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Netcode testing

Started by nilcam, December 01, 2011, 07:05:57 AM

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Quote from: EDDR on December 02, 2011, 11:41:41 AM

-2 bars- my first online match and it was laggy as hell

-3 bars against Musolini and that was a decent connection, not perfect though

-4 bars was smooth as hell and have played a couple of people without any sort of lag whatsoever.

are you in holland right now, our connection should hve been 4 instead of 3 if so. maybe if i put the cable in the ps3 and portforward my shit or whatever, we might just get 4?

edit: never mind, mechelen so u must be in belgium.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!

Mr Bakaboy

Time 7:59A.M.(Central Time Zone)

1st Match: 2 Bar, Country - Brazil
               Ranked Match Used Create Match
               Input Delay - 1/4 Second
               Slowdown - Not Unplayable, but very hard to adjust to
               Comments - The game was playable, but barely. Opponent just used a rushdown style so defending                        
               against with input lag and slowdown was extremely difficult.

2nd Match: 1 Bar, Country - France
                Ranked Match Used Create Match
                Input Delay - 1/2 Second
                Slowdown - Same as above, however the match would slow down to a ridiculously bad level for
                approximately  2 1/2 Seconds then return to the regular speed, then slowdown like before after 10
                seconds, repeated entire match.
                Comments - Completely unplayable.

3rd Match:  2 Bars, Country - Mexico
                Ranked Match, Used custom match 2 and Up
                Input Delay - 1/10 Second
                Slowdown - Slightly. Paused a little in match as well but just slightly.
                Comments: Match only lasted 1 character. Opponent Dropped.

4th Match:  2 Bars, Country - Mexico
                Ranked Match,  Used custom match 2 and Up
                Input Delay - 1/10 second
                Slowdown - Slightly stayed stable throughout match
                Comments: Opponent spammed fireballs with conditions was hard to work around, not impossible.

5th Match:  1 Bar, Country - United Kingdom
                Ranked Match, Used custom match 2 and up
                Input Delay - 1/10 second
                Slowdown - Slightly however increased a little when 3rd match started (Snake Temple)
                Comments: Felt playable but very hard to connect combos. Was a wait till opponent attack then
                counter kinda match.

6th Match:  2 Bars, Country - United States
                Ranked Match, Used Create Match
                Input Delay - 1/4 second
                Slowdown: In between 1st Match and Slightly. Stayed stable throughout entire match
                Comments: Opponent seemed to be bothered by lag more then myself.

end time 9:05 A.M.

Comments: Thought my net connection is running slow today. These matches were the worst I have had since I started playing. Played 2 Chinese players at around 3:15A.M. and the connection was about the same as  the 1/4 second  lag 2 bar matches I played today.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


another quick note, when going into hd mode at 3 bar connections the game stops for a sec and lags even more, making the easiest hd combos a bitch. this probably worse with 1 and 2 bars ( i feel for u peeps). how is it with 4 bars?
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


Played from Japan against other JPN players across the country

Out of 40+ matches (all 3 bar), 3 or 4 displayed some lag, only one constantly resynced, but it didn't detract much from the match.

Will see if I can test with other bar levels.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


15Mps Upload
Ping 40-48ms

played about 8 matches 2 bars exactly 3 of them were playable the other 5 where hit or miss, some synching between matches and a few lag spikes.

I'll be able to do more testing with a newer faster connection on sat.  Will be pulling 50Mbps upload and will have a lower ping i'll do a speed and ping test and post my newer matches tomorrow.


December 2, 2011 Test

Player Matches:
1. Vs Seizonsha51: 1 bar since he is from Japan and I'm in McAllen Tx, so far our matches felt like what i have experienced with my past report, Under the water might be the right word. The game had Delay but I could do my simple combos. Great for a Japan vs US match IMO.

2. Vs Nerdchill: 3 bars, but it feel the same, "under the water", I can do basic stuff but nothing fancy. But Synchronization takes longer here.

3. Vs DSoul_TheKiller: 3 bars in Search, but 2 bars in lobby. Synchronizing taking long, but it felt better than last ones. Still a bit delay, but combos could come up, for example I could do my Kula Corner combo. Had like 4 matches with him and all see felt that way. Not bad, but what I would expect for a 2 bars.


Quote from: DarKaoZ on December 02, 2011, 09:48:17 PM
December 2, 2011 Test

Player Matches:
1. Vs Seizonsha51: 1 bar since he is from Japan and I'm in McAllen Tx, so far our matches felt like what i have experienced with my past report, Under the water might be the right word. The game had Delay but I could do my simple combos. Great for a Japan vs US match IMO.

