a tendency to...overreact and fly off the handle at anything.  When it comes to On-Disc DLC, no one is usually a fan (though I guess it varies from situation to situation), and SRK just loves to rage at the first sign of anything.

Looking at the comments of what I linked, half the users were actually justifying (or at least, attempting to) the DLC.  I know if it were a Capcom game, that would not happen at all, it would've been killed (for example, a certain former member of STARS and an Octopus).  Just something that reinforces that as long as it's not from Capcom, your shit don't stink.

On a positive note though, at least you can tell people REALLY want this game to succeed, so that's pretty good.  Launch should be pretty successful.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


It's easier to get pissed at Capcom because they're 100 Million+ company and SNKP is... Not.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: LouisCipher on November 21, 2011, 09:49:39 AM
It's easier to get pissed at Capcom because they're 100 Million+ company and SNKP is... Not.

No, I don't think that's it (well...maybe a bit, but not completely).

I mean, Mortal Kombat got just as much dismissive attitudes about their DLC practices, and I wouldn't call that franchise small time (NRS I guess kind of was, but I don't really count it just because it's the same faces making the game).
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


I haven't heard much in the way of blowback on MK9 excluding Freddy. There was a shit storm among the hardcore and casual crowd over MVC3 for a variety of reasons. All of which are totally justified.

MK and KOF can get away with it because there's not going to be another release of the game on disc 9 months later. I think that has a lot to do with it.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


KOF may get that pass, but MK doesn't for one reason.  Getting an update 9 months later wasn't really expected of MvC3 early, even if it seemed...incomplete (honestly, I didn't get that rep other than Spectator Mode being absent), in which case, why did people rage over that over MK?

As for the MK thing, Scarlet got some heat too, partially for having her model, Fatality and I THINK her voice (not sure, can't remember) on the disc, and the fact that very few people knew or cared about her.  I mean, thankfully for her sake, Rain came around later, if he hadn't, she would've burned as a scapegoat.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Are all the other characters where in the disk besides Scarlet?
As for Marvel I think an update was needed but not a completely new game imo. The game was pretty much figured out and the only thing that needed adjustment where dhc glitch and phoenix.
I like to think that the characters are worth the purchase, still hate that the character themselves are already on the disk but w/e.
Main team: K, Kyo, Iori(claw)
Secondary team: Ash, Robert, Shen
Third team: Ryo, EX Kyo, EX Iori (my 98 team)