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Athena Asamiya (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 06:38:50 AM

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Learned the butt loop, huge thanks to Sprint and his vid, couldn't have done it without.

Couldn't get it at all at first, not even once by mistake, but then got it while half looking in a different direction with my hands doing everything on automatic. I was all "wow its the butt loop!" while my hands were mashing that B. Felt like an out of body experience lol. Seem to be able to do it consistently (haven't tried it in a real match yet).

Now this character should be more fun, didn't feel like I was playing her proper without knowing this (kinda like Joe without stun combo, just ain't the same, not as fun).

Also, looking into utilizing her teleports for offence/evasion, the HK version will be useless for anything but a clean get away (as in nothing in her way) but the LK and EX seem like they will do really well overall.

How good would you guys say is her reflector for shutting down hoppers? I know its really fast because Kensou's crouch D into fireball bullshit doesn't work on her thanks to it.


Quote from: Diavle on July 16, 2012, 04:09:34 PM
Learned the butt loop, huge thanks to Sprint and his vid, couldn't have done it without.

Now this character should be more fun, didn't feel like I was playing her proper without knowing this (kinda like Joe without stun combo, just ain't the same, not as fun).

How good would you guys say is her reflector for shutting down hoppers? I know its really fast because Kensou's crouch D into fireball bullshit doesn't work on her thanks to it.

i agree and took athena off my main team cuz of it. i was really dissapointed in myself because i spent over a solid week grinding this combo a few hours a day. i could only get it come out occasionally, and that wasnt until after watching that video as well.

as far as i remember, her reflector will shut down any hop, just have to do it a bit pre-emptively. reacting i think will only have enough time on a full jump.

for those that have this combo down, how would you rank its difficulty in comparison to other characters main combos? i swapped athena for elisabeth, and i always thought liz was on the higher execution side just for the timing, but im finding all of her combos incredibily noob friendly in comparison to athenas f.B loop.


Quotefor those that have this combo down, how would you rank its difficulty in comparison to other characters main combos?
You have two practical setups where you can just hold forward and jump when Athena crosses under your opponent. If you use them it's pretty easy to do. These are:

- c.B , c.B , s.A , dp+A , DC qcb A+C
This one is quite useful as it gives you a lot of time to confirm, and you can use it when pressuring midscreen, or after crossup j.B

- c.C , dp+C , DC qcb A+C
This one is more damaging, but doesn't give you time to confirm your dp , so it should only be used as a punish.


^Yeah, I do it off of s.C or c.B, c.B, dp+C.

Quote from: SPLIPH on July 18, 2012, 01:32:24 AM
i agree and took athena off my main team cuz of it. i was really dissapointed in myself because i spent over a solid week grinding this combo a few hours a day. i could only get it come out occasionally, and that wasnt until after watching that video as well.

as far as i remember, her reflector will shut down any hop, just have to do it a bit pre-emptively. reacting i think will only have enough time on a full jump.

for those that have this combo down, how would you rank its difficulty in comparison to other characters main combos? i swapped athena for elisabeth, and i always thought liz was on the higher execution side just for the timing, but im finding all of her combos incredibily noob friendly in comparison to athenas f.B loop.

Its not as bad as I thought it would be to be honest.

Imo the most important thing is to find a solid visual cue for yourself to follow, don't go by feel or count (which is what I did initially because that's how I do Joe's stun combo). Once I found my cue it started happening very consistently.

My cue is to walk Athena forward until her sprite reaches and walks into her fireball, then I immediately hop and unleash her buttocks. Watch Split's video again and pay specific attention to the part in the beginning where he shows it in slow motion, try spotting your cue there.

And yeah, I tried the reflector against Kyo's hop j.d.C in practice (set the dummy and tried various distances) and its a really solid counter.


Quote from: Tikok on July 18, 2012, 02:35:45 AM
Quotefor those that have this combo down, how would you rank its difficulty in comparison to other characters main combos?
You have two practical setups where you can just hold forward and jump when Athena crosses under your opponent. If you use them it's pretty easy to do. These are:

- c.B , c.B , s.A , dp+A , DC qcb A+C
This one is quite useful as it gives you a lot of time to confirm, and you can use it when pressuring midscreen, or after crossup j.B

- c.C , dp+C , DC qcb A+C
This one is more damaging, but doesn't give you time to confirm your dp , so it should only be used as a punish.

Nice, I didn't think to try that string off the cr.b.

I've been doing cr.b, st.b which gives the same result. Thanks for this

Sent from my R800x using Tapatalk 2


You're welcome~ Feel free to ask if you have any questions about Athena~


does anyone know exactly how safe ex phoenix arrow is? is it -1?


EX Phoeniw Arrow is -2 .

Quote from: Sprint on May 29, 2012, 12:23:52 PM
I measured some framedata a while ago and dumped it on the SRK wiki since I already had an account there:


After either C or D throw, can the opponent walk out of short hop crossup j.f.B?


Quote from: DBC on August 03, 2012, 02:08:04 AM
After either C or D throw, can the opponent walk out of short hop crossup j.f.B?

they shouldn't be able to, is that what's happening to you?
that mean's you're moving too far forward. you just have to move a pixel to make it a cross up


I tried it a couple times in matches a few weeks back, they were able to walk foward out of it.  So you're supposed to walk foward a bit before hopping?

I don't walk foward at all.  I just immediately hop and delay the j.f.B so that it's a crossup.


Quote from: DBC on August 03, 2012, 02:51:59 AM
I tried it a couple times in matches a few weeks back, they were able to walk foward out of it.  So you're supposed to walk foward a bit before hopping?

I don't walk foward at all.  I just immediately hop and delay the j.f.B so that it's a crossup.

might be the delay that is causing it. the way i do it is pretty meaty, so it's already active when they wake up.


With your method, should they block the crossup butt, will an immediate cancel to phoenix arrow hit as a crossup also?


Quote from: DBC on August 03, 2012, 03:55:41 AM
With your method, should they block the crossup butt, will an immediate cancel to phoenix arrow hit as a crossup also?

yes, you have to input it as if you on the other side.


Anyone have some shortcut advice for tick grabbing with Athena?  I notice she'll do DP (DC) command grab if you double trap forward, then hcf.  Strangely these are the exact same motions I use with Claw Iori but he doesn't have this issue.  So far all I have is doing ff, hcb, hcf... but it's a really awkward input.  Looking for something shorter/more reliable.
Kick, punch, it's all in the method. Not mother approved but totally kid tested.