Sakazaki Dojo > Online Matchmaking

Good games shout out thread!

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Didn't see one of these on here. (and if there is one and, I didn't see it then this will probably be locked lol)

Good games shout out thread. shout out your memorable online opponents that, you enjoyed fighting. Hopefully this will help to look out for some excellent players online. Oh, you don't have to but good idea to put if the matches were on psn or, xbl.

I actually have 2 GT's
YaGAmi L0VER (secondary)
Scatteredreams (default).

Umm anyways ggs to Mr Bakaboy ( I recall him playing Mai, Chin, and Andy) and, Banana Ken  (Hella good Athena)

GGs to BioBooster and Kane (when the connection was almost decent). Hope to get more in with either of you.

More GGs to BioBooster who put up a monster fight with Beni and Joe. When lag wasn't affecting much, we had too many close matches. Awesome how good this game can be in so many ways.

Rex Dart:
GGs to DavidKong. Your Leona is still scary as hell.  :)

Apologies for my scrubby Japan Team.  :(

ggs to nilcam from for quick 5-piece session. Lotta different characters in use during our set which kept it fresh! We gotta roll again sometime!


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