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Netcode testing

Started by nilcam, December 01, 2011, 07:05:57 AM

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Classic good news/bad news situation: We need to document as many different connections and games as necessary. What I need all of us to do: play as many online matches as you can by Saturday, record the experience (Console/# of bars in connection/date/time/impressions/results of a test at http://www.pingtest.net/any other notes you want to provide - we want details) and post them here. The more varied and detailed the data, the better!



fight 1 = red bar
player location: mexico
lots of input lag most of the time. sometimes the lag went up and down in some parts of the match. some jumpiness and slowdown. wasn't very playable, i had to spam fireballs. lol.

fight 2 = yellow bar
player location: baltimore, maryland
this match felt kinda weird...the input lag wasnt that bad most of the time, but i kinda felt it more when i tried to walk back and forth. i was able to hit a rpd+b into super with kyo, but i had to  put a little umpff into that. it was playable i guess.

9:44pm, the connection timed out or whatever

fight 3 = yellow bar
player location: mexico
lots of synchonizing....god this match felt chunky. slowdown, lots of input lag...and for some reason the person i was playing against was landing combos on me left and right. it got so slow once, i was able to hit someone with terry's power geyser without any reaction. i couldn't do a combo to save my life that match (terry's d.b, d.a, df c, qcb b). that was unplayable.

fight 4 = red bar
there was lag all in the player select screen...this match felt like KOF12. sluggish, commands coming out half seconds after they were pressed. I picked king and just spammed venom strike until kingdom come. I lifted my hands off the arcade after every input like i was doing match tricks because of the lag. not fun, not playable.

fight 5 = red bar
player location: mexico
more input lag, but a LITTLE BIT more playable than the 4th fight and smooth LOOKING but not feeling. I couldn't punish Leona's ground super that well, so I just resorted to blocking most of the time.

fight 6 = green bar
player location: bronx, new your
this fight had an OKAY connection, less input delay but I had trouble jumping over fireballs and such. I kinda had the feeling that my opponent was struggling more than I was, lol.

fight 7 = yellow bars
player location: canada
some synching in the player screen and before the match started. still some input lag, but i managed to throw out a s.c, f+a, db~f + d with takuma in the corner. i just spammed Takuma's fireballs and waiting for his dp C's with K's (when they whiffed close, I tried to punish with a sweep, but we would guard break).

fight 8 = green bars
player location: toronto
playable but still had input lag, so I had to kinda stay away from combos.

fight 9 = green bars
me vs mikel93
player location: oklahoma
I still felt input lag but it was either a lot or less sometimes, very inconsistent.

fight 10 = yellow bars
player location: Los Angeles
synchronizing in the player screen, and the match was moderately sluggish. i had to force out kim's d.b.x s.b, ff + a, qcb b combo. jump felt like underwater.

fight 11 = yellow bars
player location: New York
lots of synchronizing, moderate input lag, jumps didn't feel like underwater, and i had to just spam fireballs to get by. There was a few stutters while we were playing. It was playable but not too much fun.

Overall, because of the input lag, and occasional stuttering these matches aren't very honest and it's hard to learn very much from it. I'm not sure how exactly SNKP is going to fix this to make these matches more fluid and consistant feeling. It doesn't have to be perfectly 0 frame input delay, but gimme 1 or 2 at least...lol. As I said before, this game is going to die and will not be taken seriously if the netcode doesn't improve greatly. And people will feel cheated same as KOFXII. Ping numbers instead of bars, please.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


i'll also post my match connections aswell.


I played for roughly 90 minutes.

Tests before the session:

1 bar: Completely unplayable. There was about a second of lag.
2 bars: Unplayable. I couldn't even land Terry's cr.A xx Rising Tackle (A version)
3 bars: A bit better, depending on the connection. Most of the games tonight were more like 2 than 3 bars, but I have had multiple 3 bar games that were pretty damned good and I could even do some of the more advanced stuff, like Oniyaki xx Aerial Orochinagi.
4 bars: I have never encountered the fabled 4 bar connection yet.

We really need ping numbers instead of bars. It would help tremendously. I've had a lot of bad 3 bars and some amazing 3 bars. I would like to see a higher consistency in match quality.


Nilcam, I added you on PSN last night or so. I'm East Coast as you know and would love to test the netcode.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Thrusday, December 1 TEST

My connection before playing:

I have the Ports forwarded (DMZ) and I'm wired. So that is clear, now into today's experience.

Player Matches:
1. Searched for 3 bars & up, found 1 room with 3 bars, then I enter the lobby and it was 2 instead, got kicked from lobby due to that.

2. Made a Room Instead, my first opponent is a 2 bars guy. It's laggy, like 1 second long lag with some slowdowns. I can do some minimal combos like c.LKx3 > d,u+K with Ash and c.LKx3 to qcf+K with Beni.  Then he quits on the 4rth round. =/

3. Another opponent, 2 bars again. Same as 2nd match, well a bit better, we finished the match.

4. Another 2 bars, more laggy than the 3rd match. =/

5. and 6. Same guy, as the 4th match. Felt almost the same as the 3rd one.

7. Joined a 3 bars room, but it ended up been 1 bar.

8. Joined another 3 bars room, it's 2 bars instead and fighting him. Felt like the others. Can't do mid difficulty combos. =/

9. Enter another 3 bars room in the search, but ended up been 1 bar. He was from Mexico (had it in the rooms name).

That is all for today.

