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Netcode testing

Started by nilcam, December 01, 2011, 07:05:57 AM

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first online experience : disappointing

im from italy connected by cable with one of the best internet company

i played once on ps3 and it was very laggy and i mean very but it was a 2 bars connection

played on xbox too and bigger session here i found a 3 bars connection not so bad but as someone said there is still an under the water feeling. and sometimes the lag increased. HD combo = zero dropped almost all the time in the activation time it kinda freezes

need th netcode to be improved


I live in Sterling Heights, Michigan, I have Wide Open West cable provider, the connection was being used nowhere else. I use a regular Ethernet cable hooked to my router(then to my modem). I have a Netgear router that wasn't routing anywhere else and my modem is a Motorola.

I played about 4 Green bar matches just now they all ran completely smoothly. GG's to Acid Glow btw I'm Drawesome. I play very basically I wasn't trying anything that fancy I use very basic combos so keep this in mind.

I played a Yellow bar that seemed to run perfectly. I didn't notice anything but I was playing very basically. My experience with yellow bar matches is almost always good.

I played 2 red bar matches. The first ran decently then suddenly started stopping and going in slow motion. The 2nd match ran pretty well for red I guess I just had to be more deliberate with my motions and repeat motions that I really wanted to come out. The main thing red bar messes up for me is my jumping and avoiding projectiles in general. Usually red bar matches play much worse for me I think I was lucky today.


How do you guys check what country your opponent is from?

Edit: I'm playing on Xbox 360


Nova Scotia with a directly plugged in connection with 40mb per second plan playing on a PS3.

Something I eventually noticed is that the bars seem to mean absolutely nothing. 1 bar matches were sometimes playable, while some three bar matches would randomly freeze/lag.

Adjusting to the input lag after 60 matches I can generally preform simply non-HD combos now but it's still inferior to pretty much any other 2D fighter at the moment sadly. Barring UMvC 3 as I have only played the original so far.
PSN - Sir_Selah (KoF '95 and XIII).

Batman fights the Riddler while I play unfitting music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gw4sRegYagA


Quote from: Dale on December 03, 2011, 11:08:24 PM
How do you guys check what country your opponent is from?

Edit: I'm playing on Xbox 360

Either we meet them at the DC Wikiya bar and we chat there and ask the info, are in our friends list and we ask them or we ask the stranger we just fought. lol

Mr Bakaboy

Quote from: steamwolf on December 03, 2011, 08:39:40 PM
So far, only played one match online. It was 3 bars, a green connection. However, the input lag was HORRIBLE. I dunno what some people call "a little" lag, but to me this was not playable at ALL. I don't see how anyone could call this playable. I couldn't do anything and felt like I was stuck underwater. This was Soul Calibur IV bad, except SCIV only got this bad on the worst connections. If this is a GREEN connection then I am scared to see a red. I'll be playing in the tournament today, so I'll see how it goes and record every bit of data in this thread. I expect to be having quite a few negative things to say...

If you are referring to the terminology I use for slowdown, the best reference I would use is the Capcom turbo option in X-Men Vs Street Fighter. How it is on a 3 point system (slow,medium,fast). The slightly I used would be like taking it from a 3 to a 2. Now the reason I used slightly is the fact that I played KOF XII when it first came out. If I used the same system, when I played someone from Brazil it would be a -2 on Speed.

Game speed wise the game can be adjusted to. Now if you factor in input lag as well and that's a lot to work with. The worst of it really is if the slowdown is not stable. If it fluctuates then you are screwed cause that throws everything off.

Quote from: SAB-CA on December 03, 2011, 08:54:44 PM
Just one correction Mr. Bakaboy, I'm all the way on the East Coast, North Carolina :)

I can vouch for what you said about the rest of the match though, one of the better matches with fellow DC'ers that I've felt.

Where are you located, btw? I'm guessing Missouri, going by your speed test image?

My bad. Went w/ the CA thing. I'm in a suburb of St. Louis, Missouri. Hope to play you once this testing crap is over. Hard to get serious when you are looking for every little thing that is going on.

Quote from: Dale on December 03, 2011, 11:08:24 PM
How do you guys check what country your opponent is from?

