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Takuma Sakazaki (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 06:06:57 AM

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it annoys me how he dont have an over head like in KOF02um
also im trying to use s.D as anti air like i was using s.B in the old ones (looks similar)
but it fails most of the time.

for the  ;c ;fd ;b> ;db> ;fd ;d
the best way to do it is charging once u see the animation of  ;fd ;b and delay the  ;fd ;d to the last frames of the  ;fd ;b (when he is about be back to normal)
note that If U do  ;fd before the hit land and then  ;d as usual buffering links it wont come out
Im' doing it 100% now

UAE's KOF casuals and tournaments


I've been using Takuma since I started playing the game and I really like playing as him, but I just recently bought the DLC characters and since everyone agrees Mr. Karate is top tier in this game, I decided to try him out and replace Takuma. I found that I don't really like playing Mr. Karate as much, and his combo execution is just harder for me in general. So lately I've been struggling between keeping at it with Mr. Karate or going back to Takuma, and you know conventional wisdom tells me to keep with Mr. Karate since he really does have so many more options and can deal with a lot more stuff. However, I can recognize a few advantages that Takuma has over Mr. Karate and it just seems like Takuma's play style fits my mindset more. I dunno, it's a little hard to tell since I still have such little experience playing with Mr. Karate; the demanding execution of Mr. Karate is definitely a drawback at this point though.

t3h mAsTarOth...!

Karate is so easy man... He does the same combo for everything... Only hard thing about karate is his full screen HD...
KOFXIII - Raiden, Billy, Mai, Karate, Kim, Ralf, Ryo, Robert

SC 1-5 - Astaroth

SaMsTarOth t3h mAsTarOth of AsTarOth...!


when I first started playing kofxiii and picked takuma as my main
I used to do his HD combos every time right specially the one with charging as its my favorite....
however now after playing him too much i happen to drop the HP after the HD activation so f.Lk comes instead and I lose my chance (not sure if Im canceling the HP before it connects or it doesnt even start)
I'm an old school kof players and the BC canceling thing is not new for me as I have been doing it in KOF02um and 2002 with most of the characters
also I can do it right with all my kof13 characters but Takuma pisses me off lately.....



Im talking about the combo in the first match

UAE's KOF casuals and tournaments


Quote from: 9inchsamurai on May 30, 2012, 05:08:16 AM

Karate is more well rounded than Takuma, he has more tools, less weaknesses. But Takuma is far stronger in his speciality, an excellent fireball game and if he founds an opening you lose one character. Moreover for me he is the scariest character in the game, his j.CD and his throw are making me mad.
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Seems like it's a lot harder for Takuma to get that one opening he needs, though. Karate doesn't really have that problem. That and honestly, one mistake against Karate and you might as well be dead, since you end up in the corner with half life gone and stuck in pressure, one more mistake and you're done.


Takuma doesn't really need to get in since he has one of the best fireball game. Plus since his j.CD is somewhat unbeatable you can get in just with hop CDs.
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I don't really think it's a link, but how do you get that connection between s.C into EX Zanretsuken? I see Bala do it a lot in combos where he'll hit a s.C as the character is falling after a corner combo and link it into that, but is there certain situations where it connects? I know it's possible to get it in the corner if you hit them in the air with a jump CD, but it's much harder to get after a corner combo.


It's a cancel. One of his trials has that sequence. You just have to hit f. b. f. AC pretty fast.


Quote from: 9inchsamurai on July 20, 2012, 02:48:04 AM
It's a cancel. One of his trials has that sequence. You just have to hit f. b. f. AC pretty fast.

Oh, it's a cancel?! Wow. Okay, thanks. Practice practice practice.


Just curious, why are the only HD combos mentioned in the wiki ones with 1 frame links?

Any new player would be turned away and no one uses those in real matches (not Bala, not any Japanese players).


Quote from: Diavle on July 21, 2012, 06:02:13 AM
Just curious, why are the only HD combos mentioned in the wiki ones with 1 frame links?

Any new player would be turned away and no one uses those in real matches (not Bala, not any Japanese players).

Yeah, I noticed that too. Those aren't his go to HD combos. The rest of the combo is, just not the start of the combo.

LAB Falken

A lot of the wiki is outdated, I'll notate his standard HD and throw it on the wiki page for someone to update.


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