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K’ (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 06:43:38 AM

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Quote from: Crimson_King15 on November 26, 2012, 04:35:02 AM
Quote from: DJMirror949 on November 25, 2012, 08:13:03 AM
Sometimes you have to learn how to improvise your combos since you're never hit it the same way as you would in training most of the time.
I want you to know his has nothing to do with the topic at hand sir.lol

Also sanctuary I don't see what makes him so hard to use. Nest kyo requires just as much if not more execution than k'.

I never said he was hard to use.
Monarch to the Kingdom of the Dead.


Looks like you can minimize push back by mashing cr.B, cr.B or cr.B, cr.A faster. This lets you combo both hits of C Eins Trigger>Second Shell anywhere on the screen.

Also, EX Narrow Spike is so damn good.

Too bad the guard point on EX Minute Spike is so tight that its pretty much useless :/


AS | Reynald has been playing K' for a bit now and he came up with a new combo for him. It's a bit harder than the usual combos, but has full corner carry for half a drive.

j.C, st.C(1), f+A, qcb+B(x2), dp+A(1), [DC] qcf+C, f+D, run forward, qcb+K, qcb+K (whiff), dp+A = 411 dmg

You can relaunch an opponent with this drive cancel combo and carry them all the way to the corner using st.C, f+A. Again, it's a little bit more difficult than his other combos, but knowing you can run afrer dp+A, qcf+C off of Narrow Spike is good tech. Random hits can turn into really damaging launchers.

Zen Woo

Quote from: Reiki.Kito on January 24, 2013, 10:51:51 AM
AS | Reynald has been playing K' for a bit now and he came up with a new combo for him. It's a bit harder than the usual combos, but has full corner carry for half a drive.

j.C, st.C(1), f+A, qcb+B(x2), dp+A(1), [DC] qcf+C, f+D, run forward, qcb+K, qcb+K (whiff), dp+A = 411 dmg

You can relaunch an opponent with this drive cancel combo and carry them all the way to the corner using st.C, f+A. Again, it's a little bit more difficult than his other combos, but knowing you can run afrer dp+A, qcf+C off of Narrow Spike is good tech. Random hits can turn into really damaging launchers.

I'll try this on traning mode, I guess I have a lot to read in this thread, thank you guys.


I haven't had much time at all to read this paticular thread but I was going to see if you guys can maybe help me out with your knowledge on couple of matchups. Just recently I had finally gotten me a new training partner and so far against him I seem to be lost in some matchups against Mature, Kim, Ralf and both Kyo's. I guess the first question would be how handle what seems to be the safe first or second rekka from Mature like for instance is it even punishable in anyway what so ever. I can ask the same thing for Kim's hangetsuzan's, Nests Kyo's rekka like special strings of all types. My next question would be for me to ask how you guys also approach each of the matchups because I can't seem to generate even a halfway decent offense against them unless I can manage to get them in the corner. Getting around projectiles has never been an issue, I guess what I'm asking is how to approach them safely in the non-projectile way when K's projectiles aren't doing then job. I guess that's the best way for me to describe my situation anything you guys can tell me would be much appreciated.


Quote from: Mephisto on February 01, 2013, 07:17:09 AM
I guess the first question would be how handle what seems to be the safe first or second rekka from Mature like for instance is it even punishable in anyway what so ever. I can ask the same thing for Kim's hangetsuzan's, Nests Kyo's rekka like special strings of all types.

Have you tested Mature's rekkas, Kim's Hangetsuzan's and Nests Kyo's rekkas strings in practice mode using the record function? That might help you find out how to deal with them:

KOFXIII Record mode tutorial
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


I have taken the time to use the record/playback features from the practice and I've discovered some ways to punish most of your said moves from the first attack of each rekka that and hangetsuzan of all kinds. Though they're and an absolute pain to be consistent with at the time. Thank you for the tip Desmond dispite me not having to watch your made tutorial but thanks for the reminder nevertheless. I did however to manage to discover with Mature's first rekka is punishable on block but I believe it's only that way at point blank range, that and only his st.b as a standalone move is that punish which can luckily link into a full hd combo but since there's no real hit confirm in that link I would have to say that it's likely a gamble not worth taking of course though in my opinion and noone has to share my thoughts on that in the least. So to progress on that matter further if at all possible despite me saying to st.b is the only punish K' has against that move I would like to hope that I can be proven wrong and that it is not K's only possible punish and that there may actually be perhaps a real punish combo for that move. Any new input would be greatly appreciated.


