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Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups

Started by mightfo, November 09, 2011, 09:24:21 AM

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This weekend was hella hype. Good shit to Oso and Pfhor for continuing to assert their dominance in Skullgirls at DTB  Maybe one day they'll bring back KOFXIII and I can potmonster it.

Shoutouts to KOFridays
Shoutouts to Ronin, PureYeti and Kohatsu EX for stopping by and getting some games in with me.
Shoutouts to Swagurday Beatups at my place. (Yes I went there  Come at me)
Shoutouts to Blackjack, Frigid, and Edge for being setup heros.
Shoutouts to Metal for being the worst coach ever
Shoutouts to Barrel Loops
Shoutouts to teaching people who are already better than me how to play games
Shoutouts to Xbox360 Skullgirls
Shoutouts to Pee Four

Frigid and I both are going to be out of town this weekend and Mightfo is still in the Final Exam vortex. So um, yeah no idea whats happening with that. The weekend of the 12th should be open but, I'll let everyone know whats up closer to then. Probably gonna want to do another KOFriday and a Swagurday Beatup.


Quote from: jetblaksuit on May 01, 2012, 12:02:34 AM
Shoutouts to Metal for being the worst coach ever
You seem to forget that my coaching got you to land a random neomax with Kim.

Anyhow, finally registered for EVO. Today is the last day to register for only $50. Tomorrow the price goes up so if any of you were planning on going you need get it done.


Sneaking on your Dream Cancel. Get at me Metal.


You just walked into the wrong part of town boy.


Quote from: Edge_Reaper on May 02, 2012, 04:24:37 AM
Sneaking on your Dream Cancel. Get at me Metal.
I will stain my hands, with your blood.


Yeah, that's right, I decided to give a damn about this game now. I'm gunning for both of ya. I'll go Shia Lebeouf on your asses. Get at me.


Those are some pretty big words, and I'm gonna hold you to 'em. There's no turning back now boy. It's do or die.

P.S. Shia's a puss.


Don't tell me you don't know about hollywood superstar actual cannibal Shia Lebeouf!?


I just discovered some shit about Shen that I'm sure Jet would appreciate. The truth is shen can't do much in the way of combos from low attacks, and he certainly can't combo into that overhead from a low. So if we avoid blocking low too often on edge's shen, we shouldn't have to worry about that move so much.

@Edge: You probably think I'm a real dick right now for exposing the answer to the one thing you have been doing that works. But I shall repay you by sending a pm with some real combos for shen and iori.

P.S. Shia's still a puss.


Well yeah, he can't combo from lows too well into the overhead, but he can always go from any jump C to Close C to  ;fd ;b into the usual overhead. I can also just be an asshole and just do the overhead..
Y'know, just saying.


My point is all your good combos start with high attacks. There is barely a point in blocking shen's lows. Now you are going to have to work harder to get your damage.


Well there's a good reason to crouch at least, unless you want to get caught by EX command throws.
Yeah. That's gonna be a threat now. I'm in the lab. Experimentation ho!


First of all, command grabs can be hopped. Secondly, it doesn't matter cause I'm gonna whoop your ass anyway.

Now someone please tell me there is a meetup this weekend so I may tear this fool apart.


Jet might be hosting. I got your number, fool. You'll be doing Burn Knuckles in the losers circle.