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Raiden (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 05:18:07 AM

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Try it man, its very easy. Didn't miss it once online.

EDIT: I just encountered another Raiden online and I can completely confirm that his tackle is junk once released, was using Kim this time. No matter what range I was standing at when he released it, Kim would easily stop him in his tracks with a single jab on reaction. He couldn't get through my jab a single time, timing is not tight at all.

So yeah, there is a universal anti-tackle solution for the entire cast.


Been spending some time learning Raiden, what a fun character to play!  I usually charge D dropkicks because I dislike not having speed/maneuverability with AB.  Low combos seem to be a real bitch with Raiden.  Cr.B, cr.A, st.A, hcf+B will only work if you're really deep and link timing is pretty strict.  Cr.B, st.A, hcf+B seems easier but I haven't tested if it works on crouchers.

Raiden's wiki seems a little inaccurate.  No offense to those who worked on it, but why would say Raiden is a good zoner or that his j.B doesn't have enough priority to connect in combos?  Those things are just flatly untrue.
Kick, punch, it's all in the method. Not mother approved but totally kid tested.


cr.B, cr.A, hcf.B works on crouchers :).

Also, IMO you should always charge B. Pretty much all of his good normals are on D. both far D and j.CD are godlike, he has the best OH in the game with cl.D, sweep is decent and j.D is his best jumpin except for CD. The only thing charging D is nice for is having the feint on tackle vs zoners, and i guess having access to cr.B but thats not such a big deal ^^.


Quote from: JennyCage on July 26, 2012, 04:23:49 PM

Raiden's wiki seems a little inaccurate.  No offense to those who worked on it, but why would say Raiden is a good zoner or that his j.B doesn't have enough priority to connect in combos?  Those things are just flatly untrue.

Yeah, his wiki page hasn't been updated in awhile, so we are waiting on someone that's interested in helping out with that.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


So, how do you do those Super Drop Kick Combos? Say you charge it for 18 seconds, it hits after you do a s.D overhead, you do s.A, then how do you do the followup Super Drop Kick?

And which versions of the Super Drop Kick are invincible to projectiles?
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


No version of the dropkick has enough invul to go trough projectiles from what i know. And that combo is not very good, imo you should never charge 2 dropkicks, and avoid st.A in combos :). Here are some bnbs:

j.CD starter. Also works after anti airs and air to airs. Start charging a D dropkick after the j.CD hits.

cl.D starter. Works after any ground normal (far D into dropkick is an absurd confirm)
Raiden 1 bar 1 drive BnB, OH starter

Also, in both of these you can loop ex tackles for extra damage. Each one adds about 100 dmg.


So why is Raiden so rarely played? I've toyed with him every once in awhile, and he feels great to me, but the almost complete lack of information and interest for him makes me reluctant to commit to learning him. In theory, he seems great to me. He's got the instant command grab, good normals, an ambiguous and strong jump in, and does great damage in combos.

Is it just the disinterest in kof grapplers in general coupled with the dropkick nerfs, or is it something else?


I've been trying to half-assedly learn Raiden for a while now.  I mentioned in a previous post I liked charging D dropkicks so I could still use rolls for evasion and grab setups, but it occured to me this week if someone was feeling cheeky, they could just D throw me over and over and I'd have to release my dropkick to tech it.

I know B dropkicks are superior but it just feels so wrong being forced to eat hard knockdown after hard knockdown.  If people have an aversion to Raiden, it might be because playing him with dropkicks means you have to sacrifice fundamental tools - with D dropkicks you sacrifice throw techs, blowbacks/CDs, the crossup and overhead.  With B you sacrifice ukemi-ing, rolling/GC rolls and low combos.  Charge both dropkicks?  Forget about it, you might as well be a turtle flipped on its back for how vulnerable it feels.

My friend doesn't seem to charge any dropkicks and does a lot better than me.  Maybe dropkicks are overrated?

Right now it's hard for me to see a positive side to the situation when I could just play a character like Vice or Daimon who are just as strong without any of the downsides.  His qcfx2+P super seems trashy as well, haven't found a practical use for it.
Kick, punch, it's all in the method. Not mother approved but totally kid tested.


If someone throws you with D you can tech it with C. There is no specific throw break matching system like in 02/UM.

BUTTTTT, in Raiden's case, yes, you cannot throw break/tech if you are holding down D (HK). But you can tech while holding B (LK).
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Raiden's Trial #7 I believe has him using 2 fully charged drop kicks in a quick combo that leads into Neo Max...

