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KOF XIII 6th General Thread: Console Released edition

Started by Kane317, November 22, 2011, 12:38:15 PM

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You're preaching to the choir.  Have the same problem, only I'll probably have one less day to practice since I'm leaving for Philly in...well, 12 hours.  I would go to the Arcade, but it'd take too long without a car so...yeah.

Anyway, just find decent players...non-Kula players...
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: ELTRO on December 02, 2011, 07:27:11 AM
something as simple as running up a bit useless since you can't block in time.
Man aint that the truth, thing is I want to brush up before going to NEC and online is my only option atm since no one upstate ny plays the game. I feel like I'm wasting time playing online most of the time. Don't get me wrong I played a couple of solid players but alot other rely on online gimmicks to win matches. Sorry for the rant but I'm a bit sad i don't have a scene to improve locally.

What's your PSN?
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: LouisCipher on December 02, 2011, 07:47:21 AM
Quote from: ELTRO on December 02, 2011, 07:27:11 AM
something as simple as running up a bit useless since you can't block in time.
Man aint that the truth, thing is I want to brush up before going to NEC and online is my only option atm since no one upstate ny plays the game. I feel like I'm wasting time playing online most of the time. Don't get me wrong I played a couple of solid players but alot other rely on online gimmicks to win matches. Sorry for the rant but I'm a bit sad i don't have a scene to improve locally.

What's your PSN?

Main team: K, Kyo, Iori(claw)
Secondary team: Ash, Robert, Shen
Third team: Ryo, EX Kyo, EX Iori (my 98 team)


Now I'm considering either staying up and getting some practice in, or go to sleep now, hope I wake up early and get some training in before I go.

Decisions.  And I STILL have to pick my stopgap for my team...ugh.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


well if anything when I get to NEC I'm going to look for casuals. Hopefully the Answer will host or something. I need to get some KOF in against people that can play this game in tourneys.
Main team: K, Kyo, Iori(claw)
Secondary team: Ash, Robert, Shen
Third team: Ryo, EX Kyo, EX Iori (my 98 team)


He isn't hosting cause he's rooming with me, and I'm not dragging my 360 over there.  Jaguar said he's setting up a room so I guess we're going to his room whenever he gets in.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Main team: K, Kyo, Iori(claw)
Secondary team: Ash, Robert, Shen
Third team: Ryo, EX Kyo, EX Iori (my 98 team)


On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Yo, If anyone wants to play me on psn add me my tag is kimkaphan.
I think I'm a decent player I'm from Chicago.

PSN: kimkaphan


Yeah man when going to a tourney there always plenty of casual's to go around. That's 75% of the fun for me, just fun offline exhibition competition to up your game without having to worry about the issues of netplay. Make sure to get alot of fun inspirational casuals in.

Piss i cant go, got no money and it was either pay for NEC or buy KOFXIII for me. Had to make the seconded choice lol.

Mr Bakaboy

I'm curious the people out there that are wondering about the 4 bar connection, have any of you tried player match quick match? I encounter 4 bars in there but I run into a problem that it will not show 4 when you enter the match. However it plays very well even though it will show a lower connection.

This also happens when I host a room. I will have someone come in that supposedly is on a 2 bar connection and it plays at least like a 3 if not 4 bar. I also think this the problem I heard people are entering a room asking for a 4 bar connection yet someone come in with a 2 bar instead.

I have played a 4 bar that stayed 4 when you enter the room (he was 20 miles away at most but more then likely using the same internet provider). So I've somewhat got an idea of what a 4 bar feels like.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


i think i had 2, 4' bar matches in the beginning, after that i put it on 3 and up but like most of you i kept getting 2 bar people that i had to kick. i played eripio69 from dc hes from cypres 2 bar shit connection, unplayabe.

ggs to you dc folk btw. i had some decent 3 bar matches against kael from poland, fluke whos from sweden and eddr whos from the same country as me. at 3 bars the game is playable but not great, thing is all these 3 bar connections should have been 4 bars (they would be in ssf4). holland is 100 miles from east to west and almost 200 miles from north to south. eddr should have been 4 bars instead of 3. people from the uk are only 2, such bs. the netcode would haveen good if all my neighbouring counties had 4 bars and countries further away like spain and italy 3. neighbours are 3 and spain etc are 2. in sf4 they where normally 3 to 4 if their internet didn't suck. impossible momentarily with 13's netcode, shame.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


It had noticable lag moments but i think the majority of the matches were fine though.

When i got the game yesterday i immediately went online and tested my connection.

-2 bars- my first online match and it was laggy as hell

-3 bars against Musolini and that was a decent connection, not perfect though

-4 bars was smooth as hell and have played a couple of people without any sort of lag whatsoever.

I think i spent more time online than in the actual game itself lol, i need to train though and level up.

Those trials are a bitch btw, damn!

Mr Bakaboy

Got to play my first flaming Iori match. He hit me with 2 fireballs and. Just couldn't process what was going on, but when the uppercut went off I snapped out of my stupor. Can't wait to buy him.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Quote from: Mr Bakaboy on December 02, 2011, 01:10:34 PM
Got to play my first flaming Iori match. He hit me with 2 fireballs and. Just couldn't process what was going on, but when the uppercut went off I snapped out of my stupor. Can't wait to buy him.

I myself used to playing against him all day on GGPO. 98 lol