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Off Topic thread:Gen 8 Edition

Started by Xxenace, November 14, 2011, 08:40:12 AM

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Dunno man, i come here almost everyday, but it's not like the forum is having a good time right now, activity-wise.

In other news, anyone else is watching Breaking Bad? Shit is sooo cash, specially last episode of Season 5.


dead fighting forum is dead
boring members are boring

srsly someone use a phoenix down on this bitch


Maybe we need a new (big, full) KOF announcement to spice things up. This being a KOF/SNKP site and forum, after all.


Quote from: Delta on August 19, 2012, 10:13:19 PM
Maybe we need a new (big, full) KOF announcement to spice things up. This being a KOF/SNKP site and forum, after all.
or mayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyybe we should all talk about something besides kof >_> seeing how any conversation bout kof round here only last about a hour and snk is too scur to come out of their caves

Running Wild

Real Bout Fatal Fury 2.

SNK's best fighting game.

Hey c'mon c'mon!



Quote from: Running Wild on August 20, 2012, 03:49:43 AM
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2.

SNK's best fighting game.

Hey c'mon c'mon!

I was hoping that and Kizuna Encounter would be on GGPO by now but man does it suck having to play them on Supercade with 3-4 Brazillian dudes.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.

Running Wild

Mr Bakaboy

Hey don't knock the Brazilians on Supercade they're the only ones who still play SFIIWW. I need my fix.  =p (j/k)
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"

Running Wild

Not knocking'em. I know first hand at how top tier Brazilians are at nearly every old school fighting game.

I'm still butthurt getting my ass kicked in Alpha 2 by those 666_ guys on GGPO.

Mr Bakaboy

Tell me about it. Only game I seem to get a 1up on the Brazilians is SF2WW (To which they then challenge me to CE and whoop the crap outta me. %^&% bosses). Everything else they are monsters in and challenge you in everything.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"

Proto Cloud

Let's talk about how the internet will bring the apocalypse.

Mr Bakaboy

Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"

Proto Cloud

Shin Megami Tensei IV Trailer

Hypest shit ever. Everyone buy a 3DS now. Your system has been chosen for you.


i know none of you will care but guild wars 2 is the shit

also proto go buy me a 3ds bro