Speed Test after playing online:



My general impressions with a wired cable connection, XBox 360 and all ports properly forwarded...

1 Bar: Unplayable and I don't expect it to be.

2 Bars: 50/50 dice roll.  Sometimes the connection can be better than some 3 bars, other times it's quite delayed.  I play a friend from Texas, he's wired, we ping 100-120 ms to each other and get 2 bars but it's very smooth with very little input delay.  Other 2 bars can be very laggy, though.

3 Bars: Generally good with little input delay, but capable of lagging if the other person is on wireless or for other mysterious reasons (latency, non-open ports?).  For example another guy I play, we ping 60 ms to each other but ingame the delay is massive because of his wireless.  As usual, wireless ruining games.

4 Bars:  Never seen it, but I'm in eastern Canada and it might be that there aren't enough people from my region to see/experience it.

There are desyncing problems with the game, but I can't pinpoint the reason.  Texas guy's internet is slightly unstable and wireless guy is, well, wireless.  Either way they do happen and can cause the game to drop/time out when starting the next match.  I've played many more people than these two.  I will say that when the game is good, it's really good, the input delay is very negligable, but when it's bad it's quite bad... but because I don't know every setup for the people I play, I can't tell if it's the game, their wireless, improperly forwarded ports, congested network, etc.. It CAN be excellent, that's all I know.
Kick, punch, it's all in the method. Not mother approved but totally kid tested.

Rex Dart

I played for over one hour tonight. I'm going to list my experiences with the various bar readings, and only briefly touch on my experience more generally. I'm playing on 360 with a wired connection and ports forwarded.

1 bar: I only encountered one of these matches tonight, and it was against a player from Japan (!). Much to my surprise, it was one of the better 1 bar matches I've experienced. While the input lag made combos near-impossible, and high/low mix-ups artificially hard to deal with, the match was consistent and there was no mid-game slowdown or re-syncing. The match was mostly a pokefest.

2 bars: I played four of these matches tonight. Player locations ranged as far south as Mexico. Three out of the four were decent, in as much as the input lag was consistent enough for me to hit confirm basic DC combos. One of the matches (against a player from Texas), however, was completely unplayable. (It actually felt more like what my previous 1 bar matches had been like.) The input lag was so severe that rolling and jumping over projectiles on reaction wasn't possible. I could only deal with them by guessing what my opponent was going to do in a few seconds and reacting to it a few seconds early. The game re-synced during the final round, and the connection was lost. (The opponent and I were pretty even in terms of health, so I don't see think it was a rage quit.)

3 bars: Had four of these. Input lag of a few frames, but, in general, I had no problem pulling off combos and reacting to my opponent's attacks. Had one strange moment in the middle of one match. In the second round, the game randomly slowed way down. It suddenly felt like a 2 bar match. The game remained in this almost slow-motion state until the next round, when it was consistent again. I did not pull off any HD combos, but, if the opportunity had presented itself, I would have felt confident with these connections.

4 bars: Did not encounter any tonight. (I've only ever found two, and they're nearly indistinguishable from offline. No complaints whatsoever.)


I may just buy a one month subscription to Xbox LIVE to tide me over until I can get a 12 month card.


-2 bars- my first online match and it was laggy as hell

-3 bars against Musolini and that was a decent connection, not perfect though

-4 bars was smooth as hell and have played a couple of people without any sort of lag whatsoever.


This is a fiber connection playing against an opponent who has the same connection(same isp with slightly better speedtest results) who lives 700km away

4bars: the game lags and you can feel it,characters are a bit heavier,you can do some basic HD combos if you adapt a bit..I would say this is barely playable for me


Will update match notes later:

PS3, wired connection

1. Played 15 games with SolidShark over in Japan
-2 bar connection
-Considering it was SoCal to Japan it wasn't as bad as I thought, althought '96 PSN was every so slightly smoother the game is a less complex than XIII is.
-The delay was very apparent, at least over half a second of delay.
-Recovery rolls were hard to activate
-Otherwise everything else was somewhat adjustable

2. Played some 1 bar connection, not playable at all, dunno where they were from as it was on ranked.

3. Played 1 3 bar connection, game was definitely smoother and I could perform the links that required tight timing (Duo Lon's s.CD as a crossup etc).


Quote from: Gramas on December 02, 2011, 02:55:37 PM
This is a fiber connection playing against an opponent who has the same connection(same isp with slightly better speedtest results) who lives 700km away

4bars: the game lags and you can feel it,characters are a bit heavier,you can do some basic HD combos if you adapt a bit..I would say this is barely playable for me

This is really hard to belive...

Telling lies doesn't help at all...
PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature


Some experiences may vary greatly, brah. This is useful.


Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on December 02, 2011, 03:22:30 PM
Quote from: Gramas on December 02, 2011, 02:55:37 PM
This is a fiber connection playing against an opponent who has the same connection(same isp with slightly better speedtest results) who lives 700km away

4bars: the game lags and you can feel it,characters are a bit heavier,you can do some basic HD combos if you adapt a bit..I would say this is barely playable for me

This is really hard to belive...

Telling lies doesn't help at all...
not trying to be a jerk or anything but anything could happen sure he might be exaggerating a bit but any information is useful information