Edit: I'm playing on Xbox 360
On xbox look at the opponent's profile. When it first loads up where the motto would be will be what country they are from.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


should i still post info if im using wireless? i know i should be playing games wired but its a bit of a hassle to constantly move my xbox up and down stairs all the time


Internet upgraded gonna go online for some more testing. back with results later


I have recorded everything I can from the tournament today, as well as some matches prior to playing in the tournament itself, with very bad results. I'd like to mention everyone I played was aware that ports need to be forwarded and they need to on a wired connection without anything else using up the internet. That being said, here is my speedtest.net and pingtest.net results:

Now, here is the results of all my matches. Believe what you like, folks? But this is bad. I see very little good in this and I have to agree with Desmond: If things don't change for the better soon, this game is gonna die out. KoF doesn't have the popularity Namco does, so the players can't keep their community surviving on sheer offline play alone. Maybe we can? Maybe we can't...I won't give up trying but this is gonna make it a lot harder...

Opponent Location: New York
Bars: 0-1
Color: Red
Playable? No. Absolutely not. It was a button mashing spam fest. The person I played was someone I have played several times on other games for PS3 with no lag what-so-ever. We have played without lag on GGPO, Supercade, AND Arclive. I'd even be willing to test a connection with him over p2p Kaillera to be extra sure, it's not us. We have everything port-forwarded and nothing using our internet. No wireless connections. This is just out-right bad and it makes no sense! We're on the same coast...even the sever kaillera days weren't as bad as this. At least same coast play was tolerable!

Opponent Location: USA
Bars: 2
Color: Yellow
Playable? Slightly, still had input lag that was too
much for my tastes and caused me to drop simple bnb combos.

Opponent Location: Toronto
Bars: 3
Color: Green
Playable?: Actually? Yeah. I noticed no input lag at all. Surprisingly, it was tolerable. The guy is in Toronto! Which makes no sense to me since he's much further away than the person I played in NY.

Opponent Location: Minnesota
Bars: 2
Color: Yellow
Playable?: Yeah it was pretty playable. Some minor input lag that was a bit noticeable, but overall it was tolerable and not too bad. Odd since I had a green connection that was a lot worse than this...

Opponent Location: Houston
Bars: 3
Color: Green
Playable?: Very playable. Hardly any input lag noticed. There was a little bit, but still tolerable enough to play.

Opponent Location: Japan
Bars: 1
Color: Red
Playable?: Absolutely not. Too much lag, and then after a bit we lost connection. Every single time we tried since, continuously lost connection. Unplayable 100%.

Opponent Location: Texas
Bars: 3 and 2
Color: Green and yellow
Playable?: Despite the color and bars alternating based on who was hosting and how many times we tried, we constantly lost connection. My opponent had everything set just fine. Ports forwarded, no downloads or anything going on, and a decent connection. Same on my end. We both had no problems playing other people before other than just lag. No idea what caused this problem but it was 100% unplayable as we couldn't even get ONE match going.

That's it guys. I am sorry for all you optimists? But it's not good. This isn't opinion, this is the sad truth. I wanted the netcode to be good and I wanted this game to get played. I dunno how well that will work out now. I'll keep playing but it's a real downer that makes me wanna give up, as I have to drive 45 minutes to 2 hours just to get to anywhere with ANY fighting games being played offline, let alone KoF XIII which is from an unpopular series. Without good netcode, it makes it hard for me to practice online really, which makes things a lot more difficult if I wanna play in a tournament for this. Same-state connections might be the only way to play so I'd recommend everyone find players from their own states to play online. Otherwise? I dunno if I would recommend anyone play KoF XIII online.


2 observations:

You guys should be posting primarily ping times, and of lesser importance, bars.

We don't know if playing with your modem connected to a router could cause delay.


i played a yellow bar with a friend ( don't know exact location pretty far away though) and it was ok. i could do basic combos however my inputs wouldn't register for supers all the time.
psn: darkTown2
kof 13: kyo,iori,k'


Quote from: pablofsi on December 04, 2011, 02:34:53 AM
2 observations:

You guys should be posting primarily ping times, and of lesser importance, bars.

We don't know if playing with your modem connected to a router could cause delay.

I can't get everyone to give me their ping. I provided mine, but that's all I can do. If you want theirs, I'll give you their PSN handles and you're welcome to go ask them.


How would one measure the ping between 2 console players when the game only provides bar ratings?


Quote from: nilcam on December 04, 2011, 03:31:17 AM
How would one measure the ping between 2 console players when the game only provides bar ratings?

pablofsi is worse than a troll.Stop telling everybody it's their fault this netcode is shit.Me and a lot of people have A wired internet and we get nothing close to playable.Please put some videos of you playing this online and do some decent hd combos.Netcode is unstable and fucked up - FACT.

I have very good experience with BBCT/CS, AH3, UMVC3, SSF4.End of discussion.


KOF XIII: Iori/King/Yuri