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Hello from Canada

Started by MrRoguelike, November 01, 2011, 05:13:23 AM

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Made this account, started looking at forums then forgot to post anything. Awesome.
I'm never really sure what to put in these so: Try to mainly play MK, but had love for KoF when I had some games for my xbox (had to sell them with a bunch of stuff when rent was due a few times). Looking forward to jumping back in with 13, see what kind of interest can be drummed up in this Capcom-centric region.
That's about it I think. Oh, I got a question: my current pre-order is for the PS3 version (since that's what I see non-Capcom games get played on around here), this the generally agreed way to go or should I switch to 360? Thanks


Hello and welcome to Dream Cancel it's a pleasure to meet you  MrRoguelike. it's nice to see another Canadian around here.
"simply learning does not make one learned there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding".


Welcome to DC :)

What part of Canada are you from?  Would be cool to have some more local players near me *laughs*

Consolewise, I'd say just go with whatever you want, really.  Since north america has more gamers in general with 360s, you would probably find more online competition there (not necessarily quality competition, just more of it), but the demo build videos on both consoles look about equally playable.
Old man/bad player


ITT: We all talk about how we're Canadians.

Welcome to DC!

Personally I'd recommend getting the game for whichever system the people you want to play with have it for. :D
PSN - Sir_Selah (KoF '95 and XIII).

Batman fights the Riddler while I play unfitting music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gw4sRegYagA


So many Canadians lol.
Omegaryuji: I'm just outside of Niagara Falls
Funny thing is, I don't think anyone around here plans to get it so I'd just be bringing it along for offline play so 360 would probably work better for that. Thanks and hello everyone lol


About a 2 hour drive from Toronto, then?  Kinda far for frequent meetups, sadly (though, my "local" scene for most fighters seems to be Waterloo, which is like a 90 minute drive itself...hey, that extra half hour each way is important time I could be spending mashing buttons *laughs*).
Old man/bad player



Yeah Toronto is a bit far, I make it up there for tournaments some times though.
Thanks bigvador :)


The SoCal guys are mainly from DC are mainly on PS3, some of the Team Chaos guys are on 360.  Welcome to DC MrRogueLike!