Nothing really here. K' has d.B and if that whiffs, he literally has nothing else aside from st.B into HD bypass (or if you're good, HD activation off st.B into dash) that punishes far away.

If d.B does hit, you can link EX Ein Trigger and pop them up with the D follow up. You'll need to run forward, but that's full combo right there.

After the second rekkas though, you can sweep them. 2 meter means you can go into EX Chain drive after the sweep for free.

FM Sway

I am having a very hard time with K' in the air lately. It made me realize I really have no clue what to do with K' when I make him jump in the air.

Also, what's is j.A useful? What about j.B? I feel like jumping B is a tool I should be using more.


j.A is a good air to ground attack. It can cross up almost all of the cast. It's okay air-to-air, but it has short range a downforward angle of attack. So it's not a very good normal for air-to-air. It's also one of his fastest normals. You can cancel this into qcb+K in the air.

j.B is completely horizontal, but it also hits underneath K'. This is pretty good as an air-to-air because it sticks out, but it's still pretty short. For bigger characters like Maxima and Daimon, this is pretty easy and ambiguous as a cross up tool. Doesn't/rarely crosses up anyone else but big characters.

j.C is also like j.A, but slower and has more hitstun. It's a pretty good air-to-ground attack, but again it has very short range so it's not the kind of attack you air to air with. You can also cancel qcb+K in the air with this normal. Because it's slower, it's a little more difficult to time and correctly position cross ups with this normal. Hitstun's not EXCELLENT either, but it gets the job done.

j.D is probably K' best air-to-air normal. It hits horizontal and a little underneath him. It's much faster than his j.CD and covers a great deal of range in front of him. Using it at a spaced distance means you'll tag people before they even get near you. However, it has a very small vertical attack range. If it's too early, people can duck it, and you can get hit with low B's. You can cancel this to qcb+K in the air.

FM Sway

Quote from: Reiki.Kito on February 14, 2013, 11:01:33 AM
j.A is a good air to ground attack. It can cross up almost all of the cast. It's okay air-to-air, but it has short range a downforward angle of attack. So it's not a very good normal for air-to-air. It's also one of his fastest normals. You can cancel this into qcb+K in the air.

j.B is completely horizontal, but it also hits underneath K'. This is pretty good as an air-to-air because it sticks out, but it's still pretty short. For bigger characters like Maxima and Daimon, this is pretty easy and ambiguous as a cross up tool. Doesn't/rarely crosses up anyone else but big characters.

j.C is also like j.A, but slower and has more hitstun. It's a pretty good air-to-ground attack, but again it has very short range so it's not the kind of attack you air to air with. You can also cancel qcb+K in the air with this normal. Because it's slower, it's a little more difficult to time and correctly position cross ups with this normal. Hitstun's not EXCELLENT either, but it gets the job done.

j.D is probably K' best air-to-air normal. It hits horizontal and a little underneath him. It's much faster than his j.CD and covers a great deal of range in front of him. Using it at a spaced distance means you'll tag people before they even get near you. However, it has a very small vertical attack range. If it's too early, people can duck it, and you can get hit with low B's. You can cancel this to qcb+K in the air.

I've been using this advice much more now, and I see some improvement in my game. BUT, I do have one huge problem lately.

I am having a LOT of trouble with characters who carry godlike j.CD attacks. My boy plays Takuma and he goes apesh*t with it, and sometimes it's overwhelming. To me if feels like Takuma's hop is quite low and it only just adds to the J.CD. What can K' do in those situations?

It feels like going air-to-air against characters with good j.CDs is just asking to get destroyed. I feel like only a good read and a very pre-emptive j.B or j.D can beat or at least trade, but man, if it's a counter hit, especially if it's Daimon, ugggh lol.

Can anyone also suggest a good frame trap I can use for K' in the corner? It could just be basic or super advanced, it's fine with me. I'm noticing that K' is more about spacing, and I'd like to be able to pressure with K' more.


