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Mr. Karate

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 06:51:19 AM

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DL'd Mr. Karate awhile ago he is definitely easier to use than Takuma BUT he ain't the easiest character to use. IMHO his DP>Brake is ALOT easier than Andy Brake (may accidentally trigger EX Kuuhadan) anyway I still like using Takuma. But Mr. Karate makes a good secondary.


Is it just me or is he not available on the North American PSN yet? I woke up this morning all excited that he'd been released, went to download him, but there's no sign of him in the store :(.


Not super hard combo in the corner :

540 for 50% drive and 1 stock

J. ;c;c;fd+ ;a,  DP+ ;c, [break] DP+ ;a, DP+ ;a [DC]  hcf+ ;b, qcf, hcb+ ;a

Notes : you can try to cancel the  ;fd+ ;a a bit quicker to avoid it whiffing the last hit if you didnt touch them the closest possible, and you have to drive cancel when you're high after the DP or it'll whiff


FML only 360 gets him today? I have to wait until the 12th? Booo!

At least, that's what I think this Japanese means...

価格   :400マイクロソフトポイント

価格   :500円


Favorite random Meter-burning stupidity: After a Kohou-break, you can loop tiger-knee'd EX HSK. Followup with whatever, excellent corner carry.

He can jump-cancel standing weak kick into weak HSK for a combo, and this can be drive cancelled into his EX HSK for the crazy carry again.

Hop back weak HSK is also a great punish for predicted DPs and the like.

New command normal easily can be combo'd into off lights, and is one of few things that leaves an enemy in enough hitstun to land a strong Ko'ou -> Dash. It also is one of few things that combos after the full 3 hits, rather than just cancelling after 2 like Kohou-break. After the dash-in, you can continue to follow up for reset of a weak Kohou in corner.

Already really liking this guy. He has tricks for all levels of opponents, nice depth, a fresh take on things, and he's kinda like Kushnood! Just great all around!


 I really like Mr.Karate. You can Jump cancel ST.B only on hit as well as  cr.D (good mixups afterwards for those who tech up). I kind of wish it was on it block as well because, that would make for some nasty cross over/over head 50/50 setups. Though, if you're willing to sacrifice a j.D - St.B hit confirm for more mind games/more damage then go for it. St.B on hit confirm can be canceled into Neo Max or, for more damage J.D -> (HIT CONFIRM) ST.B -> 6C -> Neo Max = 314 total damage. Without the J.D hit confirm the damage scales up to 333.

He can Link St.D (close) into ST.B. which makes a nice block string. Most people won't realize this due to the long recovery animation of his standing B and, try to attack. If the timing is done successfully and, your opponent tries to attack after st.D they'll eat the ST.B.

Hitting Lk+LP after strong DP can cause his DP to have less recovery (Not sure if I said that right)? It makes so that on hit you can follow up with other attacks on hit (light DP/supers/Neo max/etc..). His QCF+ ;b can be dash cancelled as well on hit/block.

Quote from: SAB-CA on January 10, 2012, 08:56:48 PM
He can jump-cancel standing weak kick into weak HSK for a combo, and this can be drive cancelled into his EX HSK for the crazy carry again.

Would have never known that if it wasn't for you lol. thnx. I already have some corner resets in mind now lol.

(SAB CA Edit- Just merging the 2 post, lol. And glad to have helped!)
Ash Crimson - Rock Howard - Yun-Seong - Amy Sorel - Helena Douglas - Kokoro - Jin Kazama - Alisa Boskonovich - Lili - Yun - Sakura - Karin


Quote from: b4k4 on January 10, 2012, 07:51:55 PM
FML only 360 gets him today? I have to wait until the 12th? Booo!

At least, that's what I think this Japanese means...

価格   :400マイクロソフトポイント

価格   :500円

no psn is supposed to get him today psn usually updates at 6-7 pm est. though so wait for 3-4 more hours.
psn: darkTown2
kof 13: kyo,iori,k'


Yeah, the sky isn't falling after all. Just downloaded him. I'm not used to waiting for PSN updates, so I just expected it to unlock at midnight like with Steam :P.


st.C, f+B, qcf+C, [DC] dp+C [AB brake], qcf, hcb+AC does about 530 damage

Add a jump-in for extra damage.

Also, the EX Kohou on crumble is a free super.


I've still got another day to go for jpn psn (dunno why this is always the case).

Wait makes ANGRY!


When in HD mode I keep accidentally doing qcf+C [HDC] dp+C [HDC] qcf+A instead of braking the DP. I know that my best solution is just to learn to do it cleaner, but I felt like whining.

I'm knee-deep in maining Takuma so this is kind of just a first run trial, but this is probably the first time the "no alter-egos on the same team"  rule is causing some internal conflict for me.


i bought him this morning.. when are u supposed to cancel the srkA version into the "air spinning kick"? srkC easy but srkA? Oo

KOF XIII: billy, ralf, clark
KOF XII: ralf,kyo,ryo


Really late.  Like REALLY late, like on the edge of either you connecting, or no DC happening at all.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Proto Cloud

I've been messing around with him, but he doesn't seem as broken as he looked. He's definitely very strong, I want to see what tech people come up with.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on January 11, 2012, 06:29:03 AM
Really late.  Like REALLY late, like on the edge of either you connecting, or no DC happening at all.

lol ok gonna try some more this afternoon ^^

KOF XIII: billy, ralf, clark
KOF XII: ralf,kyo,ryo