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Tier List

Started by sibarraz, December 07, 2011, 12:08:32 AM

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Yeah, I know, is still premature to make a tier list considering that the game was released 2-3 weeks ago, but in your opinion, how is the tier list at the moment?

I'm interesed in the opinion of the habituals from the 1.1 version, since they could give us a better view considering the changes that everybody got

Waifu Material


Kula = S tier

They didn't nerf her enough, she needs to be like K, that in Mid screen she has problems pulling out her long combos but in the corner there is no problem with it. I say that as someone who likes to use her, I even think she has too many tools.


Quote from: DarKaoZ on December 07, 2011, 01:13:37 AM
Kula = S tier

They didn't nerf her enough, she needs to be like K, that in Mid screen she has problems pulling out her long combos but in the corner there is no problem with it. I say that as someone who likes to use her, I even think she has too many tools.

Kula's not that broke. Although I completely went braindead this weekend (I thought I could throw her out of her layspin attack), you can do a dp in between them. Her forward B pressure is annoying, but you can trade with your own 4-frame moves, you also can dp people or hit her from below if your character has a low hitbox.

I think Kula is different and is played more combo intensively because people are not abusing her EX Layspin as a get out of jail free card. However, I also feel she's gotten much weaker without it. I'm less bothered by her than I was in arcade.

I can't really say much on tiers. People say low tier characters are still low tier, but Daimon and Mai are much more dangerous, unpredictable, and just plain scary. Kyo's still good and so is Andy, but they still have the same weaknesses they had in arcade.


It's EXTREMELY premature to try and do a tier list, especially when the ones for this game will probably be insanely compressed.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


you cannot make a tier list based on 2 weeks of matches even if you are playing a ton offline each week, especially for a cast of this size and when where they are placed in the team must be considered
at best someone who has had a lot of play so far and knows how to compare to arcade XIII due to experience with that version could present decent opinions of the placements of a few characters, but that is far from a list
If you live around Dallas and play KOF, AH3, BB, GG, or MB, PM me~


Tier list?! GTFO! I was at least asked this question 100 times at NEC and will say the same thing it's too early and every character is damn good except Leona. (lol)


Quote from: THE ANSWER on December 08, 2011, 02:12:39 AM
every character is damn good except Leona. (lol) someone

this :D indeed everyone have great tools to say something in every matchup... and i like that!!! btw i point out kensou is kinda OP ;) remember me when someone other complain about him xD

Running Wild

S - Hwa Jai
Z - Everybody Else


I don't believe there's an S+ character that rapes everyone else like Chun in 3S.

S: Billy, Clark, EX Iori (possibly the other EX characters)

A+: Shen, Saiki, K', Hwai.

A: Everyone else.

B+: Raiden, Terry.

B: Maxima, Leona.

Leona's still good, her Air Super makes her very dangerous, she just takes a little more work to win with. Maxima has guard points as his biggest advantage, but I would say a little more than half the cast can get around that and make it hell for him to get in. I will maintain that Raiden is B+, it's really hard to get in with him, and he just doesn't quite have the damage as Goro or Clark.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


I'm not gonna lie, I wish someone would close this thread real quick.  This shit is what the new breed of FGC people have brought.  Not only can people now a days not play a game without thinking about this, they don't even have the patience to freaking wait at least a month before even CONSIDERING a freaking tier list.

It's either because A: People want to see who's on top immediately so they don't have to put any rational thought into who they wanna play, no, they just want who they think will be the easiest to win with.  Or B: People who are losing want to see if who they use is low tier so they have an excuse that's not their own skill level.

Seriously, this early into a game, this kind of thread only promotes bad things tbqh.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: LouisCipher on December 08, 2011, 07:26:41 AM
S: Billy, Clark, EX Iori (possibly the other EX characters)
hahaaa, nice! First I loled, but then, I saw your avatar and I understood...  xD

But yeah, its def. too earlier, to say anything about tiers...  but:
Quote from: Mazinkaiser on December 08, 2011, 02:18:46 AM
btw i point out kensou is kinda OP
This is true! LOL

Anyways, I'm agree to say in the console edition, there are not GodTier or S++, no brokenness at all
ALL chars are very interesting and awful !!

In the top (imo) I think we'll find: Kyo/EXkyo, Kensou, EXIori, K', Kula, Yuri, Takuma, Duolon, Andy, Saiki and Mai maybe not in the top but for sure not in bottom like before...  Maybe Mr. Karate will be that S++ ...  :p  xD



Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: LouisCipher on December 08, 2011, 08:32:03 AM
Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on December 08, 2011, 07:31:11 AM

Honestly, it's just for fun dude.

Even if it's just for fun, I don't want newer people to come in here, see a random tier list, and start taking it as gospel thus starting a complete downward spiral.  Seriously, even if it's for fun, I'm sure that you won't die if this shit gets closed or we hold off on it for another month or two.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on December 08, 2011, 09:16:51 AM
Quote from: LouisCipher on December 08, 2011, 08:32:03 AM
Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on December 08, 2011, 07:31:11 AM

Honestly, it's just for fun dude.

Even if it's just for fun, I don't want newer people to come in here, see a random tier list, and start taking it as gospel thus starting a complete downward spiral.  Seriously, even if it's for fun, I'm sure that you won't die if this shit gets closed or we hold off on it for another month or two.
and im sure you wont die if it stays up granted i do share you dislike for tier list ,"pros" spaming top tiers etc. but honestly dude its just a discussion not the final word itself. though i guess a name change for this thread might be a good idea  if you could some how reword it to not sound like a tier list thread


I don't think Tier lists are important in KOF.  They also give people the wrong idea about characters.  If we "speculate" people get out of hand and take things out of context.  Just like every other game.

Besides every character in the game is pretty damn good in their own right.  So no need to say who's what tier.  I can see why people don't care about a list because it leads to nothing but complaints.  Nobody will die without a tier list because they are just opinions anyway and you know what they say about opinions ;).