King of Fighters XIII > Takuma Sakazaki

Takuma Sakazaki (Console)

(1/27) > >>


;a = Light Punch
;b = Light Kick
;c = Strong Punch
;d = Strong Kick

* = EX version possible

Command Normals
Ashitou Kyaku - ;fd + ;b

Special Movess
Ko Ou Ken - ;qcf + ;a / ;c *

Kyoukugen Ko Ou - ;qcf + ;b / ;d *

Zanretsuken - ;fd , ;bk , ;fd + ;a / ;c *

Hienshippukyaku - Charge ;db , ;fd + ;b / ;d *

Kyokugen Houken - ;hcb + ;b / ;d *

Desperation Moves
Haohshikoken - ;fd ;hcf + ;a / ;c *

;qcf ;hcb + ;a / ;c

Built Upper - ;qcf x 2 + ;a ;c

Takuma's Wiki entry.

Console changes:
- Jump CD comes out faster
- Stun value on attacks has been lowered
* EX Kyokugen Koou comes out faster and has quicker recovery. Still can’t be comboed from a normal or direction attack.
- Fierce Ryuuko Ranbu comes out faster. It’s still slower than the weak version, but it has invincibility until after the hit detection comes out.
- Weak Hienshippukyaku’s damage reduced from 70 to 50.

Producer Yamamoto says: He has less stun values than the arcade, but he’s still easier to dizzy the opponent than other characters. Also, it’s not written above but damages on his other specials have also been raised, and he’s a character that can do high damage. He’s been buffed in a lot of places like his air CD and invincible Fierce Ryuuko Ranbu, so please try using him.



100% Combo
Using HD mode and starting with 0 Metre

It's on arcade version, look at the insert coin in the upper part of the screen.

It's no longer working (no stun anymore).


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