I was surprised by this too. GGs until the desynch DarK; you've got a great Beni, even despite lag. 1 bar felt playable to me, as far as pulling off simple stuff. I'm definitely will have to try more international testing; I thought it'd be much worse than that.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


Quote from: solidshark on December 02, 2011, 09:54:21 PM

I was surprised by this too. GGs until the desynch DarK; you've got a great Beni, even despite lag. 1 bar felt playable to me, as far as pulling off simple stuff. I'm definitely will have to try more international testing; I thought it'd be much worse than that.

Yeah man, GGs! Didn't know it was you solidshark, since you have a different nickname in each place it was hard to know who you were in DC lol.

But yeah, this is acceptable between a Japan vs US match, I thought it was going to be worse. But the bad thing is that the rest of the 2 & 3 bars I had later felt almost the same. Dunno where those guys are from, but I assume they are close based on the Bars they showed ones I enter the lobbies.

Mr Bakaboy

Started games 2:40P.M.

Only played 1 player multiple matches.

End time 3:30P.M.

Country - U.S.A. Bars - 4 Bars (though on match screen showed 3) Found with Player Match Quick Match
Input lag - Nominal (less then 1/10 of a second)
Slowdown: None though on final match game slowed down slightly for 3 seconds could have been in game glitch on how it came out.
Comments: Played great All combos accessible. Fireballs are as dodge-able as offline match. Mid Level play (both of us knew combos but did not use long string combos). Very fun matches.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on December 02, 2011, 03:22:30 PM
Quote from: Gramas on December 02, 2011, 02:55:37 PM
This is a fiber connection playing against an opponent who has the same connection(same isp with slightly better speedtest results) who lives 700km away

4bars: the game lags and you can feel it,characters are a bit heavier,you can do some basic HD combos if you adapt a bit..I would say this is barely playable for me

This is really hard to belive...

Telling lies doesn't help at all...
I just played a 4 hours offline session and I can pretty much confirm my statement ,the part that more bothered me was the fact that the chars feel havier


December 2 Night Test (10 pm Central)

Port Forwarded (DMZ)/ Wired Connection / DL:17mbs UL:1mbs internet

1st Match vs solidshark: Japan vs US again, 1 bar. This time it was worse, before it was playable, this time it we had huge delays and the commands weren't coming out. Sometimes I did a qcf+P and Kick came out instead. Weird stuff...

2nd Matches vs DesmonDelaghetto: Texas vs Minnesota... no can do. It didn't let us at all! First we got 1 bar, we go to character select and then it started to Synchronize and it kicked us out. Next try, it said we had 3 bars, awesome, but it started to Synchronize and it kicked us out. Another try, 2 bars it said now, character select, synchronization, nop you are out!

I reset my router from this point ->

3rd Matches vs Hakumen_wins: 2 bars, dunno from where is the guy. Definitely playable now. Small delay, but "playable".

4th Matches vs nightmoves17: Texas vs San Diego, 2 bars, definitely playable this time. There were times in which the game lagged but it was for instances. I managed to pull out King Corner combo (j.HK > s.HK > df.HK > qcb+LK > EXsrk+K > qcb+LK > EXsrk+K ) and he managed to do Terry Corner combo (s.HP > qcb+P > qcb+K >DC> EX d,u+K ).

5th Matches vs DesmonDelaghetto Part 2: 3 bars, Texas vs  Minnesota, after some router resetting I could play Desmond. The game was playable just like with NightMove, but as Desmond said "it's hard to block", we could play offensively and do mid-low difficulty combos at times, but blocking was an issue, we couldn't react on time or punish a blocked move that were punishable.

At first today testing was bad, but after some router resetting, I managed to have some playable matches. But still 3 bars should feel better than what I had, at least enough to block correctly.

Mr Bakaboy

Quote from: Gramas on December 03, 2011, 04:34:08 AM
Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on December 02, 2011, 03:22:30 PM
Quote from: Gramas on December 02, 2011, 02:55:37 PM
This is a fiber connection playing against an opponent who has the same connection(same isp with slightly better speedtest results) who lives 700km away

4bars: the game lags and you can feel it,characters are a bit heavier,you can do some basic HD combos if you adapt a bit..I would say this is barely playable for me

This is really hard to belive...

Telling lies doesn't help at all...
I just played a 4 hours offline session and I can pretty much confirm my statement ,the part that more bothered me was the fact that the chars feel havier

What you are describing is joystick input lag. When your side has extra lag from hardware and your opponent doesn't it will feel like you are under water while your opponent is hopping all around you.

When you play w/ the same lag offline, it is not really noticable cause the lag falls under 1/10 of a second, but add that lag to the online lag that is going to be there (joystick lag is around 1/20 of a second and the best net connection is about the same) you will hit that 1/10 of a second or the feeling of being 1 step off.  Couple that with the fact that your opponent is moving faster then you and it will feel like you are fighting underwater.