I struggle alot against people with pretty good j.CDs. Sometimes, it's better not to fight them in the air. Sometimes, it's better to just use your ground options.

First option should be to block. If it's the first time someone does a j.CD at you to get in range of you, you're pretty safe in blocking. Whatever they try, if you can't respond to it, blocking's the safest option. If they want to keep trying to j.CD you, you can poke them with st.A to get out of it.

Next thing is to DP. This is the easiest and riskiest thing you can do. I'd rather do it against someone jumping really high as you'll likely use C crow bites. If you use A Crow bites, you'll want to do it as they come closer to you to insure the invincibility doesn't wear out. C can be done at the top of their jump arc. Hell or high water, you'll hit them. You have to react quickly on this front though or you'll miss the opportunity. Also keep in mind their jump arc as K' might go right by them as they jump.

What I've been doing lately is backing up and doing qcf+C. C Ein Trigger is active for a really long time so when I use it after doing a backdash, they often land in it or collide with it. If they're doing it super meaty, they'll run right into Ein trigger before they hit you. This is a bit harder to get used to, but it's less risky than doing a DP, but probably not as damaging.

The last options are a bit harder because it involves either reacting quickly or reading. K' low B lowers his hitbox a lot. You can go under a lot of j.CDs like Daimon, Shen, Takuma, Mr. Karate if they do the j.CD early as an air-to-air. You can bait them to do this by hopping straight up once or twice from a reasonable distance and whiffing a j.CD. If they take the bait, they might try to respond by doing a hop CD. This abuses the fact that they can't block on the way down and they're already expired. You can link the d.Bs into a small combo or just whiff so you can do something a bit more advanced (Throw, st.C, HD bypass)

As for frame traps, the only three I can think of are ones using his light normals.

d.B, d.A => You're +1 after the d.A, but you're at far normal range.
d.B, (delay), d.B => Natural combo so it's a natural frame trap
d.B, st.C => Unnatural, but the blockstun into st.C makes late pressing difficult.
d.B, d.B, d.B, qcf+A => Max range of A Ein Trigger puts you at positive frames
Any normal, qcf+AC => +11 on block. You can literally guard break someone doing this over and over again.
(Opponent's wake up), qcf+C, d.B => This actually links on a knocked down opponent, do it just as they get up and they won't be able to do anything. Watch out for DPs.
st.B, st.D => In midscreen, does nothing useful. In the corner, low move blockstring other than d.B

d.B, st.A (whiff) => This needs its own explanation.

This frame trap is a bit risky because you're inherently safe, but you're whiffing a normal. If someone responds right after the blockstun, you're pretty toast. d.A has pretty poor range and might not encourage blocking low, but for more frame advantage so use this if you feel less safe.

Whiffing a standing jab, for a lot of people, usually solicits a response. You can check to see what people do during this period of limbo where you might not be hitting them. If they continue to block, you can do a number of things. You can hop up, do st.C, do d.B, walk forward and throw them, walk forward and do nothing, walk forward and do d.B, etc. The things you can do from a whiffed light are pretty endless. You can also be very bold and free cancel it into command normals like f+A or specials like a crow bite.  Your st.A will hit them if they try to jump or switch to stand blocking. Aside from flash kicks and very fast buffering dps, it'll likely catch someone trying to do a reversal move as they stand. Again, if they're mashing right out the gate, they're probably going to tag you when you respond, but if you know this, you can have a counter ready for them.

That's about all aside from st.C, f+A, Ein Trigger. If they aren't blocking low, and this is super risky, you can sneak in a fast narrow spike because it's a natural combo. I've tried to delay it, but it might not come out. Aside from less effective stuff, just stick to 1,2 hit delayed normals to trick them.


Hey guys, sorry if this has already been asked, but there's 19 pages here and I'm too lazy to look through them all, lol.  How do you drive cancel DP into qcf+P without getting overlapped into a DM or EX DP?
Kick, punch, it's all in the method. Not mother approved but totally kid tested.


^ "-Canceling dp into qcf (e.g K' dp+P, [DC] qcf+P)--> hcb~f+P, qcf+P "
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Kick, punch, it's all in the method. Not mother approved but totally kid tested.