I believe the combo was: Drop kick, lp, Drop Kick ... Neo Max

I recently learned that drop kicks have 4 different charge strengths and I was wondering on the combo potential on the other versions...
In other words, Raiden can combo a light normal after connecting a fully charged drop kick, could it work off of a level 3 drop kick?

Just wondering because 24 seconds is an awful long time to charge and I find that when drop kicks connect, they cause the screen to shake but not to the degree of a fully charged version... basically, many lvl 3 connect in battle, so I'm wondering the exact different between the two versions and the their potential rolls in combos..


Quote from: JennyCage on November 07, 2012, 01:55:05 PM
I've been trying to half-assedly learn Raiden for a while now.  I mentioned in a previous post I liked charging D dropkicks so I could still use rolls for evasion and grab setups, but it occured to me this week if someone was feeling cheeky, they could just D throw me over and over and I'd have to release my dropkick to tech it.

I know B dropkicks are superior but it just feels so wrong being forced to eat hard knockdown after hard knockdown.  If people have an aversion to Raiden, it might be because playing him with dropkicks means you have to sacrifice fundamental tools - with D dropkicks you sacrifice throw techs, blowbacks/CDs, the crossup and overhead.  With B you sacrifice ukemi-ing, rolling/GC rolls and low combos.  Charge both dropkicks?  Forget about it, you might as well be a turtle flipped on its back for how vulnerable it feels.

My friend doesn't seem to charge any dropkicks and does a lot better than me.  Maybe dropkicks are overrated?

Right now it's hard for me to see a positive side to the situation when I could just play a character like Vice or Daimon who are just as strong without any of the downsides.  His qcfx2+P super seems trashy as well, haven't found a practical use for it.

I've been using him as well for a while and came to the conclusion that more is better when it comes to drop kicks. Yes drop kicks provide big damage and can anywhere juggle when charged a lot but that also limits your options and makes you more predictable.

Ended up using an approach where I use more drop kicks by charging them here and there and release level 1 and 2 drop kicks more instead of waiting for 3 and 4. To me the biggest advantage of drop kicks is their free cancel property which can extend the damage on any normal or tackle you connect for free and can turn it into a full combo via drive cancelling.

Its important to vary between using and not using drop kicks (as well as what button you use to charge) to throw off your opponent and make your play more varied because there is stuff that Raiden can't do depending on if he is charging or not and which button he is charging with.


Quote from: Splurgendii on November 08, 2012, 01:34:46 PM
Raiden's Trial #7 I believe has him using 2 fully charged drop kicks in a quick combo that leads into Neo Max...

I believe the combo was: Drop kick, lp, Drop Kick ... Neo Max

I recently learned that drop kicks have 4 different charge strengths and I was wondering on the combo potential on the other versions...
In other words, Raiden can combo a light normal after connecting a fully charged drop kick, could it work off of a level 3 drop kick?

Just wondering because 24 seconds is an awful long time to charge and I find that when drop kicks connect, they cause the screen to shake but not to the degree of a fully charged version... basically, many lvl 3 connect in battle, so I'm wondering the exact different between the two versions and the their potential rolls in combos..

It didn't work when I attempt it. The second dropkick go through the opponent after the LP. I would like to test it again when I come home


Quote from: Splurgendii on November 08, 2012, 01:34:46 PM
Just wondering because 24 seconds is an awful long time to charge and I find that when drop kicks connect, they cause the screen to shake but not to the degree of a fully charged version... basically, many lvl 3 connect in battle, so I'm wondering the exact different between the two versions and the their potential rolls in combos..

Its faster, does more damage and has more invincibility. Most importantly it adds the anywhere juggle property.

Quote from: PureYeti on November 08, 2012, 07:25:33 PM
It didn't work when I attempt it. The second dropkick go through the opponent after the LP. I would like to test it again when I come home

Lvl 4 gains the anywhere juggle property so it shouldn't miss after reseting in the air with a sLP, probably didn't charge long enough.


Just to correct the information, neither of the drop kicks have invincibility since console version, but level 4 is really quick and often interrupts slow moves before they are active or in the whiff recovery.


Quote from: Shaman on November 09, 2012, 06:19:44 PM
Just to correct the information, neither of the drop kicks have invincibility since console version, but level 4 is really quick and often interrupts slow moves before they are active or in the whiff recovery.

Oh yeah, that change log. Thanks.