I had a lot of issues with this on the xbox 180. I went through a few controllers before I found one that works. Converters to play other system controllers can do the same thing. If this is just a recent thing w/ a converter try to unplug your converter from the system. That can cause the lag over time.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"

Mr Bakaboy


Start 10:57 A.M.

1st Match:  1 Bar, Country Japan
                Ranked Match, Used Create Match
                Input Delay - 1/10 Second
                Slowdown - Slight but very playable
                Comments: Opponent did not pressure hard so very easy to poke to win. Not comfortable to use

2nd Match:  2 Bars, Country USA
                Ranked Match, Used Create Match
                Input Delay - Negligible (less then 1/10 Second)
                Slowdown - Little to None
                Comments - Played like a 4 bar Everything Accessible.

3rd Match:  3 Bars, Country USA
                Ranked Match, Used Create Match
                Input Delay - 1/10 Second
                Slowdown - Played at normal speed then seemingly randomly would decrease to a slower speed then
                speed up again
                Comments: Was a playable footsies match, but hampered both opponents. I believe opponent was a
                high level player that couldn't get anything going cause of the lag.

4th Match:  3 Bars, Country USA (North Carolina Thanks SAB CA!)
                Ranked Match, Used Custom Match 2 and up
                Input Delay - 1/10 Second
                Slowdown - None, Stable
                Comments - Very Playable. Without any slowdown the Input Delay was easy to work around. Still
                hesitant to use combos when feeling the lag.

5th Match   3 Bars, Country USA (Texas)
                Ranked Match, Used Create Match
                Input Delay - 1/10 Second
                Slowdown - Slight, Stable
                Comments - Playable. Tried to force combos to test. Did not do well, but opponent seemed to be
                having more issues then me w/ lag. Missed a lot of easy hits.

6th Match:  1 Bar, Country Brazil
                Ranked Match, Used Create Match
                Input Delay - 1/2 Second
                Slowdown - Slight, flickered in first round but stabilized after 1st round. Didn't ReSync until last round
                Comments - Forced combos since opponent passive having trouble adjusting. Could do combos, but
                missed around 40% of the time leaving me open if not for passive opponent would have been

7th Match:  Same Guy from 6th Match though slowdown was worse in the 1st round then the last match it
                stabilized like the last match.

8th Match:  4 Bars (3 Bars on Match Screen), Country, USA
                Player Match Used Quick Match
                Input Lag - 1/10 Second
                Slowdown - None
                Comments - With no slowdown the combos felt great coming out. Able to adjust to Input Delay in
                middle of 1st round. Very Playable.

End Time 12:23P.M.

Comments: Good matches. Felt like I am getting used to netcode the more I play. Takes time to adjust to fighting game mechanics. When working on that, lag can be a lot bigger problem then earlier matches.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


So far, only played one match online. It was 3 bars, a green connection. However, the input lag was HORRIBLE. I dunno what some people call "a little" lag, but to me this was not playable at ALL. I don't see how anyone could call this playable. I couldn't do anything and felt like I was stuck underwater. This was Soul Calibur IV bad, except SCIV only got this bad on the worst connections. If this is a GREEN connection then I am scared to see a red. I'll be playing in the tournament today, so I'll see how it goes and record every bit of data in this thread. I expect to be having quite a few negative things to say...


Just one correction Mr. Bakaboy, I'm all the way on the East Coast, North Carolina :)

I can vouch for what you said about the rest of the match though, one of the better matches with fellow DC'ers that I've felt.

Where are you located, btw? I'm guessing Missouri, going by your speed test image?

Quote from: steamwolf on December 03, 2011, 08:39:40 PM
So far, only played one match online. It was 3 bars, a green connection. However, the input lag was HORRIBLE. I dunno what some people call "a little" lag, but to me this was not playable at ALL. I don't see how anyone could call this playable. I couldn't do anything and felt like I was stuck underwater. This was Soul Calibur IV bad, except SCIV only got this bad on the worst connections. If this is a GREEN connection then I am scared to see a red. I'll be playing in the tournament today, so I'll see how it goes and record every bit of data in this thread. I expect to be having quite a few negative things to say...

The bars aren't always 100% accurate. A connection can also fluxtuate while playing it. Today, I've had 1's that felt like high 2s, 2s that felt like 1s, and 3s that felt like lower 2s. It was interesting to watch this in game lobbies with active ping numbers... a person would start out in the 60s, and then after a while, would be in the 150s. Most likely, someone in their house probably started to stream, or they split their connection with something else after starting to play. Also, if you or the opponent have wireless, this can return a high ping... but actually have a lot of flux and lagtime between communications. There's a lot of crazy factors...