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Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 05:27:15 AM

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I didn't see this one posted but one of the main combos I've been using is:

1 Drive 1 Stock

cl.C xx f.B xx QCF+AC > QCF+A > HCB+A > P [DC] QCF+D, QCF+A, QCF+A > HCB+A > P
402 damage


I did post that, as that's his main BnB in the corner for punish.  Hell, it's one of his trials.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Ben Reed

For a stupid but blissfully simple punish combo into NeoMAX, you can bypass Mu Shiki to do stuff like:

close C, f+B xx qcf,qcf+B+C xx NeoMAX
close C, df+D (2 hits) xx qcf,qcf+B+C xx NeoMAX

Guaranteed 700 damage minimum for full Drive, 3 bars, 4 inputs and almost no conscious thought (beyond something appropriate to the situation, like "whiff whiff big whiff PUNISH"). Very worthwhile for choke artists like me IMO, who need stuff that's impossible to fuck up in the clutch.

Is there any trick to the (qcf+C, hcb+C, qcf+A) HD loop besides "do it fast"? I have about a 50% failure rate on getting the 2nd qcf+A rekka instead of a fresh qcf+C, so right now I just do the old retarded 2k2 loop of [qcf+C, qcf+A] into whatever. Doesn't seem too bad; I can get up to 783 for 3 bars now under ideal circumstances.


hmm... so we've got instant HD going there? another mechanic I hadn't thought of... I'll definitely give those 2 NEOMAX brainless combos next time I get into training, which is hopefully tonight if I'm not to tired after work.

keep playing and keep thinking


Quote from: Ben Reed on December 22, 2011, 11:40:58 AM
For a stupid but blissfully simple punish combo into NeoMAX, you can bypass Mu Shiki to do stuff like:

close C, f+B xx qcf,qcf+B+C xx NeoMAX
close C, df+D (2 hits) xx qcf,qcf+B+C xx NeoMAX

Guaranteed 700 damage minimum for full Drive, 3 bars, 4 inputs and almost no conscious thought (beyond something appropriate to the situation, like "whiff whiff big whiff PUNISH"). Very worthwhile for choke artists like me IMO, who need stuff that's impossible to fuck up in the clutch.

Is there any trick to the (qcf+C, hcb+C, qcf+A) HD loop besides "do it fast"? I have about a 50% failure rate on getting the 2nd qcf+A rekka instead of a fresh qcf+C, so right now I just do the old retarded 2k2 loop of [qcf+C, qcf+A] into whatever. Doesn't seem too bad; I can get up to 783 for 3 bars now under ideal circumstances.

Ooh, great find. I love having a combo that I can just do for the guaranteed damage and final KO, so that's really great.

Seems like there's a lot of potential behind using HD bypass in various special move combo starters AND supers. I did something like that with Leona - wonder what some of my other characters can get from this.
360: Ryujinflame, playing XIII


KOF XIII NESTS style京 サンプルコンボvol.2

I'm surprised that he doesn't have alot of Subcribers but this guy is the shit when it comes to combos


Can anyone make a transcript for that combo?
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on December 22, 2011, 09:18:56 PM
Can anyone make a transcript for that combo?

jd.C, jd.C, cl.C, df.D(2 hits), HD, cl.C, df.D(2 hits), qcf+C > hcb+A/C [HDC] qcf+A [HDC] qcf+AC > qcf+A > hcb+A/C > A/C [HDC] qcf+D > D, qcf+A, qcf+A, dp.C(1 hit) [HDC] qcbhcf+AC [MC] qcfqcf+BD

j2.C, j2.C, cl.C, 3.D(2 hits), HD, cl.C, 3.D(2 hits), 236+C > 63214+A/C [HDC] 236+A [HDC] 236+AC > 236+A > 63214+A/C >A/C [HDC] 236+D > D, 236+A, 236+A, 623+C(1 hit) [HDC] 2141236+AC [MC] 236236+BD


Hmm...that's a neat combo...but spending 5 meters, with an unbelievably annoying hit confirm, and it STILL didn't get 100%?  Idk if I feel that.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Does anyone have comments/suggestions regarding pressure/mixup with EX kyo as opposed to normal kyo?
If you live around Dallas and play KOF, AH3, BB, GG, or MB, PM me~


well now we know not to RED kick up close versus characters with command grabs.
psn: darkTown2
kof 13: kyo,iori,k'


Got some relatively easy 3/4 bar HD combos off the overhead for 829/908 damage respectively.

;fd ;b HD  ;d ;dn ;df ;fd ;c ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd ;c ;c ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd ;c ;c (add ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd ;c ;dn ;df ;fd ;c for Mu Shiki)

(;fd ;dn ;df ;fd ;c ;c is a command to get DP + HD cancel into Rekka)

Cancel the end into either EX Orochinagi or Mu-Shiki, followed by Neomax

You get more damage if you skip the first  ;dn ;df ;fd ;c and go straight into the DP, but it's a lot safer to close any potential gap first, especially if you hit the overhead at max range.

The most damage I've got with variants of these while still starting with the overhead is 840/924, both of which start and finish with DPs before the supers, but I feel that doing it this way is the safest while still doing a legitimate amount of damage. Feel free to experiment.


http://youtube.com/profile?user=JaimeDL = Garou MOTW Videos

http://www.twitch.tv/jaimedl = Garou MOTW streaming from time to time.


KOF XIII Nests Style Kyo Combo

Wow...never even checked if I linked the right one...
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Wow that combo at 1:38 is really tough.