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Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 05:27:15 AM

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Just keep EX Kyo second.  His options open up a bit more than Andy when presented with Meter.  Or just take EX Kyo completely out of the team because if only one can be on your team and it has to be point, Andy's just better through and through.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Matt Alder

Yeah I agree there, and I'm still experimenting with EX Kyo, trying to find some more suitable combos for a 2nd character. For example, the best damage I've been able to find so far for a reasonable cost is 444+hard knockdown for 1 stock and 1 drive anywhere between mid-stage and the corner. j.D, c.C, f+B, qcf+AC, qcf+A, hcb+A, A [DC] qcf+D,D, qcf+A (1 hit), qcf+A, hcb+A, A. Gives you really good advantage with the hard knockdown.


Yeah, that's punish of choice.  If you're further than that out, you can replace the last part after the EX Rekkas into [DC] HCB+K which makes it 409.  You lose the hard knockdown, but most likely, they're in the corner.

And if nothing else, think of him like this.  Instead of trying to find good damage and stuff to justify him being used second, think of it like...his combos can get really finicky with no bar.  St.C, f.B becomes useless as a string without meter outside into a basic HCB+K.  Doing his C Rekka string is finicky unless you're really close (and it's only for 7 more damage) and nothing else connects without meter.  He's pretty much living off of lights until he gets meter or Drive and once he does, his punishes or frame traps into st.C become a lot more dangerous.

On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Matt Alder

Also being very self-sufficient helps him as a second character. He's not a meter hog, so my anchor will have lots to work with, most likely. He builds meter as fast as he burns it.


And lastly, if he's sitting on Full Drive and 3-4 Bars...now any freaking low he does can lead straight into upwards of 650+ Damage.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


I finally acquired NESTS Kyo, and I'm REALLY feeling him over Normal Kyo.

Normal Kyo, I kinda felt a little uncomfortable with using offensively, while I feel NESTS Kyo has more options, especially with his rekkas and his now normal chain-able st.B. I feel right at home using him (like if I'm playing 98 or 02) and I can't wait to see how I do with him against some humans. Honestly, I would feel more comfortable with Normal Kyo if he had his cheap f+B like he had in 02/UM, and maybe even his qcb+P counter move.

So far, NESTS Kyo is legit.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on January 11, 2012, 08:16:28 AM
Yeah, that's punish of choice.  If you're further than that out, you can replace the last part after the EX Rekkas into [DC] HCB+K which makes it 409.  You lose the hard knockdown, but most likely, they're in the corner.

I don't remember the damage but if memory serves me correctly, outside of the corner you want to use the other EX Rekkas:
;dn ;df ;fd ;a ;c xx ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk ;c xx ;fd ;c (1 hit) DC ;dn ;df ;fd ;d . ;d, ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk ;d


Pretty sure you can't DC off of the f.C in the Rekkas because you'll already be airborne, but I'm not at home right now so I can't test it to be sure. 

If that much is the case, then idk if that would do more damage than the other punish.  It does have to beat 409. (from st.C, f.B starter).
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on January 12, 2012, 07:10:17 PM
Pretty sure you can't DC off of the f.C in the Rekkas because you'll already be airborne

You can do it with the EX version because it's 2 hits and only the 2nd hit is airborne. I'm about to make my way home so I'll update on the damage in a bit.

Matt Alder

j.C/D, c.C, f+B, qcf+AC, hcb+A, f+A, dp+A deals 357 and can be tech rolled.
j.C/D, c.C, f+B, qcf+AC, qcf+A, hcb+A, A deals 308 and grants hard knockdown.
j.C/D, c.C, f+B, qcf+AC, qcf+A, hcb+A, A, [DC] hcb+BD deals 435 and grants hard knockdown.

Is that the comparison you were looking for?


Quote from: Matt Alder on January 12, 2012, 07:33:45 PM
j.C/D, c.C, f+B, qcf+AC, hcb+A, f+A, dp+A deals 357
j.C/D, c.C, f+B, qcf+AC, qcf+A, hcb+A, A deals 308 and grants hard knockdown.

Is that the comparison you were looking for?

No.  I know in the end, the first Rekka chain you listed has more damage, but we're talking about where, in the first one you'd DC into QCF+D.D after f+A then juggle with HCB+K.  Second chain, you just DC straight into HCB+K midscreen after that entire chain.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Matt Alder

Ok, well j.C, c.C, f+B, qcf+AC, hcb+A, f+A (1 hit), DC qcf+D,D, hcb+D midscreen is 421 vs the other string being 409

Damn I'm really liking that as a midscreen B&B. 1 stock and 1 drive for 421+untechable+ the fact that it corners the enemy every single time is pretty solid.

EDIT: Also in the corner j.C, c.C, f+B, qcf+AC, hcb+A, f+A, DC qcf+D,D, qcf+A, wait, qcf+A, hcb+A, A is 437 damage, just 7 less than the j.C, c.C, f+B, qcf+AC, qcf+A, hcb+A, A, DC qcf+D,D, qcf+A, wait, qcf+A, hcb+A, A chain which deals 444.


Yeah, pretty damn solid, though again, gotta have your wits about you.  You do not have a lot of time to DC that f.A.  If you're slip, well it's a bit of a waste.  If you can get it down, it seems to be pretty damn beneficial with the extra damage and the carry.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Matt Alder

Doesn't seem like tight timing to me. The qcf+AC, qcf+A, hcb+A, A DC to qcf+D,D gives you way less time. There's actually a huge amount of cancellable time between the first and second hit of the f+A during EX Rekkas. I'm using that as my main B&B unless something better comes along.


You guys may already know this, but I didn't notice it in any of the combos so I thought I would point it out.

In the corner combos that have qcf+D, D, qcf+A, wait, qcf+A, hcb+A, A in them at the end, you can add on a little more damage by doing qcf+D, D, qcf+A, qcf+A, wait, qcf+A, hcb+A, A.  Timing is kind of a pain for not much extra damage though, but hey, extra damage is extra damage. 

You can also do qcf+C then wait for the first hit which adds a little damage too, less than qcf+A, qcf+A, wait, though

Edit: For example, adding the extra qcf+A into that combo that does 444 increases it to 457.  Using qcf+C instead of qcf+A increases it to 449.