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Kim Kaphwan (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 05:16:42 AM

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The Fluke

i've found a built in option select with kim; qcb.B (hangetsuzan) can only ever be canceled on hit so you input it after for example d.B d.B s.B and buffer in a super. If it gets blocked, that's it. If the opponent jumps or gets hit for any other reason it will cancel and combo.

I don't know if this is already known, i found it a while ago and just realised that i forgot to post it. I find it usefull, especially for kim on point.


Are you sure? I know qcb+D can be canceled into on block, I'm pretty sure qcb+B would be the same.

If you're talking about whiff canceling though, then yes. I frequently see good Kim players whiff crouch C outside of it's range and they OS qcb+D so that if the counter poke connects it comes out and combos. Whenever you see Reynald whiff crouch C that's what he's doing. The qcb+D can then be canceled to his launcher super for some good damage off a random counterpoke!
(check out the safejump playlist!)

The Fluke

no you missunderstood me, B hangetsuzan can't be canceled out of on block. if you just do B hangetsuzan and buffer in a super, the super will only come out if hangetsuzan fully connects.


You can only cancel specials moves into specials (drive cancel) on hit never on block and the only interesting way to use this is by buffering the special/super while doing a reversal dp for 'hit confirming' it in another combo.

But you can super cancel on block normally ...
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The Fluke

Try to do qcb.B hcf.K on hit and on block.


KOF XIII - Kim: Safe Jump

I know this probably belongs in the safe jump thread, but that's been dead for a while so I figured to post it here. Gutts exhibit some of Kim's safe jumps and how to beat things like Kyo's EX command grab.


Quote from: The Fluke on June 24, 2013, 07:51:10 AM
Try to do qcb.B hcf.K on hit and on block.

I just tested this and The Fluke is right. I tried super-cancelling ground B hangetsuzan on block and it never happened and it only happened on hit. Granted B Hangetsuzan isn't the safest thing around if the opponent decides to block. Still, there might be some use for this weird property.
"NO PROBREM!" -Terry, KOF 2002/UM

The Fluke

Quote from: Frofighter on June 25, 2013, 08:19:33 PM
I just tested this and The Fluke is right. I tried super-cancelling ground B hangetsuzan on block and it never happened and it only happened on hit. Granted B Hangetsuzan isn't the safest thing around if the opponent decides to block. Still, there might be some use for this weird property.

Thank you. I've used it in matches and the two big downsides as i see it is that it's unsafe on block (although atleast online B hangetsuzan is rarely ever punished) and that kims regular super doesn't do a whole lot of damage. All the same, it is interesting and it has worked well in some matches.

I'm wondering about the video that you posted, is the point at the end that safe jumps get beaten by command throws but those command throws can inturn be beaten either by ff.A (possibly qcf.uf.K/qcb.ub.K) or invincible moves OR by just holding downback instead of doing anything? That seems weird.


Quote from: The Fluke on June 26, 2013, 02:24:32 AM
Quote from: Frofighter on June 25, 2013, 08:19:33 PM
I just tested this and The Fluke is right. I tried super-cancelling ground B hangetsuzan on block and it never happened and it only happened on hit. Granted B Hangetsuzan isn't the safest thing around if the opponent decides to block. Still, there might be some use for this weird property.

Thank you. I've used it in matches and the two big downsides as i see it is that it's unsafe on block (although atleast online B hangetsuzan is rarely ever punished) and that kims regular super doesn't do a whole lot of damage. All the same, it is interesting and it has worked well in some matches.

I'm wondering about the video that you posted, is the point at the end that safe jumps get beaten by command throws but those command throws can inturn be beaten either by ff.A (possibly qcf.uf.K/qcb.ub.K) or invincible moves OR by just holding downback instead of doing anything? That seems weird.

I don't quite get it yet myself. I'm gonna run tests with it when I have the chance and see what happens. I'm not sure if crouching right out of the jump causes some alternate guard-esque properties or what. The other options make sense (going airborne immediately/ going invincible/ both) but I don't get what happens with the crouch.
"NO PROBREM!" -Terry, KOF 2002/UM


We did test the post safe jump anti command grab setup by extanding the unthrowable frames.

The results after hours of tests are that you can only expand those by one frame. If your safe jump lose to 3 frames moves you're able to OS the 4f invincible command grab by inputting your crouch guard at a timing near the last frame available. And so one if your doing a 4f dafe jump you're able to make whiff 5frames command grab etc.

It's very hard to perform it consistently, moreover whe didn't found any way to efficiently train it (alone I mean).
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Ohhh cancel on block. Interesting! Gotcha.

And even more interesting about the 1f of throw invuln extension. I have to wonder if it's character dependent since  there is variance there. Reminds me of a video I saw where a frame perfect safejump could be completely avoided by going neutral instead of blocking, making the attack whiff. Weirdness all around!
(check out the safejump playlist!)


With Athena or Kula? Some characters have a wake up game a little bugged.
Follow me on Twitter for a lot of stuff on KoF XIII :



Old but practical not being utilized stuff from XAQshinor
"I used to be a christian then I met anime.. now i practice witchcraft and dark magics."
-Anony on Sankaku


Kim players please stop being lazy & do what the video says & learn this stuff.
"I used to be a christian then I met anime.. now i practice witchcraft and dark magics."
-Anony on Sankaku