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King (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 05:59:16 AM

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So I saw this video on the front page some time ago:


One of the things I noticed was the liberal use of Double Strike. After watching that video, I was convinced that Double Strike is indeed a viable tool for combos. So my questions is: why do tournament players never use that move? I hardly ever see that move be used in competitive play.


Quote from: marchefelix on September 03, 2014, 08:39:05 AM
So I saw this video on the front page some time ago:


One of the things I noticed was the liberal use of Double Strike. After watching that video, I was convinced that Double Strike is indeed a viable tool for combos. So my questions is: why do tournament players never use that move? I hardly ever see that move be used in competitive play.

Double Strike is used in competitive play when players use King, but in order to use it outside of combos, there has to be some type of read on what the opponent's move is going to be to utilize it that way. Typically it's not fast enough in cases where other moves would be used in those situations to do the same thing, if not better.
"I used to be a christian then I met anime.. now i practice witchcraft and dark magics."
-Anony on Sankaku

Crazy Li

So I was wondering if anyone had any advice on Drive Canceling her dp+K to hcb+K (sorry if this has already been asked, I didn't read the whole thread)

I can't seem to ever do the cancel reliably... maybe 1 out of every 10 tries. I must have the timing off or something. Any tricks to getting this to work? I noticed if I do the EX version of Trap Shot, I can cancel to the hcb+K much easier by starting my motion near the end of the animation, but the same doesn't seem to hold true for B or D versions when I try the same timing.

I kinda wanted to practice doing a loop (dp+D [HDC] hcb+B) but the inability to reliably do the cancel has me drop it all the time. The furthest I've ever gotten was: s.D > df+D > dp+D > hcb+B > dp+D and then it doesn't cancel again.


It's a very easy cancel that should come with a little bit of practice. However, one thing that can make it a little easier is holding the kick button after the HCB motion.

I saw your other posts and added you on steam. I am not that good at the game but I know all of the basics. If you need any help send me a line.

Crazy Li

Quote from: Relique on March 18, 2015, 12:14:12 AM
It's a very easy cancel that should come with a little bit of practice. However, one thing that can make it a little easier is holding the kick button after the HCB motion.

I saw your other posts and added you on steam. I am not that good at the game but I know all of the basics. If you need any help send me a line.

You're so right. It's super easy if you hold it down. Now I can do this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swtxYviWRoE I mean... it's probably not an especially good combo... but it's the best I've ever done in KoF before so yeah >.>


hi, i got problems canceling df D in trap shot.

sometimes it workslike a charme, sometimes i can't get it to work.

It doesn't matter if i'm comboing the slide from other normals, sometimes it works, sometimes not.

Is there a strict timing, is it char specific, or are there circumstances when this cancel does not work?

I can't figure it out


In order to connect trapshot canceled from df+D, you need to cancel it a little later into the slide's active frames. That is, add just a slight pause before you cancel into trapshot, that way King will slide deeper into the opponent, and trapshot will be able to reach them.

This is the common way to do King's 2 meter HD combo, since it does slightly better damage than going immediately into B tornado kick. However, for non-HD combos there's basically no reason to ever go directly into trapshot with a combo.


thanks, that is the exact combo i'm trying to learn.  :)

usually i do specials the as fast as i can and use the button hold trick to make sure that i won't drop my combo.

the timing is a bit weird, i guess it's just a matter of practice.


So, since there's not a matchup thread for King, how do you handle the Athena matchup?  "Don't throw Venom Strikes" seems like a bad idea for King in just about any matchup, but those damn reflectors wreak havoc on any attempts to throw some fireballs.  One of the guys on my Steam list, in particular, has a habit of just repeatedly buffering in the motion and hitting the button when he sees a fireball, and it pretty much just paralyzes me when I see him do it.


Quote from: Cynical on June 23, 2015, 07:00:22 AM
So, since there's not a matchup thread for King, how do you handle the Athena matchup?  "Don't throw Venom Strikes" seems like a bad idea for King in just about any matchup, but those damn reflectors wreak havoc on any attempts to throw some fireballs.  One of the guys on my Steam list, in particular, has a habit of just repeatedly buffering in the motion and hitting the button when he sees a fireball, and it pretty much just paralyzes me when I see him do it.

Try this, use stand CD as a Venom Strike fake since it sorta looks like the animation a little bit. If he keeps trying to reflect your fireballs re-actively, make sure you have a stock or two and use ex HCB+K that is invincible and can go through fireballs and that reflector. Also, you may want to slow try to invade Athena's close range space a bit, and annoy him by neutral jumping when he does his Psycho ball whenever you are far away. All of that will require some patience from you.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Another King question -- if I know that someone is going to sit and block at start of round, do I have anything better to do than slow fireball?  I tried a run-up throw once in that situation (I had faced this same player at least a dozen games in a row and he downbacked at start of round each game, so I knew he was going to block), but the run-up took long enough that he was able to react with some cr.Bs.

Also, in general, how much should I be trying to do traditional keep-away zoning vs. using fireballs as a setup to go on the rushdown?  In Juicebox's video, he makes it sound like I should mainly be doing the latter, but watching Korean King players, they always seem to focus on more traditional zoning.


Quote from: Cynical on June 25, 2015, 09:48:50 PM
Another King question -- if I know that someone is going to sit and block at start of round, do I have anything better to do than slow fireball?  I tried a run-up throw once in that situation (I had faced this same player at least a dozen games in a row and he downbacked at start of round each game, so I knew he was going to block), but the run-up took long enough that he was able to react with some cr.Bs.

Also, in general, how much should I be trying to do traditional keep-away zoning vs. using fireballs as a setup to go on the rushdown?  In Juicebox's video, he makes it sound like I should mainly be doing the latter, but watching Korean King players, they always seem to focus on more traditional zoning.

Try both playstyles each round and see which one you are more comfortable with and which once annoys the opponent more.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


"I used to be a christian then I met anime.. now i practice witchcraft and dark magics."
-Anony on Sankaku


why do that over regular surprise rose ender?